• Ban the sale of Rawhide treats for dogs
    Rawhide chews for dogs are full of dangerous chemicals and not only pose a choking hazard but in some cases have even resulted in death. “Producing rawhide begins with the splitting of an animal hide, usually from cattle. The top grain is generally tanned and made into leather products, while the inner portion, in its “raw” state, goes to the dogs.” TheBark.com. This means that contrary to popular belief, a rawhide chew is not the by-product of the beef industry nor is it made of dehydrated meat. Rather, rawhide is the by-product of the “Leather Industry” If you use an online search engine to look at how rawhide chews are made, you can see the process including all of the chemicals, dyes and glue that are used, yet these are still considered safe to give to our dogs! Look a little further and you will find 1000's of stories of dogs choking on these treats or becoming seriously ill as their body is affected by the poisonous chemicals, too many of these cases have resulted in the death of a dog. There are many alternatives to rawhide so there is absolutely no reason for this toxic product to be on sale in the UK as a treat for dogs.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Booth
  • Ban electric shock dog collars
    It has been illegal to sell electric shock dog collars in Wales and Northern Ireland since 2010. This is not only a barbaric way to train a dogs unwanted behaviour but grossly outdated. All the animal charities in the U.K. and the Kennel Club abhor this type of control. Victoria Stillwell a dog trainer of distinction on the television openly states her horror on using electric currents for control.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemary Fish
  • Ban the import of horse hormones serum
    Wild horses are and have been rounded up for exploitative use of their blood for around thirty years. This horrible news as recently come to light through under cover actions, it had been hidden from the public and its little wonder why. The wild horses are rounded up taken to "blood farms" hooked up to machinery , where their blood is extracted, there is a hormone which is then extracted from that and sold to Pharmaceutical companies, who in turn sell it to pig farmers here. This is a multi million industry. There are no rules or regulations in place to stop the horses being taken or to regulate the welfare of these horses while at these farms, many literally are bled to death. Even worse the pregnant mare as the more potent hormone (Gonadotropin) which is extracted during the early stages of pregnancy, the hormone is used in intensive farming of pigs and other farm animals to keep them in heat. And on top of that 20 per cent of the new born piglets are destroyed as the mother does not have enough teats to feed them all. All of this is completely criminal , unnatural, and unsustainable. The horses that are kept alive for further extraction are suffering a horrible existence. If we don't speak up about it and do something, we will have a huge Equine crisis on our hands as well as the continued issue of intensive farming .
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by natasha richards
  • Save Tempest Wood
    I planted this wood at the edge of Brampton Ash, near Market Harborough 6 years ago and it is thriving with wildlife. Some trees are now 30 foot high and there are field mice, hares, rabbits, badgers, hawks and Muntjac. It may be a small wood, but it is a living, precious eco system that should be protected at a time when every tree counts. Please save Tempest Wood. Thank you.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Reginald Stewart
  • Save Springfield Park bowling green and preserve wildlife!
    Now we have a chance to get it up and running again and improve it with a Heritage Lottery Fund grant. But he only way we can do this is to generate interest in saving the green for its original purpose, so please sign our petition and show us your support, especially if you are interested in playing too. Unless we show support, we could lose it forever. There are larger plans for the park under HLF application - such as restoring and improving the large white house with its cafe, and reopening the greenhouse area. In consultation with the council, we largely support these plans, and of course want the HLF to help our park, but not destroy a precious area due to lack of interest in the green. Keep the green green! Save it and share it! Please sign our petition now! Thank you. Park users and local residents.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Peter Kimpton
  • Save Didcot's Amenities and Green Spaces on Ladygrove!
    After signing this petition please formally object via http://didcot.space (will redirect you to the Garden Town plan page) or send an email to [email protected] Comments can be as short or long as you like - just make it clear you object to building on Ladygrove Park. Consultation on these proposals has been extended to 28th February, so please do it now. Thank you! There are plans for 15,000 new houses to be built in Didcot as part of the "Didcot Garden Town" project. This is more than those planned for Bicester Garden Town, recently described as a "dog's breakfast" with ecologically important flower rich meadows being lost to housing. Proposals for Didcot have been announced that are WORSE than first feared. They include building technical office space and accommodation over roughly half of the Ladygrove recreation ground and play park. The remnants would be developed such that there would be no substantial level open green space for casual sports or recreation. A new road cutting across the play park and flats on the play park, opposite the Willowbrook and behind the football club with no additional parking serve to top of this awful proposal. The current morning congestion around the primary school would be intolerable. Our facilities, green spaces and paths integral to our local parkrun are threatened. You can see the briefings here : https://didcotgardentown.commonplace.is/news/2017/01/20/stakeholder-representative-group-presentation-19-january-2017 Campaigners in Bicester have been to court twice to try to protect their environment. If we are to protect our green spaces and amenities the time to act is now, by obtaining a simple undertaking from the project team before their plans are fully formed. If you want to save them please sign this petition and share it with your friends. Thank you! (You can see the Ladygrove areas initially marked out for development on the final pages of these two official downloads published by the Didcot Garden Town planners http://www.southoxon.gov.uk/node/18434 and this http://www.southoxon.gov.uk/node/18447 )
    2,072 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Simon Hewerdine
  • Call on UK supermarkets to stop stocking destructive palm oil products
    Unsustainable palm oil production is causing irreversible destruction of rain forest habitat for some of our planets most endangered species such as Orangutans, Proboscis monkeys and Cloud leopards as well as causing human misery and threats to health through environmental pollution, land grabs and poor working conditions. Without immediate and direct action from consumers many of these species could be lost from the wild by 2020, sustainable alternatives are available and it is our responsibility to act. I have recently returned from Borneo after a 3 week course studying rainforest ecology and conservation and witnessed first hand the catastrophic scale of the damage being caused by ruthless palm oil companies who show little or no regard to the precious and delicate ecology of the rainforest. To see a mother Orangutan with her young child in the wild is a truly magical experience but also heartbreaking to consider that this may not be possible for future generations to behold, please join me in calling on all food suppliers in the UK to take responsibility for their actions and to raise public awareness on what cost their food really has on the planet.
    349 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Steve Parkin
  • Save Our Sea: Protect the Wildlife of Cardigan Bay
    Cardigan Bay provides a home for many species of vulnerable marine life, some species such as the Atlantic grey seal are internationally important. From the reefs and sandbanks, small organisms in the benthos, to the largest population of breeding bottlenose dolphins in the UK, the complex biodiversity of this Bay is what makes it special. We feel that opening up this area to commercial scallop dredging would be detrimental to the ecosystem and significantly impact not only Welsh marine biodiversity but the lives of the local people who depend on the Bay for income, livelihood, and enjoyment. Mae Bae Ceredigion yn gartref i nifer o rywogaethau o fywyd morol bregus, rhai ohonynt – megis morlo llwyd yr Iwerydd – o bwys rhyngwladol. O’r riffiau i’r banciau tywod, o organebau bach y benthos i boblogaeth fwyaf y DU o ddolffiniaid trwynbwl sy’n bridio, y fioamrywiaeth gymhleth hon sy’n gwneud Bae Ceredigion mor arbennig. Teimlwn y byddai caniatáu treillio am gregyn bylchog yn yr ardal yn niweidiol i’r ecosystem ac yn cael effaith sylweddol ar fioamrywiaeth forol Cymru ac ar fywydau pobl leol sy’n dibynnu ar y Bae am incwm, bywoliaeth a mwynhâd.
    239 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Naomi Davis
  • STOP the Repeal of RSPCA right to Prosecute
    The Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs want to repeal the RSPCA's right to prosecute in private animal abuse cases because Government say doing so is a conflict of interest with their campaigning and fund-raising this is not the case and is just a cover to pass this through Parliament. If our Government was so concerned with the rise in animal abuses they would invest in the RSPCA to bring about more prosecutions so that RSPCA would not need to spend so much time and resources in campaigning and fund-raising to bring animal abuses to the forefront. I strongly suspect this repeal is to protect huntsmen from prosecution in fox hunting and other blood sports that is banned as it is a well known fact that Government want this important animal protection act repealed. This must not be left to the Crown Prosecution Service to bring about animal abuse cases as those cases will be eroded in favour of more important human criminality and given the pressure the CPS is already under it is right that the RSPCA has this right as the RSPCA around the world does and besides the Police Force have enough to deal with as it is whilst under immense cuts to services themselves. At a time when hunting and various other forms of abuse is on the rise not only in the UK but around the world this is not the time to relax such powers if anything they should be enhanced given that animals have just as much right to live on this planet free from harm and suffering as we humans do.
    8,115 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Leon Carter
  • Stop Police Cruelty to Horses
    For the safety of horses
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shamus Herron
  • Stop UK aiding and abetting slaughter
    The Elephant and Rhino need YOU to make a REAL step in helping to stop them from being slaughtered to extinction in the wild. You need to fulfill your role of office by accepting and recognizing that by continuing to authorize the trade of pre-1947 ivory enables illegal traders to mix and hide the vastly increasing number of poached ivory from elephants and rhinos killed the day before. Your refusal to join countries who have already TAKEN the step to make a complete ban of ALL ivory trade is irresponsible and not what the majority of UK citizens expect from you.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Plowman
  • UK Supermarkets Zero-Support for Zero-Graze Dairy
    UK Supermarkets: Please Commit Zero Support for Zero-Graze Dairy Units: For cows, for people, for the planet For the attention of: Sainsburys – CEO Mr Michael Coupe Lidl – CEO Mr Christian Hartnagel Aldi – UK CEO Mr Matthew Barnes Morrisons – CEO Mr David Potts Tesco – CEO Mr Dave Lewis Asda – CEO Mr Sean Clarke Waitrose – Managing Director Mr Rob Collins Petitioning Chief Executive Officers of UK leading supermarket chains: declare zero support for zero-graze dairy farms. What are zero-graze dairy farms? Recently planning application was sought in West Sussex for four zero-graze dairy units. These are large sheds where cows live inside all their lives and are fed with processed cattle feed. They never go out onto pasture – in fields – and they never eat grass – in fields. For more information about the above plans, see the objections from Dean Farm Trust: http://deanfarmtrust.org.uk/threat-of-new-zero-grazing-farms-act-now/ VIVA also has information about intensive farming and zero-graze industrialisation on its website here: http://www.viva.org.uk/dark-side-dairy/intensification-and-zero-grazing CIWF has more information on their campaign to 'keep cows in fields' here: http://www.ciwf.org.uk/our-campaigns/dairy/ Why should zero-graze dairy farming be stopped? While elements of zero-grazing are already common in the dairy industry, for example cows are often kept in sheds and fed specific diets over the winter months, these more industrialised farms are a shift away from any outside space or grazing whatsoever, keeping cows in intensive factory farm conditions all year round. Many people are already choosing to go vegan due to the inherent cruelty in the dairy industry, many vegetarians also avoid cow milk due to animal welfare standards in the dairy industry. As we know, cows are kept almost constantly impregnated, milked to within an inch of their lives and repeatedly have their calves taken away from them. While many people already boycott this industry, milk is still part of the daily diet for most and I hope all of us, vegans and non-vegans alike, can agree that it is not desirable for dairy farming to become even more intensive and even more industrialised than it already sadly is. What can we do about it? As well as rightly tackling and protesting every individual planning application for zero-graze industrial farms as they arise, it would also be productive to tackle the demand side of these businesses. If the major supermarkets in the UK publicly declared that they would not purchase milk from zero-graze dairy farms due to animal welfare and public health concerns then hopefully fewer businesses would be motivated to build these factory farms in the first place. This petition is therefore aimed at the Chief Executive Officers of the major supermarket chains in the UK and calls upon them to make public declarations to keep cows in fields and not to support the factory farming of cows in zero-graze industrial dairy units. Consumer Power! Waitrose, for example, already have commitments to monitoring their supply chain of dairy produce and to ensuring that cows are allowed to graze naturally for a certain period in every year. If all supermarkets were to publicise a similar stance and specifically boycott produce from zero-graze dairies then perhaps the incentive to further industrialisation in this area of agriculture could be curbed. If enough customers demanded such a commitment, the major supermarkets may consider making it. This petition would aim to encourage the supermarkets to make such a commitment; please sign and share.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dr Mackay Picture