• Dyslexic mode mandatory in all software
    In the modern world we all use technology in one way or another and this was accelerate by the covid-19 pandemic. As a dyslexic myself I can tell you it is a pain to do tasks on apps like MS teams, Google classroom , Google chrome (all other browsers) and more. This would make equality better for everyone with hidden disabilities. This will help people you know. And let me leave you with this: 20% of people in the world are dyslexic. That is 1 in 5 people
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Witclth
  • stop Alvingham Road community Centre being demolished
    i care for this building as it is in middle of residential area and easily accessed by road or public transport, we are looking for premises to run our day centre supporting adults with complex needs which we need as very little for them to access. this building is in good repair and only needs decorating through out, and would be perfect for us to use. so please sign this petition and help us achieve our goal
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Mcdonald
  • Recognise Fibromyalgia as a disability
    They are paying independent companies to do the assessment and 8 claims out of 10 are being declined. Fibromyalgia is a daily struggle for the majority of sufferers. It is a disabling condition physically, mentally and emotionally.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nathalie Kate
  • Make Clear masks available for everyone
    Face coverings and masks are a barrier for the deaf and lip readers so the mouth needs to be visible for those with dementia and autism the fabric can cause misunderstanding and melt downs
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise Drakes
  • Fund better mental health support for children with asd
    Severe cases of ASD not currently recognised to be a severe mental impairment, People with children that have severe ASD desperately need this support as their children are severely mentally impaired
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aishah Mecaj
  • Remove nhs contracts with opcare
    Opcare are an independent company contracted by the NHS to assess the needs of disabled patients and help them get the correct mobility aids. They are treating, us, the disabled people as labelled illnesses and not helping with our independent needs... We deserve help and independence, we deserve a reliable assessment centre... Removing opcare will be the first thing the NHS need to do to create a better tomorrow for its disabled patients.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Thornton
  • Save Bells Piece Day Centre
    This is a major Disability Service, it has been closed during the Pandemic and is set not to reopen, this is a huge blow to it's service users. Leonard Cheshire Disability own this facility and Bells Piece are willing to work with them. The service offers so much to it's users for example: Cooking, Gardening, Music, Drama and many other skills it's users would never have the opportunity of accessing.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Audrey Jones
  • 14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Marlow
    It's important to give this group a fair deal.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Archibald Betera
  • Reinstate the disability premium benefit
    The disability premium was a lifeline for many disabled people who cannot use public transport due to access problems thus forcing many people to use expensive taxi's amongst other barriers.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ian jones
  • Fibromyalgia as a disability
    So fibromyalgia patient are taken seriously and their pain seriously Their daily routine is never the same Each day It’s different The ppl look normal But the severity of aches are like we are been put in a crusher ,
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ghazala Paul
  • Disability Shopping Days
    Since we are experiencing COVID-19 supermarkets have set up NHS shopping, ELDERLY shopping etc etc ....... this got me to thinking , why isn’t there anything like this for people who have additional/complex needs . We do like to do everything that any able bodied person would like to do , but we are human and don’t like to be made to feel less than good enough , just because I don’t behave like you , doesn’t make my heart and my feelings any less than yours . Therefore I believe that a certain day should be put aside for the likes of me to shop in peace .
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tania Ryan