• Newport Railway station
    Because the people of Newport never had a say in the transformation of the Railway station, It just happened. Nobody likes it that I've ever heard anyway. Let the people who live here have some input into changes, before they just spend money on stupid things.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Kinsella
  • Mortgage Accessibility for Private Renters
    This issue affects everyone. Everyone that is renting a home but doesn't want to. Everyone who is struggling daily, weekly and monthly to get by. Everyone with 2/3/4 jobs just to make ends meet. The people in power don't see this issue because they are not living paycheck to paycheck. They don't understand the stress of paying rent every month for years on end and having nothing to show for it at the end of the day. Or the stress of never feeling secure in your home incase your landlord sells from under you. It's looking after the rich and exploiting the poor, and nowadays, everyone is poor.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brogan Stewart
  • Put tactile tiles on ALL railway platforms - stop fatalities
    A coroner’s hearing blamed lack of tactile tiles for a blind man’s death. Although these sound like harrowing, rare incidents, falls from platforms due to a lack of tactile paving happen all too often according to the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB). It says studies have shown that blind or partially sighted people make up 15% of all those who fall from platforms, despite representing only 3.3% of the UK's population, although no specific numbers were provided. It said it was "aware of several similar occurrences" where the lack of tactile paving may have contributed to people with sight loss falling onto railway tracks. Currently, 40% of mainline railway stations in England, Scotland and Wales do not have tactile paving - that amounts to about 1,000 stations. The rail network in Northern Ireland has tactile paving on all its platform edges, according to the RNIB. Cleveland's death happened in the same London region as Artur's fall. "I'm angry that's it's still happening eight years after me," Artur says. "I'm angry because no one did anything.". Since 1998 the government has said the implementation of tactile paving should be "considered" in new developments and improvement schemes at stations. Guidance it reiterated in 2021 but currently, it is not a legal requirement to incorporate it. Artur says: "It is incomprehensible to me that almost a quarter of a century wasn't long enough to install tactile paving. "It only shows that the rail industry doesn't care enough about the health and safety of disabled passengers." This has been advocated for over 25 years! What is stopping this measure except lack of commitment?
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Johnty Ebenezer
    Each year, on November 11th., we all remember the veterans who died for their country. During the First World War, Private W. Tongs was killed undertaking 9 acts of bravery, each act deserved the Victoria Cross, but due to bureaucratic failure, it was overlooked and not issued, despite being recorded on his Government Burial Certificate 5 years after the event, as can be seen in the website:- www.tongsvc.co.uk
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Tongs
  • Tougher laws for people who bully vulnerable people
    This affects many people of all ages and spectrums. 2022 and people still live in fear, get excluded socially all because they have a learning disability. This needs to change.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donna Arnold
  • 2030 is unnecessary delay to stop all HIV infections in the UK
    Other people should join this petition to tell those organisations, the government and the NHS that it could be doing better and 2030 is just not good enough. There is no reasonable explanation why HIV cannot be stopped sooner and why are these organisations. like THT, the Elton John AIDS foundation decided to sit on their hands and fail over the decades to democratise HIV sector and push for better representation of HIV+ people directly to have a say in their own NHS care - why has been left to a doctors union to saturate the commissioning of HIV services and wield to much power over the sector. It is important to stop the silent complicity that is threatened by adverse public contract outcomes by the people who set the specifications for HIV treatment and also have a hand in the awarding of contracts to HIV charities and sit on the boards and trustees for the same charities. It is important to stop excluding HIV+ people as they have limited say and input into a sector that claims to be representing their needs but is constantly prioritising the funding applications for public contracts.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Reading
  • Rent for mortgage
    To allow hard working families an opportunity to buy property and secure their families financial future
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leigh O'Driscoll
  • Stop the process of moving legacy benefits to Universal Credit
    Legacy benefit ESA lost out in the £20 uplift and DWP are going to do it to us again by moving us over to Universal Credit.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wayne Jones
  • Road safety campaign for Bogthorn and Oakworth
    Our residents don’t have safe crossings - speed cameras and other safety measures need to be put in place. The current situation causes residents serious risk by passers exceeding the 30 mile restrictions in our area. One fatality has already already occurred. Residents are not safe crossing the road and neither are children who attend our local primary school.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcia Dewhirst
  • Fighting for Affordable Housing in Leeds
    From data gathered in 2019, there are currently at least 429 people living on the streets (Leeds Live, 2019). This figure emphasises the importance of providing support to those sleeping rough as the number continues to rise. Through this campaign fighting for affordable housing, I am stressing the importance of the impacts on rough sleepers. As those sleeping rough have access too little opportunities to improve their situation, this causes people to spiral, resulting in negative stigmas. Therefore, by attempting to reduce the pricing of houses, whilst offering a scheme, effectively would provide better support for rough sleepers.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Martin
  • Save 11 Blenheim Mews in Minehead!
    Minehead is a busy seaside resort on the north coast of Somerset. The town's architectural landmarks are as vital to its economy as it's many other attractions. Many of these buildings are formally recognised period properties. Without Minehead's unique history, the town would not hold as much of a draw to the tourists on which the local economy predominantly depends. The Somerset Historic Environment Record includes every one of Minehead's landmarks and should be safeguarded at all costs. But it is now under threat from developers! 11 Blenheim Mews is one of the buildings on this list and is currently in danger of becoming redeveloped beyond recognition. The stable building is one of the last of its type in Minehead still in its original condition. The Victorians built these stable buildings to serve the imposing Victorian houses of Blenheim Road and are part of the Wellington Square Conservation Area. However, the application intends to remove all original features that make this building unique. The design involves building an extension right up to the front boundary, installing a large, metal bi-fold door and fibre cement sheet cladding to the front aspect, laying a patio area directly outside, installing painted metal windows, three dormer windows and as many skylights. The application also proposes the extensive use of bricks, which is an entirely inappropriate material compared to the stonework of the neighbouring buildings. The building is in the centre of town amongst Minehead's highest-profile landmarks and heritage assets. The proposed application would fail to preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area, endangering the historical integrity of the current building and compromising the Somerset Historic Environment Record. Any works should preserve the original facade of the building. If developers lay waste to 11 Blenhiem Mews, the Somerset Historic Environment Record will not even be worth the paper it is written on. The original features of this building deserve better than being consigned to the scrap heap. The planning application is available to view on the Somerset West and Taunton planning portal. The application is entitled "3/21/22/041 | Conversion of residential garage and first floor workshop, with erection of a single storey extension, into 1 No. dwelling with parking | Garage to the rear of Blenheim Mews, Minehead, TA24 5QZ" Please sign this petition today!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Protect Minehead Picture
  • Force Big Power Companies to do The Right Thing
    Everyone in the UK not living off the grid is being held to ransom by greedy Utility Companies, enabled Government and the so-called Regulator, in the anti-social behaviour of over charging and hiding profits by operating split business models to allow disingenuous presentation of profits.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Hulme