This year me and my two daughters have faced being homeless, due to divorce and the order of the sale of our family home. My Mum died after battling cancer in March and my Dad passed away unexpectedly in his sleep less than 3 months later. We are currently in emergency council accommodation and are part of the bidding process for a property. Each landlord, whether social or private sector have different rules about allowing pets. Some allow pets, some don't. Our cats are not just our pets, they are part of our family. We have three rescue cats, Dave, Twizzell and PomPom, who found their forever home with us. Dave was abandoned in a car park, PomPom was badly treated and Twizzell was thrown into a river. Having our cats teaches the girls, love, caring and sensitivity to other living beings. To have to get rid of them only teaches them that life is dispensable. They have lost their grandparents, their home, to face losing the family pets that they love and care for will cause them more distress and emotional suffering. We have been through enough losses this year, and now face having to choose between a home or our cats. This surely is against our human rights?
    434 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Hegarty
    I came for my lunch today and found Buster (a cat that adopted us in distress, we cared for him and got him well), lying in the road having been shot with by a .22 airgun pellet in his neck. I have had to have him put to sleep as a result of this injury. There is no need for the public to own an airgun and I believe that they should be treated as a firearm and the police should have more power to arrest and prosecute people who cause injury with these weapons.
    328 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Philip Taylor
  • Save our Greenbelt Stop Europark
    We oppose ANY building on this greenbelt land. We are trying to save our GREENBELT from an extensive plan to build 3000 LUXURY houses, shopping centre, cinema, office units and commercial units. The area in question is an area of immense beauty and has been untouched for generations - wildlife and countless plants, animals and insects live here, as well as providing peace and serenity for hundreds of local people. 3000 New luxury Home will decimate this land, cause extreme traffic problems and pollute the environment.The air around this area is already above the accepted level of pollution We would ask our representatives to contact the developer and urge them to focus on investing in developing the brown field sites and land designated for building in Airdrie This Proposed development will affect everyone, especially if you live in Carnbroe, Sikeside, Cairnhill, Brownsburn, Gartlea, Calderbank ,Chapelhall and Holytown Please visit or join our group on Facebook stop the europark development
    3,166 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Woodhall and Faskine Group
  • Don't let Brexit spell the end for our natural environment
    Whichever way you voted in the EU referendum, I hope you will agree that we live in a small country with a high population density and ever increasing pressure for development of our green areas, which both support our wildlife and give people space to exercise, relax and play. We have lost so much natural habitat already it would be a tragic if one of the results of this referendum is the erosion of our remaining wild places and their associated wildlife. Due to our high land use, it is also important that stringent regulations on pollution of air, water and land are kept in place. This will ensure that our small island remains 'a green and pleasant land'.
    1,707 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by elizabeth pimley
  • Tesco: Stop Using Black Plastic Packaging
    EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT SOLD IN THE UK COULD BE PACKAGED WITH 100% RECYCLABLE MATERIALS As the largest UK supermarket chain, Tesco should be the market leader in sustainable packaging. Packaging is important to protect their products, and recycling is important to protect our environment. If ALL products were offered in recyclable packaging, we would dramatically cut the unnecessary filling of further landfill sites each year. WE WANT TO RECYCLE! Households across the UK want to recycle. Year-on-year, recycling figures are increasing. Consumers are increasingly engaged and increasing the levels at which they recycle. It is the responsibility of retailers to ensure they offer their products in recyclable packaging. WHY CAN'T I RECYCLE BLACK PLASTIC?! Black plastic packaging is one of the easiest packaging items that could be swapped for a recyclable alternative. Almost every local council offers a household collection service that recycles clear plastics, a simple alternative to non-recyclable black plastic. Black plastic can't easily be recycled, as there is no efficient way to sort it at a recycling facility. The solution is simple: don't use it in packaging! BE THE LEADER As the market leader, Tesco has an opportunity to set the precedent on sustainable packaging. Starting with black plastic, many other non-recyclable items such as expanded polystyrene should be phased out. In their place, recyclable and/or bio-degradable alternatives should be utilised as standard.
    1,200 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nick Gates
  • Leave our Wild Community Verges in Millbrook to Flourish
    We need far more spaces for bees to breed and forage - instead of destroying their habi­tats, how about some serious Millbrook bee care! Many in our community take joy in the grasses, wild flowers and wildlife that are increasing here by the year. Red clover, self heal, violets, kidney vetch, cow parsley, silverweed, forget-me-nots, buttercups, daisys, dandelions and even cuckoo flower (lady’s smock) love the dampish grasses along the fence line! Leaving it un-cut does not cause obstruction with sight-line to traffic, dogs must be on leads here, so no dog mess and I've never seen it with any rubbish! What I do see is a fantastic educational resource for our children, a place of bees, butterflies and sloe worms - and a big buzzard that lives in the trees above! DON'T DESTROY THEIR HABITAT!
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Vix Hill-Ryder
  • Allow animal charities to apply for lottery funding.
    As all the animals charities miss out on grants from the uk people's national lottery and why cart we let them apply for grants from the uk national lottery it's about time animal charities should be able to apply and more uk citizens would probably start playing again.
    176 of 200 Signatures
    Created by James Harrison
  • Project our dogs
    Dog attacks on humans and other dogs are increasing. Specific breeds are not attacking people or animals across the breed, but irresponsible owners causing problems. Dogs are being stolen to use in dog fights Uncontrolled dogs are attacking small and or passive breeds and ripping them apart. Their owners being badly bitten trying to save their dog.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pattie Chadwick
  • #CluckOff - Say No to Factory Chicken Farms near Hay
    Plans have been submitted to Powys County Council for chicken sheds crammed with 26,000 chickens within five minutes of Hay. We don’t want to see this happen. Ammonia from these units threatens to contaminate the River Wye and harm wildlife in our local area. Everyone in Hay wants to support a thriving local farming industry. We will support anyone who wants to diversify their farming mix to ensure a more sustainable future – but not if the price is irreparable damage to our beautiful part of the world. In the past year an exclusion order was put in place after a bout of avian flu at a similar unit in Fife. Think about the impact such an outbreak could have on our economy in Hay – no festivals, no shops, no school, no jobs. Please say NO to factory chicken farms near Hay. #CluckOff! What next? You can print out a poster to show your opposition to the factory farm - download it here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzPR7ceTqhsBRFhwc2taemlpUlU Please also consider sending a formal objection to Powys Council. You can email [email protected] and the full planning details are on the Powys Planning portal (http://www.powys.gov.uk/en/planning-building-control/search-view-and-comment-on-planning-applications/) under P/2016/0397. If you would like to find out more about the plans, and other ways you can help, take a look at this document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4KIQKAg71wZTnZyZmlObTRXZ3c/view?usp=sharing
    1,228 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Louise Davies
  • Ban Palm Oil From Cooperative Own Brands
    When Cheap Costs Too Much Palm Oil has become a too commonly used ingredient in our lives. Used to large brands using this cheap fat in everything from soaps to bread, I've become used to my shopping basket getting increasingly limited. I actually don't mind that aspect but what I do mind the horrific damage done by the growth of this market. What has become particularly insidious is the label of Sustainable Palm Oil, I actually don't believe such a thing can exist. For a start the chances are that the land that any Palm Oil plantations are grown on were once rainforest, with people, orangutans and a whole world of invertebrates and plants that we don't even know about. That also means that it's contributing to increasing C02 levels and, as the peat bogs of South East Asia burn, methane. I see nothing sustainable there. How can such vast plantations ever be called sustainable? Especially as to maintain that plantation for a few years large amounts of chemicals must be employed to keep it going, and then when it runs out of nutrients the plan is to cut down more rainforest and plant that up with Palm Oil? How can this be sustainable? Palm Oil is a cheap and nasty fat, it's bad for health, it's bad for our planet, it's bad for the animals and plants on this planet. I can only see that a ban on Palm Oil in all products is the way forward for a more sustainable future. I call on the Co-operative to ban Palm Oil in all of its products and to actively seek brands that are also proudly Palm Oil free. If you have sustainability as a policy and you use Palm Oil then you fail at the first hurdle. When shops like Lush and brands like Pattersons can declare themselves Palm Oil free I don't see there is any excuse.
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Lyndsey Maiden
  • Give Legal Protection against Cruelty to Crustaceans
    Although the UK Animal Welfare Act 2006 goes some way towards protecting vertebrates from cruelty, it does not protect non-vertebrates like lobsters and crabs. These animals have sophisticated nervous systems with many similarities to those of humans. At present, lobsters and crabs are often killed by being boiled alive or by being cut up alive. They therefore suffer dreadful pain. While being boiled alive, lobsters and crabs frantically thrash around, tear at their own bodies with their claws and throw off their limbs. One mark of a civilized society is how it treats the animals under its control. The way lobsters, crabs and other non-vertebrates are treated in Britain and elsewhere puts us all to shame. Please sign this petition to extend the protections of the Act to these animals and stop this cruelty now. Please let others know about this petition. Email: [email protected] Website: http://shellfishnetwork.weebly.com Twitter: @animalreform .
    1,052 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Tutt Picture
  • Ban Dangerous Pesticides in Manchester
    Glyphosate is judged by neutral scientists and the World Health Organisation as "probably carcinogenic". The use of glyphosates has already been outlawed or restricted in 8 countries. It is not acceptable that ourselves, our children, pets and the wildlife of our community with are being routinely exposed to these chemicals whether we like it or not. This is a matter of great importance for those of us who care about our community's health and the health of council staff and contractors, our children, our cats, our dogs and all the flora and fauna of this city, of course including our beloved bees. Other local authorities are already banning glyphosate- Manchster should promote biodiversity and not be behind the curve! If you don't live in this area, click here to start a campaign for your city: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/start-a-pesticide-campaign
    3,795 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Pennells Picture