• Hourly Bus Service between Ascot and Legoland
    The first bus to Windsor from North Street is 10.05 am, therefore people are unable to get to hospital appointments or their places of work. The last bus from Windsor to North Ascot is at 3.46 pm, therefore anyone working or going to late hospital appointments , or travelling from Slough is left stranded. This bus service has been changed to a 2-hour service, so anyone missing a bus has to wait for 2 hours.
    289 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Singleton
  • Reverse the decision to make Nottinghamshire a Unitary Council
    There is a very good chance it may lead to the scrapping of district and borough councils. This is undemocratic. It takes away decision making powers from the people. We pride ourselves in our local communities but this decision will leave all decisions up to a faceless bureaucracy that know nothing of the local areas. We want to still be able to make our own decisions about where and how we live.
    579 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Pauline Carter
  • Sense Not Fence - let's find alternatives to fencing at Stoke Lodge
    Cotham Academy continues to state that it will erect a 2m high, 1500m long perimeter fence around Stoke Lodge without the need for consent, they have confirmed they will start to build a fence in DECEMBER 2018. Cotham Academy has so far spent around £200,000 in their pursuit of fencing Stoke Lodge, under the premise of safeguarding and with the repeated inference that this is a requirement from Ofsted. Ofsted themselves have confirmed in writing “to be clear Ofsted has not required Cotham School to erect a fence on these playing fields”. Why doesn’t the local community want a fence at Stoke Lodge? ● There is no need for a fence, many schools today use open fields to play sport. The community, schools and sports groups previously coexisted peacefully at Stoke Lodge for nearly 70 years without a fence, many health and saftey experts have confirmed a fence is not required as have OFSTED ● This is the last remaining open green space in the area after two other school playing fields were sold off to developers, and it is vital to thousands within our community ● The fence leaves minimal space for walkways around the majority of the perimeter of the field and would be built over footpaths which people have used for over 70 years - these well trodden paths have validated public right of way applications awaiting a committee hearing ● No Equality Impact Analysis has been completed to assess the impact of the fence. Local people, including many with a range of disabilities, rely on access to this vital green space for their ongoing health and wellbeing ● No detailed risk assessment has been completed to determine the health and safety risks of installing a fence from those playing sports through to access for emergency services such as the air ambulance ● Stoke Lodge itself is a beautiful Grade 2 listed property, and planning is required for any development in the curtilage of a listed building ● Stoke Lodge contains many amazing trees under Tree Protection Orders, some of which are of national importance. The proposed fence will damage these trees ● The erection of such a large perimeter fence will cause irreparable damage to wildlife, with active badger sett/s and many other species of animals at the Lodge ● Bristol City Council, who own the land and act as landlord, has formally, publicly and repeatedly promised that Stoke Lodge would never be fenced What would the local community like to see at Stoke Lodge? ● For Cotham Academy to return to Stoke Lodge again for their sports lessons as soon as possible ● For Cotham Academy to leverage the best practice from many other schools in Bristol and beyond (with higher risks) who use open playing fields yet still get rated highly by Ofsted for safeguarding ● For local sports teams to be allowed by Cotham Academy and Bristol University, who currently sublet and maintain the land, to return to play sports at Stoke Lodge as soon as possible ● If Cotham Academy still believes that the perimeter of Stoke Lodge needs to be strengthened, for more appropriate and cost-effective solutions be implemented. ● For no further public funds (and vital school funds) to be wasted in pursuit of a ‘fence at all costs'.
    4,447 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by We Love Stoke Lodge Picture
  • Sacked for attempting to take his legally upheld break
    Because it sets a dangerous precedent if companies are allowed to ignore UK and EU employment law and act in contempt of the Employment Appeals Tribunal in Croydon, which ruled the Working Time Directive in relation to the Rest breaks applied. Peter Lee was a loyal employee of Network Rail, he was employed as a signaller for a total of 44 years. He had an unblemished record. 44 years unblemished service wiped out for taking a 20 minute lawful break. Arundel Signalman sacked by Network Rail. Shame on Network Rail for denying their employee a lawful break. It is also a big safety issue because signallers need a break to make sure they can work safely.
    8,164 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Lee
  • Make Hailsham’s High Street Disabled Access Friendly Again
    The High Street does look good with the improvements and the bollards were meant to stop cars parking on the pavement. But now there’s a problem on the narrow parts for disabled people using scooters and wheelchairs and people with prams. They can’t stop to go into the shops as another scooter/wheelchair/pram can’t get past and they can’t pass another from the opppsote direction. They can’t do a U turn either. Please sign so that Hailsham Town Council comes up with a solution to suit disabled people and the car parking problem. Even if you aren’t disabled please be kind and sign as disabled people are often thought of last, if thought of at all. Thank you.
    877 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Fellingham
  • Traffic safety measures to be installed on Garratt Lane outside Floreat School, Wandsworth
    Motorists drive very fast along Garratt lane and it is very challenging and dangerous to cross this road with young children. It is not uncommon to wait for 5 minutes to cross and there have been several near misses. It is only a matter of time until something terrible happens.
    473 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Chris Nicholson
  • A4063 Maesteg-Tondu Cycle Route
    Despite an increasing number of commuting and leisure cyclists that use this road since it was constructed, it is wholly inadequate for the purpose and it is only by luck that no cyclist has been seriously injured. Although there is a proposal for a cycle route from Maesteg out of the valley, it is not conducive for those wishing to commute via bike since it would involve narrow lanes and add at least an extra 15-20 minutes to the journey. Therefore, a route running the length of the A4063 over the ample grass verges is the only solution for journey times.
    312 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Teague
  • Lets Make Public Health a Priority in Newham
    40 percent of premature deaths and the burden of disease is attributed to "behaviours" such as diet, physical activity, smoking and alcohol. In Newham, with a high population of South Asian backgrounds, the focus on public health is even more important as diabetes is up to 6 times more likely in this population. The obesity and diabetes epidemic particularly affect Newham and we urgently need lifestyle changes programmes at community level, as recommended by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. In 2013, the Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt and the Chief Executive of Public Health England wrote to all the Chief Executives of Local Authorities to ask them to put people's health and wellbeing at the heart of everything they do. However, this has not taken place in Newham and we request it to change. Our local community with Food Academy and with funding from Diabetes UK, British Heart Foundation and Tesco has been able to deliver 400 fun holiday lunch clubs in the last 2 years, involving 700 mothers and more than 1400 children. We have supported a public health prevention agenda with hands-on cooking and fun physical activities targeting obesity and diabetes in adults and children. However, this type of public health work now requires promotion and funding from the local government and the local NHS for the benefit of our families.
    404 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Sandeep Channa
  • Save Woodchurch Leisure Centre
    If this proposal is passed we feel it will be the start of the demise leading to permanent closure of this very valued community Leisure Centre. We are all being urged to keep healthy and fit by both the Council and NHS England and swimming is one of the ways they advise, so closing a popular pool is not acceptable. Woodchurch Leisure Centre needs investment not closure. Please sign this petition and help us stop these unwanted changes.
    633 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Vincent Atherton
  • Stop the Velo South Cycle Event - 23rd September in West Sussex
    The event will hold hostage thousands of residents in their own homes around the 100 mile route for up to 8 hours, cost local businesses real money, risk the livelihood of farmers and welfare of farm animals, all for the commercial gain of Velo South. West Sussex County Councillors were not able to democratically vote on this and neither were Chichester District Council nor the Parish Councils.
    2,878 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Alan Pearson
  • Save St Luke’s Swim Academy
    St Luke’s Swim Academy is a fully inclusive, non competitive swim academy that gives children aged 7-14yrs the chance to train with a squad, these children may not have the time, funds or ability to train with larger competitive clubs. At St Luke’s they can learn race techniques and build on their stamina while keeping fit and making friends. St Luke’s also provides training, support and employment for young people who have chosen swim coaching as a career.
    194 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Luke Ball
  • A city-wide ban on single-use disposable plastics
    Please help us get the 3,500 signatures needed to enable a debate at a full council meeting of Bristol City Council. So far, many people have signed a paper and e-petition calling for Bristol to introduce a city wide ban on single-use disposable plastic across all uses where the council has power. As a local resident I am setting up this supporting version of the petition on 38 Degrees to spread the word further and make it easier for more people to sign it. We wish to show the council how strong the desire is to bring about the positive change that we need. You can easily and quickly sign via 38 Degrees and your name will be counted, or you can do it on the council’s website using the link below, but the latter method involves creating an account with a password and logging in: https://democracy.bristol.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=13&RPID=1964100&HPID=1964100&$LO$=1
    2,672 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Alex Morss