• Keeping open Heaton Library (Newcastle upon Tyne)
    "Education; education, education", was Blair's cry when 1st elected; then he imposed the lack of grants available to would-be students; on the Saturday after school term ended! As a former teacher and someone who has benefited from grant-approved subsidy, it is my firm belief that READING is the key factor in improving one's mind; hence my despair at the threat of Library closures, which were available to children and adults who could not afford to buy key books, whatever their subject.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pamela Shaw
  • resist franchise of swiss cottage post office
    Local residents, including senior citizens, those who rely on benefits, less abled people and small business outlets in the area depend on this office for service and trade. Post Office management say that the office is not making a profit for them so it can be sold to someone who can make a profit from it! No crown (main) post office can make a profit as it is a public service and (apart from postal orders) do not sell anything on their own behalf. Every service they provide is on behalf of an outside interest (such as the bank of Ireland) royal mail, or a government agency. Since 1987, one thousand one hundred and twenty four crown post offices have closed (and innumerable sub-post offices). And now there are only 376 crown offices left in the whole of the uk. Post Office management wish to rid themselves of a further 76 crown offices as a means to creating a profit, but past history indicates that this policy is doomed to failure. Previous hosts of former post offices include wh smith (who, it is said, are not renewing the contract on the franchishe's they took on where the lease is now expiring ), chemists, kebab outlets etcetra, now they have indicated that betting shops might be a good venue for a post office. Councillors have indicated that post offices could be located in libraries, this was before councils began to close libraries, then they said that police stations could have a counter in post offices, then the decision was made to close more post offices. Everything that the union has done to accommodate changes in the post office in order to maintain jobs and save offices from closure has not satisfied senior management. They are like turkeys voting for Christmas, their employment will cease along with all the staff they employ. the difference is that they will walk away with a very handsome golden handshake etcetera (as many senior "managers" have in the recent past) whilst the loyal staff end up on the dole.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by tony reilly
  • Provide free bus passes for students who are required to continue further education
    The legal age for students to leave education is being raised to 17 and soon it will be 18. Starting from this September students are required to continue to some form of education for another year, however in Gloucestershire parents are still required to pay the £300+ (in some cases) for their children to continue on at school, even though they have no way of leaving education. Usually the lower stage of secondary school is free transport provided by the council, however now that students are required to stay on longer, this should also be provided free of charge.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Voaden
  • Reduce Crown Copyright from 50 years to 10 years
    The UK's copyright laws for government works are archaic. In the USA for example works of the Federal Government don't get any copyright protection. The restrictive Crown Copyright rules that currently apply in the UK make it harder for campaigning websites to reproduce government documents in full and don't help information-based businesses. This campaign isn't for the rules to be scrapped though but rather for the period of protection to be reduced to 10 years which means the government can exploit its works commercially for one decade if it wishes to do so. In the digital era a government copyright term of longer than ten years cannot be justified.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Cross
  • Keep libraries open in Brent and in the UK
    Libraries is an essential public service for the community/society, especially Brent is one of the most deprive area in London/the UK. ● Library is for the whole community (children, adult, elderly, disable people and for different culture and religions…). Library is the area which let people to gather and have more knowledge about the community/UK/world, study/self study and can join other activity. And ● If you have doubt about things, you have someone/staff near you. Library make you don’t feel isolation from the community/people and less worry about things if you have doubt on them. ● Library is good for the community, Councils close local libraries; it is inconvenience for people and isolate them, especially in Labour councils run/create deprived area. Children, elderly, disable people….are difficult to go any further and some can’t/don’t go any further as well - Culture issue….and save money for living.  !!! Labour council goal is to make people become more stupid, have no knowledge themselves for the community, the UK, the world. And make them dependent on welfare system for easy to control the area. !!! Labour council/government are often emphasizes diversity country/borough and give different kind of benefit and housing for the people they need. It is just for inner circle. For example: I experience and know deeply about libraries in Brent and in London, and their public service and welfare system… in Brent Council.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pui-Yee Yu
  • Asbestos in Schools Wales
    Given the health risks associated with the presence of asbestos in public buildings, we believe parents and guardians across Wales have the right; to know if asbestos is located in their school to know whether, where asbestos is present, it is being managed in line with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 to access that information easily online.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kirsty Lay
  • RAF Bomber Command memorial
    The money is outstanding because more people came to watch the Queen's opening of the memorial than was anticipated, and if it remains outstanding members of the Bomber Command may be liable for the full amount of over half a million pounds. This could lead to these men who fought so bravely for us to lose their homes, and in reality make a mockery of the memorial itself.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lawrence Davies
  • Automatic Entitlement to education until 18 years old for all
    Many parents have areal struggle to get their children placed in the most appropriate provision. There is a general assumption that as long as the placement is beneficial, the pupil will be there until they are 18, just like mainstream. However, this is not the case. Parents have to justify why their child should stay on. This has to be done for each year applied for. This is so unfair and adds unnecessary stress to already over stressed families.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grace Boyle
  • Qualified teachers for every child
    Qualified teachers have completed a rigorous training programme which ensures they hold appropriate prerequisite qualifications and that they are prepared for and have met national standards to teach. Following the Michael Gove's change, there are now no safe guards in place to ensure children have appropriately trained and qualified teachers. This flies in the face of international research and best practice which shows the best education systems have teachers who have completed lengthy and rigorous pedagological training.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Steph Ladbrooke
  • Say YES to Newark Hospital
    All patients (50,000) from the Newark district have to travel a minimum of 25 miles to a hospital when we had a perfectly good service given by our own hospital in the town. The A&E as been down graded to what is known locally as a Bumbs & Bruises (B&B). The front line staff numbers have been cut. All this was done we believe without full consultation. Finally lives are being put at risk because of time and distantance and lack of ambulance cover. We are asking Andrew Lansley for a full review without sucess.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Vic Hall