• Reopen the Police Investigation into Partygate
    The longer this matter goes on, the more urgent it becomes to resolve it, so the country can move on, we can restore dignity and integrity to our Politics, and stop being an international laughing stock (as we have become), enduring such apparent tawdry and criminal behaviour from a man who has brought the office of Prime Minister, and his party, into disrepute.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Mcginty
  • Get wheelie bins in Swansea
    It is important for Hygiene, I believe everyone would agree
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Talisha Kenton
    This is important because if we allow online poker sites to ignore rules then it will continue to be the norm. Where you have no consumer rights. Bad behaviour and fraud is endemic in online poker by staff.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Combe
  • Safety on cycling
    Because i'm fed-up with seeing some people who don't wear a cycle helmet and wear dark clothing with no hi-vis and no lights whatsoever I have almost collided into those people whilst cycling home from work.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ryan Willcox
    For the continued developmental confidence of the children, to stay within their current class.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christian Violaris
  • Pay Costa Coffee workers what we are worth
    I have worked for Costa for almost 9 months now, and it's certainly been a mixed bag. When I started I knew the job was going to be difficult, but what encouraged me to join was the promise of great benefits and a great wage. This was true, at the beginning. To put it bluntly, costa employees are NOT fairly paid for their work. The job is hard. Constantly on your feet for hours, jumping from station to station to meet ridiculous targets while ensuring you always meet a "brand standard" regardless of how exhausted, understaffed or overworked you are. You won't just be just making coffee, you'll be cleaning absolutely everything constantly, cooking food, serving customers, learning the process to correctly make new drinks that change frequently, carrying heavy trays, using dangerous equipment, and the list goes on. Staff are forced to work to a ridiculous standard while on shift, but when at home, you also have a lot of extra training (homework) that needs to be done before you can get your first pay rise. It's absolutely ludicrous. Staff are skilled and trained to achieve these goals, but we are never compensated for all the hard work we are expected to put in. Shifts will never end when they are scheduled to, meaning a 9-hour shift can quickly become a 10-hour shift if not more, which would be fine if we had longer than a measly 30 minutes to recharge. I was taking all of this on the chin though, as were my colleagues until something came to light. The store I work at is located in a retail park, with tens of others shops located around. It turns out that every single other business is paying their staff MORE than what we get paid at costa. I don't mean to compare, but one of these stores is a very simple basic retail store, where I know from first-hand experience the responsibility and expectations are MUCH lower. They are making over £10 an hour meanwhile costa employees remain on even less than £10 per hour. This is unacceptable. The cost of living is rising continuously. Essentials are more expensive, bills, rent, tax, food, water, everything is going up continuously. We are tired of living on the crust of the breadline while dedicating so much of our time and effort to maintaining the standards Costa hopes to achieve. We are tired. We demand better treatment, and this starts with paying us what we are worth. The working class are continually exploited by the system we are placed in. We spend our lives working our lives away while being told we should be grateful to make enough to survive. This isn't enough. Time is the most valuable asset we all have, and we cannot and will not be expected to throw it away to companies that do not care about anything other than their profit margins. The only reason these companies have profits is because we are dedicating our lives to making them money. Enough is enough. Collectively we are ALL worth SO much more than what we get, but I cannot speak for the entirety of the working class. I can only speak from my experience and the company I work for. If you work for Costa Coffee, or you sympathise with fellow workers who are making barely enough to get by, please share a hand (or a signature) to help us through. It really means a lot. We are strong together. We don't need to accept this anymore.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chelsea Davies
  • Abolish Private Schools
    The state of the nation is in the hands of the leaders. The state of the nation is very poor in so many ways. Health and education are key to growth, but our 'government' is not acting remotely adequately in this time of need for many millions of citizens.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rip Gill
  • Ensure more toilets are available for all
    All people should feel safe to go shopping without the extra worry of finding a toilet.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Grundy
  • Add basic medical care to the education system
    This would save many lives and help many people if people know how they can help, this can also get more people interested into the medical field which is something we certainly need
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chandy 707
  • Save our Community Centre!
    To date, we haven't been given sufficient opportunity to put forward an alternative vision and we need your support to show the strength of feeling there is to keep this vital community asset rather than it being sold off. This will see another community space lost, like many others in recent years. We are working together to campaign to keep the site open and develop new facilities, including ones which will support people on low incomes, maintain low cost community space and address the climate crisis. Join us in supporting our campaign to keep this space in the hands of the community.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Renhard
  • UK Conveyancing services
    I want to be conveyancing to be fairer a cheaper I Britain.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christine Ashton
  • The Fight for Burnley Graduation
    A number of Burnley businesses support Burnley Students, so not only would only would it be great to have a local ceremony that will bring visitors and income to the town, we also want to celebrate in the place we have been calling "home" for the duration of our studies.
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Clair