• De-power Scottish Natural Heritage
    To keep a balance for all who live or use the environment. Also to protect more those species that are on the endanger list from extinction and full information has to be giving to justify why species that are protected have to killed. So that we in the future are not asking questions why species that are still depleting partly due to licenses being issues and also toughen up the laws on those who kill protected species illegally.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Henry Wilkie
    It's one thing to deny funding towards building the Tidal Bay Lagoon, in Swansea (A green and 100% renewable energy source). Further more, to announce the establishment are funding over 100 MILLION in to nuclear power plants in UK is frankly, below the belt. BUT, to dump the nuclear waste in wales, on the belly's of our shores is audacious, to the point of beyond belief. The British Government, YOUR GOVERNMENT, are planning to dump 300,000 tonnes of toxic waste surrounding Cardiff bay. This waste will the be carried through the strong Severn River currents outwards, towards the natural, beautiful, award winning beaches of the Gower peninsular, Swansea. Towards the Irish east coastal areas. The current will also take the nuclear infected water up stream to the heart of the river, where river banks, vegetation and marine life will also be affected. This NEEDS to be prevented. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD FOR THOUGHT: During the the massive media speculation around the re-naming of the Severn bridge, Prince Charles was quoted: "Why weren't the welsh people notified and asked about this" To which he followed - "No wonder they are not happy". Naming a bridge is one thing, This is another level.
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Josh Heal
  • Irresponsible dog owners
    British law as it stands is on the side of the dog owner this petition wishes to change that law and and make it a prisonable offence or uncapped fine enforced by the RSPCA to protect the the health and safety of a dog. currently in this country it is an offence if you break the window of a vehicle to get a dog free from a hot environment this needs to change. and only can change with your support. So please help me get as many signatures as possible to get this petition recognised in law so that moving forward if a dog is in a car and all windows are locked up and the owner is nowhere around you will have the right to break the window retrieved the animal call the RSPCA or the police and have the owner arrested as long as you have photographic evidence or a video supporting your actions
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Lawrence
  • Let my fiance come home immediately
    The judge has now determined that the Home Office breached our human rights and that we satisfied all of the application requirements all along and that we need to be together, but we still face a long wait for him to come home. On 13th December 2017 we were devastated to find that the visa was refused on the basis that I as the sponsor didn't meet the financial requirement and that bills were not submitted to prove we lived together therefore our relationship wasn’t considered genuine. When in fact, all relevant documents were submitted to prove my income of £19,500 and bills were also submitted in both our names. Our solicitor asked the Home Office to reconsider their decision the day after the refusal but this has never been acknowledged. Solicitor lodged our appeal on 18th December. My local MP had also contacted the HO who had refused to review the decision outside of appeal procedures. My local MP had also made comments such as "if he leaves you after 18 months of obtaining the visa I cannot help you" she had already judged the situation without even knowing us. On the 17th December 2017 things took a turn for the worst as I was sectioned under 136 of the mental health act by police and taken to hospital after trying to jump from a bridge above a busy motorway in order to kill myself because of the stress & anxiety that the home office had caused by separating us against our own will. We will never be able to describe the emotional abuse we have suffered at the hands of the Home Office, there just isn't any words for it. This led to me losing my job on 10th January 2018 due to issues with my mental health and personal life affecting my work. Luckily I was able to find new employment almost immediately, but it left me in a position where I wasn't able to visit my fiance due to fear of losing my job again. After a frustrating few months of trying to get our lives back on track, both myself and fiancé made a complaint to the home office due to their incompetence, they refused to speak to me as I am not the applicant and refused him because he was out of country. We threatened the home office with the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman as we couldn’t make a formal complaint to which they finally agreed to review the decision 27th February after saying that they could never review a decision outside of appeal procedures. They only received the appeal from the tribunal on 16th March. We was very hopeful that finally someone would realise there was a mistake made. In the meantime we had submitted 3 expedite request to the First Tier Tribunal on the basis of my mental health deterioration which were refused for the judges not taking my mental health seriously. After chasing the review agreed by the Home Office for 9 weeks, on the 3rd May 2018 review completed by the HO but they had maintained the refusal on the financial requirement but now stated they believed our relationship. How could they still get it wrong when the evidence was clear in their face?! After a complaining to the resident judge about how previous judges had treated my mental health, this lead to our case finally being expedited and on 6th June 2018, our hearing took place, to which the Home Office never showed up or submitted a bundle. The Judge allowed our appeal on the day as he found I did meet the requirements all along and that it was a breach of our human rights to keep us apart. on 23rd July 2018 received the court determination letter after chasing the court every week! The Home Office now have 28 days to appeal the allowed decision which we are confident they wont due to no error of law being made. Our human rights have been breached enough, why should we have to wait a further for him to come home, I need him home as he is the only family I have. We just want to move on with our lives.
    325 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Paige Jokovic Picture
  • Sacked for attempting to take his legally upheld break
    Because it sets a dangerous precedent if companies are allowed to ignore UK and EU employment law and act in contempt of the Employment Appeals Tribunal in Croydon, which ruled the Working Time Directive in relation to the Rest breaks applied. Peter Lee was a loyal employee of Network Rail, he was employed as a signaller for a total of 44 years. He had an unblemished record. 44 years unblemished service wiped out for taking a 20 minute lawful break. Arundel Signalman sacked by Network Rail. Shame on Network Rail for denying their employee a lawful break. It is also a big safety issue because signallers need a break to make sure they can work safely.
    8,163 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Lee
  • Campaign to reduce waiting times for sexual assault cases
    Victims of assault have suffered enough without the court system adding to the stress.
    177 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lindsey Guest
  • Reduce Crime! Keep Whitchurch Street Lights On!
    Current crime levels in Whitchurch have dramatically increased recently, particularly car/van theft, burglaries and shed/garage break ins. We, as Whitchurch residents, believe this is partly due to drastic cuts to our local policing budget, meaning we regularly have no active police officers within a 15/20 mile radius and also the fact that half of Whitchurch is plunged into complete darkness at 12am. This means that even if you can hear something happening outside your home, you cannot see it and would not dare venture outside as there could be no police back up for over an hour! We want our lights to stay on to stop Whitchurch being a ‘free for all’ for criminals coming in from other areas, using the cover of darkness which make us an easy target!
    396 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Adele Jackson
  • Demand for an apology for Jallianwala Bagh, Amritsar, Massacre 1919
    The monstrous act by colonial rulers is embedded in the psyche of Indian People and inspired them to seek complete independence In February 2013 the Former Prime Minister, David Cameron, visited Jallianwala Bagh adjacent to the Golden Temple, wrote in the visitor’s book,” This was a deeply shameful act in British history, one that Winston Churchill rightly described at the time as Monstrous. We demand this to be formally recorded in the House of Parliament. A formal apology by the serving British Prime Minister will cost nothing while the effect on the people of Indian Diaspora will be off a historical Magnitude and will help to move forward.
    558 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Joginder Bains
  • Make our Castle Vale Community Safe
    After a recent spate of crimes on Castle Vale it is clear that the loss of a viable police presence due to national funding cuts is making our community an unsafe place to live.
    537 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Cutler
  • Protection for Airport Passenger valuables at Security.
    Airport Security scanning is recognised as an essential part of safety for passengers. It is also a ‘Mandatory’ process. All Passengers must place their valuables in multiple trays on conveyer belts and they do so trusting that their belongings will be safe in the Security Processes. It is reasonable that they should believe this, as there is no alternative and one can refuse security scans if they want to fly, and rightly so. However, this is not a voluntary process. It is enforced. Therefore, it should be mandatory that all Security staff ensure all items are protected and controlled during the whole checking process, then safely returned to their owners. Passengers do not expect their items to be at risk of theft when they place these items into the trays and into the hands of the Security staff. Nor do passengers feel they can challenge anyone if, in all too frequent situations of peak passenger flow, they suspect these items will be at risk by complying to these regulations. It is wholy unfair and unacceptable that this is happening and is causing undue stress for passengers and it is an open invitation to criminals. As seen in current media articles. These items should be safe and the current process unacceptable.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Mayall
  • Employment slavery
    To avoid homelessness and crime,illegal activity and to survive while applying for asylum.Avoiding under national minimum wage payment,illegal working.Unscrupulas employers.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Hart
  • Close Cambrian Road and High Street to unauthorised vehicles
    At around 5.30am on the 30th April 2018, a car was driven into a group of people outside a nightclub on Cambrian Road in Newport City Centre The car was repeatedly driven into a crowd and two women have received life changing injuries due to this. Newport City Council, (in their wisdom) have decided to impose restrictions on the licensing conditions of one of the clubs on the street. This is not a solution to the problem and is being used for political point scoring. Cambrian Road (where the incident happened) and High Street both have automatic bollards in place, however the Council have allowed these to fall into disrepair. This petition calls on the Council to repair those bollards and close Cambrian Road & High Street during the periods specified above. This will ensure the safety of all people on a night out in the City Centre and prevent the possibility of this sort of thing happening again. Isn't it about time that the Council listened to those who use the City at night? This would of course be done in consultation with the businesses on High Street & Cambrian Road.
    1,393 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Phillips