• Stop the Tories hijacking the living wage
    It is important for people to not confuse the UK's minimum wage with the LIVING WAGE. The minimum wage SHOULD be a living wage.. but it is not. The 'National Minimum Wage' will still be far lower than the LIVING WAGE when it is raised by the government in 2016, yet it is being re-branded as though it is a living wage. The living wage has been researched for many years and exists to highlight what people actually need to be paid in order to have a better standard of living. The Proposed 'National Living Wage' is not a living wage! Especially when working people will face tax credit cuts next year.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Mclaren
  • cpcs monopolising the mobile plant training tickets
    this is important because people who come out of work/trying to get back into work can not afford the price of these tickets run by cpcs . employers and agencies carry advertisements saying must have cpcs cards only
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by richie stones
  • End Unfair Access To Media Employment and Decision-Making
    This matters because the general public have a right to know if access to employment and/or decision making bodies in the media are open only to a narrow section of society, which either wilfully or innocently perpetuates itself within these occupations and other forms of participation in media output and decision making to the detriment of our wider society.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by frank rafferty
  • Stop educational recruitment agencies sucking funds from our schools!
    Learning is THE most important of activities. Education costs money. Why should money be wasted to make private individuals (the directors of the agencies) rich?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Clarke Picture
  • cap restaurant/ kitchen hours
    For the health and well being of all staff, also properly paid for the actual hours they work, when salaried they are getting well below the minimum wage Chefs have to work 12/16 hours a day and especially if they are Michelin starred, lack of sleep , lack of breaks and daily pressures have an extreme detrimental effect on them with lots of them turning to supplements (caffeine red bull pro plus) but also what is very common is amphetamines. This year I was made aware of a famous chef near London, where staff started at 6 and finished at 12/1. Some staff were even taking some of the veg up to their rooms to prep for the morning. There seems to be no rules governing hours and conditions in this industry. In France because of the unions chefs are only allowed to work 8 hours a day
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ella Mentry
  • 5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hugh Norris
  • South Devon Cycle Link
    There is currently no safe way to cycle between Totnes and Newton Abbot. The A381 is the only route over the river Dart and it is simply too dangerous for cyclists. Access to footbridge, the only other bridge over the river, would enable cyclists and walkers to travel safely out of Totnes to the north east and west. This would ease congestion and improve the health and wellbeing of the residents of Totnes and Newton Abbot and all the villages that lie between. In addition, this route would serve to complete the missing link in the National Cycle Network. The route in question is called NCN2 and runs from Dover to St Austell. The missing link lies between Totnes and Newton Abbot. However, Devon County Council want to sign off an alternative route that bypasses Totnes altogether. We believe that this is a huge missed opportunity as it will have a negative impact on the town in the form of lost revenue from cycle tourism. Please help support our campaign by asking Devon Council not to bypass our town but to directly liaise with South Devon Railway to appease their concerns regarding security. The bridge was part funded by public money and is a valuable asset to Totnes and its transport infrastructure. However, it is only being used exclusively for customers of the railway and not for the overall benefit of the community. We need the council to help us convince the railway that we can secure their important tourist attraction and that opening up access to the bridge would actually benefit their business going forward. We have had discussions with both South West Water and the only private landowner involved, and neither have any serious objections to our proposal. Our petition has generated almost 3000 signatures, many with comments expressing the importance of the scheme to the local and wider community. What we are missing is support from Devon Council. We do not need another study, we do not need any more consultants, there are no other routes that offer value for money. Our proposal is a valid practical solution with many benefits to the local community in terms of congestion, health and tourism. Our proposal is backed by the community, Sustains, all the local schools, local businesses, local and regional MP's and is backed by South Hams District Council. We appreciate the cycle path will require an estimated £300,000 (although we believe this estimate to be excessive). We are happy to co-ordinate the funding process going forward, however this option will never come to fruition if we don't get agreement in the first place. So please Devon County Council - please don't sign off the National Cycle Network Route 2 so that it bypasses Totnes. Instead please get on side and help negotiate with the South Devon Railway to open up a public resource for the benefit of us all.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Oldridge
  • Sweat Shop Free Bath
    Between April 24 and May 14 2013, three young workers at Foxconn electronics factory in Zhengzhou, China, jumped from buildings to their deaths. 24 others have committed suicide since 2010 because of appalling conditions, such as being sacked if you speak at work, and ritual humiliations in front of hundreds of colleagues. Foxconn are making computers for Dell, Apple, Acer, HP and others. Computers for universities are made in factories like this. A new organisation, Electronics Watch, will work with public sector bodies and electronics workers, to investigate factories making our computers, and start to improve rights and working conditions. The Workers Rights Consortium is a similar body with a focus on the clothing industry.
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by william bonnell
  • Raise funds for displaced migrants
    Our government has decided to act on the current 'migrant' crisis which is due to people power through petitioning/campaigning, putting pressure on unwilling politicians to take the necessary action and provide these people with support they desperately need. I am so proud of the people of Britain for standing up and making themselves un-ignorable in this situation. HOWEVER, This won’t come without great cost to Britain, where will the money come from to accommodate these terribly unfortunate people? We still have growing numbers of homeless on our streets, our NHS is still suffering and many are still unemployed. Usually to cover the cost the government would issue welfare reform (cuts) and/or raise taxes. We've been on that merry-go-round for far too long and it only adds to poverty and suffering. THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO HAPPEN! If we look to America, in states where marijuana produce has been legalised (Colorado etc), they are metaphorically swimming in cash, with thousands of new jobs, a whole new multi-million dollar industry re-introduced into their society and we can have that too! Since Colorado became the first state in the US to allow people to trade marijuana-produce legally, from January 2014 the state took in $53 million in tax revenue in its first year!. That’s just one state. Imagine the money that could be raised in the UK, imagine what help that could do, a whole bunch of surplus cash from an inexpensive plant that grows in dirt.. The demand is definitely there for cannabis based goods, so why not end prohibition? Use the funds we make through taxation of cannabis-produce to help wherever we can, to provide opportunity wherever we can. OUR HOMELESS CAN BE HOUSED, THE UNEMPLOYED CAN RECEIVE TRAINING AND BECOME EMPLOYED, WE CAN ACCOMODATE DISPLACED 'MIGRANTS' OUR NHS CAN RECIEVE THE FUNDING AND SUPPORT IT NEEDS, WE CAN CREATE MORE JOBS, MORE INDUSTRY. WE CAN GROW, WE CAN PROSPER, TOGETHER! P.s A petition for cannabis legalisation was considered not long ago by our government, after receiving over 200,000 signatures, the response from government wasn't that which we'd hope for. you can see the governments’ response here: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/104349 <<(please also sign&share)<< Lets not take no for an answer. Lets remind them of the good this reform would do for our country and our people and those fleeing war-torn countries The benefits legalisation are too good to ignore, It’s time for change! PLEASE SEE THE GOOD IN THIS AND SIGN. THANK YOU SO MUCH
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Jones
  • Refugees Welcome in Havant
    Aylan, the toddler who drowned fleeing Syria, was just three years old. His town was under attack by Isis. His five year old brother and his mum also died trying to reach safety. Yet our prime minister said ‘we won't take any more refugees’. He thinks that most of us don't care. But 38 Degrees members do care. We don't want Britain to be the kind of country that turns its back as people drown in their desperation to flee places like Syria. So let's stand up for Britain's long tradition of helping refugees fleeing war. Let's show the Prime Minister that we, the people of the UK, are proud to do our part and provide refuge to people in their hour of need. Please sign and share, or start your own petition for your town or city here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/efforts/refugees-welcome
    99 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rose Gerlach
  • Tell Côte to stop pocketing service charges & tips given for staff - AND instructing staff to lie
    Cote has been accused by campaigners of “misleading” customers with its “outrageous” policy that the 12.5% charge goes straight to the company instead of being kept by workers at the restaurant where the diner ate. According to workers, staff are told to tell customers who ask where the service charges goes that it is given out between workers. You can read more here: http://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/restaurant-chain-c-te-takes-entire-service-charge-instead-of-giving-it-to-staff-a2918366.html
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Mellish
  • Raise the VAT registration threshold to help small businesses
    Small businesses create employment and opportunity and are critical to keep the economy healthy. We need to encourage and reward the entrepreneurs, who take on the personal risks and stress of starting new businesses and help them get off the ground.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Condon