• No parking space
    I have to park further away as some residents have more than two cars parked I have mobility issues but not enough to get a disabled line
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sana Mehmood
  • Disability
    It is important for the DWP to officially declare this as Medical Disability which has No cure just medications but they don't really work also if you have it you should automatically be able to claim pip for it as affects your nervous system so difficult to just to do normal things about house etc it also make you have dizzy spells lack of use of arms legs mobility as constant pain . Have to have help with care and cooking etc also cant go out much as No energy and breathing problems this is Something that Needs to be Classed as Permanent disability it is in other countries.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Malcolm Davey
  • Make fibromyalgia and other invisible illnesses recognised disabilities.
    I know from suffering with fibromyalgia myself and how it also affects others that we are vulnerable also. Even coming down with common cold can have many more complications for a sufferer than a otherwise healthy person. I rarely pick up one bug or virus, it often comes with another such as chest infections, tonsillitis and more. Suggesting that these illnesses certainly do have a huge impact on a sufferers immune system. However this and other invisible chronic illnesses are not listed as auto immune diseases. Let alone recognised as a disability.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Hazel Dymond
  • We desperately need support for invisible carers
    Over 8 million people who care for relatives at home are being ignored. Many of us are shielding vulnerable people, we can’t get delivery slots because we’re not on the most vulnerable list. We don’t want to go out for fear of bringing the virus home. When we can get deliveries they’re more expensive because we’re having to order from specialist, local shops. We are being expected to cope on our own, with extremely limited budgets and no support. We work 24/7 taking the strain off the NHS and social services by caring for our loved ones and we are being IGNORED.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mandm Tog
  • Carers Allowance
    This is important as carers that look after family members do a hard job like myself we are just like a doctor, nurse or even someone that works in a care home as we work all day and night cleanIng and looking after our loved ones. I myself was walking full time as was my partner until she got these disability in 2010. We are a group of people that do a fantastic job but unfortunately we are forgotten about and now is the time to high light this problem so that all carers including myself get a proper living wage.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Powley
  • Stop SLDC in Kendal from Discriminating against the Disabled
    The council are completely failing to uphold their obligations to those with disabilities and protected characteristics by infringing their right to practice their religion and faith, access to and use of goods, facilities and services, including access to public buildings, shops and leisure facilities and to healthcare, housing and transport, membership of private clubs and use of their facilities. The council has a duty as well as the general rules against subjecting people with disabilities to disability discrimination, most public authorities are under two other duties to promote equality of opportunity for people with disabilities, amongst others. They are also legally required to have due regard to: * promote equality of opportunity between people with a disability and people without (Section 75) * promote positive attitudes towards people with a disability (Section 49A) * encourage the participation of people with a disability in public life (Section 49A) The plans to change the use of area are enforcing completely unfair restrictions and alternatives that are indirectly and directly discriminating against those with Disabilities as they will allow Hirsts and Market Trader traffic to use it but no longer allow access to those who need dropping off outside the door. Some have incredibly heavy and large electric wheelchairs, some that have failed to work in recent months and have required pushing. The councils 'reasonable adjustments' of enforcing that the disabled people must be dropped off at the bottom of the hill and make their way up there is a disgrace. It is a steep and challenging hill for the more able-bodied, let alone those in wheelchairs or their carers. They have already been unfairly restricted by having a very narrow time limit enforced for blue badge parking in the town only between the hours of 11 am and 4 pm which automatically impacts their ability to attend groups and appointments. The council is causing so much disruption with their plans for changing Kendal's town center which is already negatively affecting shops, shoppers and services and now religious freedom and Disability rights, completely disregarding their legal obligations. The Unitarian Chapel has already spent the last few years heavily investing in a new sensory garden and environmental space which is in the process of being rolled out. A large part of this has been to make the Garden space relaxing tranquility for all and have made the plans wheelchair friendly. The council's decisions are not only affecting those who currently attend the Chapel but those new visitors or residents who will be welcomed to spend time in and use the sensory garden in the future. Please sign this petition in support of our Disabled brothers and sisters and stop the infringement of laws and rights that are designed to uphold everyone's rights and ability to access services, groups, and places of worship.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Danielle Willsher
  • Change the Social work degree to include mental health and SEND and childcare
    To ensure children and young people with complex needs and challenging behaviours, Autism and other hidden disabilities are not wrongly put in a over filled care system. Parents are blamed more often or not for poor parenting, when their children have complex needs and dealing with crisis's daily with no support. Parents are judged wrongly.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Karen O'Reardon
  • Consultation on proposed changes to the Cambridgeshire Council's Adult Social Care charging policy
    There was a review last year and cuts were made. This year the cuts look even more menacing. We say that there must be other cuts the Council can make and if we withdraw from the EU we will have more cash to support our elderly and disabled.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Derk Fit
  • Autistic Adults especially ones diagnosed later in life need access to treatment and support
    Autistic people can be part of society and have a good life , work and family with the right support. Autistic people are being failed by the goverment and society as it is them that arent providing the services so they can thrive.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorna OKane
  • Stop Disability Tax
    APRIL 2018 SAW THE INTRODUCTION OF THE DISABILITY TAX FOR THOSE WHO OWNED THEIR OWN HOMES AND WHO ARE ON LOW INCOME BENEFITS. We require the government to reverse the immoral removal of the Mortgage Interest Relief Scheme (MIRS) for people with Disabilities, for whom the replacement has become a regressive tax (charging interest on interest) that could potentially lose them every penny that they have paid for their home. Further, institute a form of payments towards essential upkeep of owner occupied homes for those on low income benifits, providing parrity with private landlords of people in receipt of LAHA This is especially important given successive governments encouragement of home ownership. Changes in assistance with housing costs in 2018 have proportionatly adversly affected those with disabilities and thus immorally. In the 2017 general election Theresa May's "Dementia Tax" was severely critised and ultimately dropped. This proposal would have seen much of the persons home value used for care but would have left a substantial sum for them to use or leave in a will. Despite the public uproar at the Dementia Tax an effective wider affecting "Disability Tax" (which would have seen people who have become disabled and reliant on benefits, potentially loose every penny they have paid for their home as well as, possibly rightly, any increase in house value), has gone unchallenged and virtually unreported. Up until 2018 the system by which some help was given to people on low incomes (e.g. Employment Support Allowance or its equivalent in Universal Credit) was by payments towards their mortgage interest payments, Mortgage Interest Relief Scheme (MIRS), this did not pay for all of their mortgage payments nor, as in the governments reasons for its removal, make any assistance with the actual cost of the property. It merely just gave some money towards the mortgage interest rate. Unlike Local Area Housing Allowance (LAHA), which nominally pays the average cost of the full price of rent ( and thus the actual purchase price of a property, mortgage interest payments and upkeep of the property at a profit for somebody who isn't even living in the property, I.e. the landlord), MIRS was already a far cheaper scheme. As can already be seen that those in receipt of MIRS also received no help with most aspects of maintaining their home. The government decided that MIRS needed replacing as erroneously they stated that the welfare system should not be seen as assisting somebody to pay for their home whilst quite willfully not only buying a landlords property and upkeep but also providing them with a profit. In 2018 the new arrangements were introduced these provided a loan on some of the mortgage interest payments (a interest on interest loan scheme that would be considered unacceptable/imorral by the Financial Services Authority). These loans are to be repaid upon sale of the home or death. The only limit to the extent of the Loan repayable is the final sale price of the property. As such, the person could loose all the money they have paid into the property, a scheme worse than the proposed Dementia Tax but which has been allowed to be enacted. Worse is the fact that those who are more likely to be on benefits long term, and thus most affected by this regressive Tax are those with severe disabilities or long term sicknesses (and their families, who often act as cheap carers). This new Disability Tax means that rather than getting help with housing costs, they face additional charges, the mortgage its interest, and then the interest on the interest-in the loan provided by the government. As such under the new Disability Tax, not only does the disabled person probably loose every penny that they pay towards the purchase cost of their home, they effectively get no assistance in the long term with the cost of their home be that mortgage interest or upkeep, items that successive governments are happy to provide to landlords including effectively buying the property for them and providing a profit. Such a regressive and discriminatory reform of the benifits system in comparison to the treatment of those on LAHA and their landlords has to be seen as immoral and reprehensible. If The Dementia Tax was wrong then this Disability Tax is totally Immoral.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Boon
  • Guarantee people with disabilities keep their payments when changed to universal credit
    Disabled people lose these premiums up to a cost of £350 month.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Grint
  • Supporting our disabled community with advocacy and employment
    For 20 years Ambis has worked at putting a plaster on gaping wounds with advocacy. Now we need to create solutions to the problems we witness on a daily bases. Our care system is about to hit a crises point. I Have worked in the care system since I was 15, in a field where a high percentage of its staff were born overseas, and who are now feeling that with effectively decreasing wages and increasing rents that they can no longer afford to stay here. We can help bridge the gap with long term carers and people who have been stuck in intergenerational poverty. Who want to work but cannot afford to do so. We can change that but only if we work together
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sarah-Jane Brownlie