• Bring State Pension in line with National Living Wage
    We have one of the lowest state pensions here in the UK
    314 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Ives
  • Give British Citizenship to any person who serves in the British Armed Forces for 5 years or more.
    It has become clear that the United Kingdom is neglecting foreign nationals who have joined our Armed Forces. Often discharging them without any support or token of thanks for their service. Many are deported back to their country of origin despite creating a life and family in Great Britain. This is wrong and cruel. If a person is prepared to die for us, we should acknowledge this and offer security and peace by giving citizenship.
    216 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Garth
  • 'These Walls Must Fall' Motion Bristol
    "Over 30,000 people are locked up in prison-like conditions every year, with no time limit on how long they can be held. This is not for having committed a crime. It is purely because they do not (yet) have the correct immigration papers. The majority of people detained are eventually released, but many never really recover from the trauma. It’s a terrible waste of money (£125 million a year), and a waste of lives. Immigration detention is a wholly unnecessary, unjustifiable practice, one of the most harmful aspects of the UK’s “hostile environment” for migrants and a shameful civil rights abuse that cannot be ignored." Quoted from the 'These Walls Must Fall' Campaign Website (http://detention.org.uk/)
    251 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Ion
  • Save our Libraries Essex (SOLE)
    Essex County Council have announced plans to close 25 libraries and to turn a further 19 over to be run by local communities to save money. My local library, in West Mersea, employs 2 people for 21 hours a week. Not only will they lose their jobs if these closures go ahead, but so will all the staff at the threatened 44 libraries. My library is thriving. It is always busy with people of all ages reading newspapers and periodicals, borrowing books, DVDs and CDs, accessing the internet, researching their family ancestry and speaking to others. Libraries are fantastic assets to the community and need to be saved. No libraries in Essex should be closed or downgraded to being run by volunteers The elderly population of Essex need these libraries. Many do not have computers and some of them may not speak to anyone else in their day. We need local libraries in local communities which can be accessed on foot or bike, by all sections of society. Please think again before implementing these closures.
    11,812 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Bry Mogridge
  • Change the crossing near Bitterne Station (Southampton) to make it safe for pedestrians & cyclists.
    It takes 7 mins to cross as a pedestrian with the lights, so people take risks running across. There's no safe cycle route, but it could be much safer with a few dropped kerbs and some paint. It is monstrous that the proposed Highways England scheme does not take this into account. We need a regular combined pedestrian/cyclist phase over this dangerous junction. Also, eg: - pavement alteration for bikes by derelict hairdresser and opposite for bikes. - crossing point is needed from station across to Athelstan Rd - over just Bitterne Rd West instead of multiple crossings. - traffic calming needed by the concrete blocks on Bullar Rd, as the crossing is often ignored by vehicles. Please join us on 18th Nov: https://www.facebook.com/events/266846273945353/ (or contact us via http://www.southamptoncyclingcampaign.org.uk/about-us/contact-us/ )
    873 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lyn Brayshaw
  • Keep Hope Alive
    Both the Hope Centre and NAASH offer an unmatched and undeniably crucial role in providing vital services to the towns homeless and vulnerable community. No other organisation be it housing, charity or council come near to the services provided or the compassion and heart they are provided with. To allow a business who's bottom line is about profit to take over this service in conjunction with other organisations that are only interested in control rather than compassion is not in the best interest of the homeless community in this town.
    405 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Stan Robertson
  • Protect the human rights of people receiving care and support
    Click here for an easy read version of this petition: https://38dgs.org.uk/petition_easy_read “We are not a problem that needs solving, we are people who have rights and those rights are taken away from us” - self advocate with learning difficulties We all have a right to choose how we live. Living with dementia, learning difficulties or brain injuries doesn’t change this, and shouldn’t mean your feelings and wishes are ignored when it comes to the support you receive. But right now the government is proposing a new law that will make it easier to deprive someone of their liberty if they are judged unable to make decisions for themselves. It could mean people are forced to live in care homes because it’s cheaper and easier for the local council even though it’s not what they want or need. Right now decisions like these are taken with the help of an independent assessment that considers the opinions and wishes of the person and makes sure the care that is provided is what the person needs. The new law will get rid of these independent assessments in the majority of cases, and puts a lot of decision making power in the hand of care home managers, who have an interest in keeping people in their care homes. No one should be deprived of their liberty unless their safety is at risk and all less restrictive options have been explored. But the changes to the law going through parliament right now will make it more likely that people will be deprived of their freedom to make life easier for local councils and care home staff - not because it’s what’s best for them. Branded by experts as “not fit for purpose” the only way to ensure the human rights of disabled people are respected is to change the bill currently going through parliament.
    193,394 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Reclaiming Our Futures Alliance
  • Portrait for £50 Note 2020
    Noor Imyat Khan gave her life for the cause of freedom in this Nation‘s war to overthrow the Nazi Regime. Ms Noor served in the WRAF (Women‘s Royal Auxiliary Air Force) before transferring to the top secret Special Operstions Executuve set up by Winston Churchill, then as part of SOE was airdropped into France and organized and ran Churchill‘s network of resistance communication in Paris. Ms Noor was betrayed, and after suffering starvation and torture by the Gestapo in Dachau concentration camp, was executed by firing squad by the Nazi SS in 1944. Ms Khan was posthumously awarded the George Cross by King George VI in 1949. Here is proof of the inclusivity within Britain of the Muslim community. Ms Noor was also the first female radio operator sent into Nazi-occupied France in 1943. She was 29. Here is an opportunity to recognize the United Kingdom‘s inclusivity and its belief in democratic freedom. I respectfully invite likeminded members of the public to sign this Petition to the Bank of England.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Webb
  • Pay non-teaching staff in line with their duties.
    Many teaching staff could not carry out their jobs if it were not for these crucial staff in schools and many, many vulnerable pupils would not get a positive and meaningful experience of education if it were not for Pupil Support Assistants, Classroom Assistants, and Learning Assistants. It is imperative - especially in light of the current campaign for increased teacher pay - that non-teaching staff are also recognised for their enormous contribution to education and the importance of this contribution to both teachers and pupils.
    3,658 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Melanie Sorbie
  • Help stop our children's mental health crisis
    Mental Illness has more impact on children and young people than any other illness, according to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) burden of disease measure. Thanks to the Royals and others, the stigma of mental illness is diminishing but our investigation has found that it continues in the important area of mental health research. The best evidence suggests current research funding in the UK and Scotland is biased against mental illness. Please bring mental health research funding into line with its high cost to society and its burden of disease on us and our children. Miricyl SCIO We want to Create more Mental Illness Research in Children and Young Lives. Please join our campaign. Charity number SC047522
    737 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Alex Conway
  • Kick out Capita from Barnet Council now
    The recent successfully prosecuted fraud case where a Capita employee stole over £2million from Barnet Council underlines the urgent need for the Council to take back control of all of the former Council services from Capita. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-45641513 Barnet Council commissioned Grant Thornton (GT) to undertake a major review to identify how such a large scale fraud had been able to take place. This project, called Project Rose, was given a budget of “up to” £500,000 and has been on-going ever since. The review found: • Lack of budgetary controls • Not carrying out basic bank detail checks • Inexperienced managers responsible for large amounts of money • Lack of written financial procedures and checklists Barnet Council agreed to pay Capita £252.54 million But, Barnet Council have already paid Capita £352.41 million with FIVE more years to go! Barnet Council is in financial crisis with a budget overspend of £10.3 million this financial year and a funding gap of £66.8 million over the next three years. Frontline services such as street cleansing, waste and recycling, Libraries, social care are all facing more and more cuts that are already affecting Barnet residents. Capita Plc are in their own financial crisis. Their Share Price has dropped from £13 a share to under £1.50 a share in the space of the last two years. On 11 December 2018, Barnet Council Policy and Resources Committee will decide on whether to end both contracts. We are campaigning that they VOTE to end both contracts and begin the urgent process of taking back control of those services. End Details of the Grant Thornton Review on Capita https://www.barnet.gov.uk/citizen-home/council-and-democracy/finance-and-funding/Financial-controls.html Is this the end of Capita in Barnet - Grant Thornton's report is a devastating critique of Capita's dismal performance http://reasonablenewbarnet.blogspot.com/2018/09/is-this-end-of-capita-in-barnet-grant.html Project Rose: the devastating report Barnet Tories didn't want you to read http://wwwbrokenbarnet.blogspot.com/2018/09/project-rose-devastating-report-barnet.html Damning report slams Capita and financial management at Barnet Council http://barneteye.blogspot.com/2018/09/damning-report-slams-capita-and.html
    1,591 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Barnet UNISON Picture
  • Stoke-on-Trent City Council, stop persecuting the homeless
    Stoke-on-Trent has the dubious distinction of being called the Monkey Dust capital of the U.K. A blite on the reputation and economy of Stoke-on-Trent. We the undersigned, are disgusted and ashamed that Stoke-on-Trent City Council and Staffordshire Police, rather than tackling the supply and use of drugs and other street crimes, are focusing on the homeless and fining them £100. This proposal is not only sadistic but increases the pressure on the police, courts, probation services as well as council resources, during a time of peak demand and will do nothing to reduce genuine homelesses. We demand that as the Councillor responsible for Communities, you take immediate action to stop the persecution of the most vulnerable people in our city and drop plans to fine the genuinely homeless. This is the second year in a row that Stoke-on-Trent City Council has attempted to victimise the homeless and profit from their misfortune In a move so disgusting that Scrooge himself would be ashamed by it. Homelessness will not end by hiding the problem nor profiting from their misery but by acting with compassion, decency and vision. To be clear, we have no objection to the prosecution of criminals, who feign homelessness to take advantage of the public or aggressively beg for money, however, we seek an acceptance and protection for the genuine homeless.
    1,345 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by David Craggs