• Save Scottish Youth Theatre
    For over thirty years, Scottish Youth Theatre has provided encouragement, space, opportunity and support for young people to engage with the creative industries. It has helped countless thousands of young people in Scotland to build their confidence, meet new friends and develop their creative potential. And so much more. Sadly, on 7 March, Scottish Youth Theatre announces via a statement on its website that due to this cut in its core funding it would cease trading on 31 July 2018: http://scottishyouththeatre.org/article/public-statement-by-syt/?platform=hootsuite 2018 is Scotland’s national Year of Young People. But even if it wasn’t it would still be a travesty to cut the funding for Scotland’s national youth theatre. There can surely be no prism through which the decision to cut this funding makes sense or could be viewed as a good thing for Scotland’s youth, creative sector, artistic reputation nor our economy. Please sign and share this petition to show the Scottish Government the level of public support in opposition to the cut in funding for SYT. Thank you.
    170 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Adam Lang
  • End the hunger strike of 45 immigrants detained indefinitely at Yarl's Wood
    It is inhumane to imprison people indefinitely, without being convicted of a crime, often with no legal representation. As one of the detainees has said "We want the Home Office to listen to us and stop the injustice of indefinite detention..It is the uncertainty that is most difficult, I can deal with imprisonment if I know my sentence. But here, there’s no criminal record, and no clarity about what's going to happen to me. It's a pain that we all bear on a daily basis." (Al Jazeera 28.2.18 - https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/02/women-detained-yarl-wood-hunger-strike-180228195926024.html)
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ellie Wolf
  • Against the removal of children tickets in Lansdown Lower
    Because people are being asked to either pay an unjustfied price to keep their current seats and effectively being forced to move from their current seats, price increases are understandable but removal of child ticket options from sections of the ground are not acceptable.
    596 of 600 Signatures
    Created by J Hicks
  • Rescind the Governing Body Decision to downgrade Corby Urgent Care Centre
    If this erroneous decision is not rescinded then it would create a two tier urgent care system that would exclude, workers, visitors and those that participate in the full range of sporting fixtures that happen in the area from accessing and using the urgent care centre: putting untold pressure on KGH A&E and the East Midlands Ambulance Service.
    1,543 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lyn Buckingham
  • Stop on-the-spot fingerprint scanning
    The Home Office quietly announced, without debate in Parliament, that West Yorkshire Police will be rolling out on-the-spot fingerprint scanning on 10th Feb 2018. The checks will include UK Border Agency and Criminal Records databases. Over 30yrs ago I was fined for a minor offence and my fingerprints were recorded at the time. If I were to encounter a stop-and-scan check whilst with my boss or an important customer, they would be able to tell instantly that I had a criminal record, and even if I wasn't fired I'd be looked at unfairly for promotion. Worse still, with UK Border Agency database checks, we know that the Police will disproportionately target ethnic minorities. We have seen how incompetent the UKBA are at dealing with EU applications for permanent residency, and you can be sure that many legal EU citizens will be falsely arrested during these stops. PACE (the Police and Criminal Evidence Act) s61 currently states that the Police can only take your fingerprints without consent after you've been arrested or you're caught red-handed. However, by virtue of having these scanners the Police will intimidate people into giving consent. Please sign the petition to stop this unfair system, which hasn't even been agreed to by Parliament. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/police-trial-new-home-office-mobile-fingerprint-technology https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1984/60/section/61
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Booth
  • Disney/Marvel Deems Black Panther not Important enough for a midnight release across the UK
    This film is highly important on so many social levels. - First ever (Big Budget) Black Superhero Film in history - Will show off true African culture in a positive light - A chance for the British public to see Africa in a positive light (Fictional or not) - The film being reported as "The most highly anticipated superhero movie of ALL TIME" but is not being treated as such by Odeon and or Disney/Marvel - I feel the film is discriminated against as a cinema viewing at that hour (13/02/2018 - 00:05) would be filled with young black male & females between the ages of 18-25 pushing up to around the age of 32 and this is of course discrimination at its finest This film has garnered a huge level of anticipation in the US & overseas, "Black Panther' Sets New Early Sales Record, Eyeing Possible $150 Million Opening Weekend" - Forbes "The movie-ticket site Fandango has announced that the latest Disney/Marvel superhero film is outpacing all previous movies released in the first quarter in terms of advance sales. It's beating out such hits as "The Hunger Games" (2012) and "Beauty and the Beast" (2017), says The Hollywood Reporter." - Fandango
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Collins
  • BBC to show Womens Six Nations Rugby
    In 2015 BBC and ITV banded together to ensure terrestrial coverage of all Men's Six Nations matches until 2021. However, no commitment has been made for equal coverage for women's matches, which are currently only shown on Sky TV in England and Scotland. We believe the women's matches should be equally accessible to the public.
    456 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Emily Lang
  • Compass Group/ESS - Do Not Cut Low-Paid Workers' Working Weeks!
    The low paid employees at the MoD’s Fort Blockhouse base in Gosport, Hampshire, who work as cleaners, mess hands and housekeepers, are currently embroiled in a row as ESS has cut the workers’ working year from 52 to 50 weeks. This issue affects mainly women workers on very low pay. The cost-cutting scandal for employees working at Ministry of Defence (MoD) establishments in the south of England has been compounded by the awarding of a new contract to ESS. Unite, the country’s largest union which represents 27 ESS workers, said it was taking legal advice as some employees had their weeks further cut to 48 weeks a year and there were questions about their hourly rate being below the national living wage. Unite has members employed by ESS at HMS Sultan (Gosport), HMS Collingwood (Fareham) and Whale Island (Portsmouth), where the company is also cutting the working year in the contracts of its low paid workers. ESS is part of the Compass Group. The pay of the CEO for Compass Group North America, Gary Green, was £5.8 million last year – the equivalent of £15,890 a day. Unite regional officer Bob Middleton said: “The Ministry of Defence is collaborating in this greedy cost-cutting scandal by awarding a new contract to ESS to run for five years from 1 June 2018. “ESS has won the contract by submitting a bid with reduced employee costs which is disgraceful, as our members are loyal employees who are proud to support our armed forces.” Unite general secretary Len McCluskey wrote to the defence secretary Gavin Williamson about the unilateral reduction in the weeks worked and the loss of an estimated £500 a year in wages – but no response from the minister was forthcoming. Bob Middleton added: “The MoD should hang its head in shame by giving a new contract to ESS, a company that does not care whether some of its employees are now suffering financial hardship after having their working weeks axed without consultation. “The announcement of the new contract is rubbing salt into the wounds."
    230 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Chris Percy
  • Allow Dr Glen to open a branch surgery in Caldercruix
    Dr Glen has renewed her application to add Plains, Caldercruix and Hillend to her practice area and is hoping to achieve this by August 2018 with agreement from Lanarkshire NHS. The Primary Care Department of NHS Lanarkshire gave assurances in Caldercruix in January 2014 at a public meeting that there would continue to be GP services in Caldercruix at dedicated premises.The present service is well short of the assurances given to Alex Neil MSP in 2014 about a commitment to having a GP in the village. Assurances were also given to the Scottish Government that a GP would be in place in the village. The NHS is under pressure and Dr Glen is able to offer appointments in a permanent building with nursing and administrative support all ready to run for the benefit of local villages.
    281 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Carol Campbell Picture
  • Donate assets from Presidents Club to support young victims of sexual abuse
    Firstly the numbers if victims of these crimes is rising year on year and charities set up to support and work with them are oversubscribed and short of resources. By allocating the Presidents Club funds towards addressing some of the damage done through their activities this will send a strong signal that they knowingly breached charity regulations and equality laws.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Norma Hornby
  • Remove Posters in Gloucester City Centre demonising Homelessness
    We are fully supportive of the initiatives that are in place to help homeless people and would welcome these being publicised in a positive way so that the public are aware as to what they can do to help the homeless. However these posters do little more than attack the individual liberty of city residents and demonise one of the most vulnerable groups in our city. Streetlink is an important organisation but its advertised in small print at the bottom of the page. The current campaign is based on negativity and not the right way to go about things.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ellis Fincham
  • Make Childcare Work
    The childcare system in England isn’t working for families. Parents need childcare that helps them choose whether to go back to work. But hundreds of thousands aren’t getting the help they should be. It’s a battle for mums, dads, and caregivers to get the support they’re entitled to – and their children deserve. When the sums don’t add up, and parents end up worse-off than if they didn’t work at all, it can feel like the odds are stacked against them. And the financial pressure and stress that creates at home isn’t good for parents or children. This campaign is about making childcare fair and easy to use. Right now, our broken childcare system isn’t giving families the support they need - at the most important time in their children’s lives. Photo credit: Clare Hewitt / Save the Children
    1,748 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Madeline Moore