• Cancel your plans to close our rural public toilets!
    With the increasing popularity of the North Coast 500 (NC500), promoted in part by Highland Council, we are seeing ever-growing numbers of visitors to the NW Highlands and these people also require access to facilities in order to avoid more cases of human waste being left by the roadside. As part of its budget proposals for 2018/2019 Highland Council are closing public toilets at the following locations in the county of Sutherland: Achmelvich, Kinlochbervie, Rhiconich, Scourie, Smoo Cave, Lairg, Kylesku, Talmine, and Tarbet. The total estimated savings come to just £67,000 per year yet we consider these to be essential services, both for local people and tourists & others visiting the area. Additionally, these closures will discriminate against the elderly, infirm, disabled, and those with long-term illnesses whose ability to do without a regular rest break is impaired. Highland Council's suggested alternatives, such as making use of facilities in nearby businesses and village halls, are both impractical and presumptuous. Do the decent thing, Highland Council: Scrap your plans to close these public toilets.
    6,883 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Gary Sutherland
  • Defer the Merger of Taunton Deane and West Somerset
    On the 19th March, Taunton Deane Borough Council voted by a narrow margin to merge with West Somerset Council to create a new Borough Council. Since 2013, repeated assurances to the people in both Boroughs have been made that each would remain independent; although the two councils have been working to provide some services together in order to reduce costs, and utilising a common senior management team, it has always been maintained that the two groups would remain separate. This move to merge the councils contradicts the assurances given and is being taken without a democratic mandate from the electorate of either borough. Furthermore, the local paper ran a poll which showed the majority of people did not want the merger to take place. We must uphold democracy and stop this happening until the public can have a real say in the future of their councils.
    196 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tony Sutcliffe Picture
  • Anti-bullying classes at School
    Raising awareness of bullying is an important issue to many parents, carers, and young people who are victims of bullying. It is becoming more and more frequent at this school, to the point where children are having to be relocated at other schools. Bullying has a devastating affect on young people and their families. The rates of suicide and self harm in young people is on the rise due to suspected bullying, whether it be cyber bullying, physical and/or psychological. This matter is important to me as family members of mine have experienced bullying directly and I have witnessed the effects it has on them both physically and mentally. There were over 24,000 Childline counselling sessions with children about bullying in 2016/2017 and more than 16,000 young people are absent from school due to bullying, as stated by the NSPCC. This is happening in schools because young people are not being educated on how bullying others and making a person feel worthless effects the young person whom is being bullied. Children who are being bullied also don't know where to turn to or what to do, this may also apply to the children that are bullying others. I feel that making a point of having set times where children, parents, teachers, can learn about the full effects of bullying may just save some lives, this will allow children to attend their place of education without fear. School's have a duty of care to children, and, currently this duty is not being carried out. Children need to feel safe in their environment in order for them to grow and learn. It's about time the school acted on it's anti-bullying policy and protected the children that are under their care. I have attached the link to an Inquiry into bullying and harrasment in schools, it's worth a read to get a feel of how the young people in schools feel about this subject, and notice the age of the kids that are giving feedback. This needs to be stopped. http://www.parliament.scot/S5_Equal_Opps/General%20Documents/Children_in_Scotland_-_commissioned_by_EHRiC.pdf
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jade Brown
  • Stop Manchester Airport's proposed drop-off charging
    Airports as a rule are already over-expensive and exploit captive-audiences who need to use them for air travel. There is no alternative if one wishes to fly. These privately-owned behemoths (not just Manchester Airport) kowtow to foreign shareholders where profitability and dividends seems to come before service to the public, who after all, are the life-blood of the airport. There will be absolute driver chaos in the airport as people try to avoid paying this punitive admission fee; there is already a £3 charge to taxi drivers to collect passengers from Terminal 1 which they pass on to the passenger. Only in the UK do airport owners get away with charging an admission tax.
    6,945 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Edward Moss
  • Return the Plaque
    This plaque was hand made by Tanis's best friend. It should remain where Tanis died in his friends arms.
    372 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Sharpe
  • Save the broadway
    Because the Broadway is the heart of Debden and they are driving us out. All that will be left is boarded up shops and cafes. The council as done nothing but lie to us and all they say when we ask for help is "give your keys back"
    449 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Barwick
  • Save the Bull's Head, Craswall
    The Bull's Head is set in magnificent Marches countryside: it is "one of the last unspoiled drovers' inns in England" (CAMRA). For 125 years it was run by the same farming family. After 1998, under energetic new management, it became one of the most popular pubs in Herefordshire. Now, with owners who appear not to care, it has been closed for three years with no hint of reopening or sale as a pub. The pub is officially designated "an asset of community value". It is certainly that: our small and vulnerable rural community dearly wants it back. But it's something more - it's a boon to visitors; a resting place for weary walkers and one of rural England's hidden treasures. It must not die. "When you have lost your inns, drown your empty selves, for you will have lost the last of England" - Hilaire Belloc
    1,344 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by james ursell
  • Keep the Kimberley Fencing Club Open
    The Kimberley Fencing Club has provided the East Midlands and Great Britain with hundreds of regional champions and a number of national champions over it's 23 years of service to Kimberley, not to mention the Olympians that have trained there. My name is Alex Johnson, I am thirteen years old and have been attending the Kimberley Fencing Club on Saturday mornings since I was eight. The training I have received there has enabled me to qualify twice to compete at the British Youth Championships. Liberty Leisure Limited are now responsible for running the leisure centre that occupys the same site as my school and they have increased the cost of hiring the gym hall. This is the cause of the Kimberley Fencing Club being closed at the end of March 2018. As Liberty Leisure Limited is owned by Broxtowe Borough Council surely it is their responsibility to ensure that local young people can access other sports aside from football and cricket.I think it is important that the council promotes activity and excellence in sport out of school, and this should surely be a priority as part of our Olympic legacy. The gym hall in question is part of my school, The Kimberley School, but is controlled by Liberty Leisure Limited at the weekend. I personally don't know what I would do without my Saturday sessions with my friends, who otherwise would not get another source of exercise as their aren't many other opportunities for sport, aside from the previously mentioned football and cricket clubs. My coach, Rob Fensom, has spent years in the military as a Royal Marine Commando and is a member of the Fire Service and while trying to give even more to his community and country has been shunned in his effort to do so. Now that Liberty Leisure Limited have doubled the cost of hiring the gym hall it is no longer financially viable for Rob Fensom to sustain the club. I feel as if the council has let us down and to change that please sign this petition.
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alex Johnson
  • Let The Children Play
    Natural Foundations is a not for profit organisation giving families a unique place to play imaginately together in all weathers. Come rain or shine, from mud stomping to sand castle building we open! We welcome families from all over Essex and beyond and are accessible to most at £4 for the day-we never turn a family away. Unfortunately Chelmsford City Council do not see the same benefits for children as our parents do and completely out of the blue they have given us 12 weeks notice to leave the land with no offer of other land or possible extension. Despite the outrage from the 8,000 families who visit us, the council have refused to give us any flexibility. This doesn't give us enough time to find another site and this doesn't give us enough time to raise the funds we need to move. We need the summer. Publicly the council have said we have until the end of May, yet our notice states the 10th. Publicly, they have also stated they will give us every bit of help they can, yet this is not happening. We ask the council to be more clear with the public and to give us some flexibility and allow us to stay longer. Please help us by signing this petition to ask the council to either rethink the notice or at least give us more time before we have to leave. Here are some comments from the families who visit us: 'So disgusted by Chelmsford council. Natural foundations has been such a big part of my son's little life. There is no sense to this. The ideas hub in town was priced out of their premises and now another invaluable place for families is under threat. Makes me so sad.' 'If we can do anything to help, please let us know. Us mums are powerful and passionate people, especially where our children are concerned' 'Me and my boys love this place. I always feel so lucky when we go that we have this wonderful resource on our doorstep. It’s so much nicer and more educational than the soft play indoors.' 'I love taking my son here, yet again the council pulls the plug on something that's non profit and great for children's development. I thought they were meant to be supporting children being outside and doing outside activities?' 'I am really, really angry to hear this. I love coming to Sandford mill for your natural foundations. It's educational and a beautiful natural environment for the children to learn and develop their skills with facilities for parking and toilets aswell as plenty of land for picnics. This is just ridiculous everything nice seems to be moved or taken away this is one of the best assets which doesn't cost a fortune in Chelmsford for children.' 'This is really sad. Natural Foundations is absolutely fantastic - the children simply love it as do us parents so I'm keeping everything crossed that you find somewhere suitable - good luck' 'Would be absolutely devastated if we lost Natural Foundations! What you’ve created is just magical! xx' 'You are amazing - we moved home to London and still try to get to you as often as we can. Really hope this situation is either resolved or that you find somewhere even better' 'You make so many children so happy and what you do is wonderful. I cannot believe the council have done this it’s outrageous'
    1,219 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jo Cope
  • Save Priorswood Library
    This library and its staff provide vital services to one of Somerset's most deprived areas where community assets are already scarce. Not only is this an essential information and communication resource but it also contributes significantly to health, wellbeing and social life, in particular for the considerable number of residents with limited mobility, especially older, disabled, and low-income residents.
    190 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mark Wood
  • Stop funding cuts to the Citizens Advice Bureau
    The Citizens Advice Bureau provides vital benefits advice and support to ill, disabled and vulnerable people in and around Boston and Skegness. Lincolnshire County Council have decided to cut funding for this valuable service. There is no other organisation that provides the same service. Please sign and share.
    1,821 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gina Lewis Beever
  • Let's get a safe crossing at Clermiston Primary
    There have been a lot of near misses with pedestrians, I witnessed a cyclist being knocked off his bike at school pick up time. I have seen numerous car accidents (all be it minor ones) which could of been a child. I think campaigns to get parents to use their cars less has failed and unfortunately some people are still being selfish and parking in forbidden zones. An area to cross safely away from the chaos will potentially save a child's life. Let's get as many signatures as possible to tell the council that we want and need a crossing!
    290 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Goldsmith