• Defend women’s healthcare across the world
    On 23 January 2017 President Trump signed an executive order reinstating the Global Gag Rule, or the Mexico City Policy. This order denies U.S. funding to global health and family planning organisations if they use money from other donors to provide abortion services, counselling or referrals—even if abortion is legal in a country. It blocks critical funding for life-saving health services like contraception, maternal health, Zika and HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment for any organisation that refuses to sign it. It will have a devastating effect. The World Health Organisation estimates that every day, 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth and 99% of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries. The Policy will hit hardest women living at the margins of society – the poorest, the most remote and those under 25. Zika and HIV are more likely to spread. Millions will suffer. The Global Gag Rule jeopardises the investment the UK Government has made in women’s health globally. Due to close inter-linkages between women’s health and poverty, environmental degradation, forced migration and conflict, these trends will worsen. The Global Gag Rule is an attempt to silence the voice, choice, and control of the world’s poorest women. The Policy is an assault on every woman, everywhere. In the spirit of the Women’s Marches last weekend, we call on the UK government to join other governments in championing comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and rights both politically and financially. So please sign and share our petition asking the UK Government to champion life-saving services for women across the world. Many thanks, The IPPF team For more on the Global Gag Rule: http://www.ippf.org/news/why-we-will-not-sign-global-gag-rule
    15,283 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Amina Khan
  • Intelligent Office: Stop Enforcing Sexist Dress Codes
    This is important because it is an outdated and ignorant approach to modern day work life. I left my role within a very large law firm as I was unable to continue working for a company who said that I cannot be taken seriously and would never have a successful career if I did not wear makeup or wear a specific nail colour. This archaic approach made me feel very uncomfortable and disheartened that as a woman, my looks were considered far more important and influential than my abilities to fulfill a role. Dress length, make-up, nail colours, heels are all things that don't define your ability to do a job, so they should not be made part of a company policy. I'd love Intelligent Office to take a stand on this and show the way for other companies on these sexist policies
    461 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Laming
  • Islamophobia and sexism has no place in the BBC or Britain
    The Real Housewives of ISIS is an extremely distasteful and offensive show. It is Islamophobic by how it depicts Muslim women, regardless of them being related to ISIS. The show stigmatises women and symbolises acts of everyday sexism suffered by women across the UK. Satire is created to fight against oppression – not feed into sexist and Islamophobic rhetoric. Muslim hate crimes are mostly carried out against women – this show will further fuel hate in Britain towards women in hijab and niqab.
    1,568 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sofia Jawaab
  • Speak up like Michelle Thomson MP
    I was fortunate as an MP to be sitting near Michelle Thomson MP in the House of Commons, Westminster, London in December 2016 when she spoke of having been raped as a teenager. Her act of speaking up has already had a profound impact. I acknowledge other parliamentarians have also spoken up, but more could do so. Parliamentarians, whether male or female, and regardless of whether they have suffered from violence, should do more to speak up and legislate where appropriate. This petition is a small contribution to allow people to acknowledge the need to support parliamentarians willing to accept their responsibility to do more.
    183 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Roger Mullin
  • Create a Lactose Free Alternative to Contraceptive Pills
    To adhere to certain lifestyles and certain intolerances that are current, there should be an alternative in order to avoid any illness or inconvenience.
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Parmenter
  • WASPI. Redress the injustice of pension denial.
    Hundreds of thousands of women have worked hard, planned and saved toward their pension. Some years back, they were told to wait an extra few years. They bit that bullet, but now, for some, just a few months before finally getting THEIR money back, they are told to wait another 2 or more years. No reasons, no apology, no letter even. It's UNACCEPTABLE.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by John Dutfield
  • Equal pay for Women.
    In the modern, equal and fair Britain of 2016 it is more important than ever that everyone no matter who they are or what gender they may be have equal and fair opportunities regarding work. Britain is a diverse land of many races, religions, sexual preferences and opinions. In the UK we are striving on a whole for equality in all aspects of our lives. So many barriers which once stopped groups of people from having equal opportunities have now been demolished. Yet still there is the pay gap between men and women. Around 90% of job roles in the UK pay men more than women for the same job title. If this is not inequality then its difficulty to comprehend what is. Our head of state; The Queen is a female. Our new post-Brexit Prime Minister; Theresa May is a female and more then ever women are diversifying in their job roles and taking on what was once viewed as "mens jobs". But still the employers of this once great country continue to underpay the hard working women of the UK in comparison to men. If true equality is to be brought upon us and a fair society secured then we must end this (for lack of a better term) sexist scourge on our country. If you believe in feminism, equality, or just empowering the government to make a positive change then please do sign this petition. If you have a mother, sister, girlfriend, auntie or female friend then why not provide them with the equal right to a decent wage just as much as men?
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Thomas
  • Say no to 'Wonder woman' as the UN ambassador for women
    HOW can the UN think an imaginary , scantily clad , very well endowed ( Barbie doll - statistics) comic book cartoon represents women of the world and 'empowers' them? She is a 'sex symbol ' and will only serve to promote women as sex objects in countries that already veer that way! Are they serious? Yes I get that they need a 'modern ' symbol - but 'Wonder Woman' was out of the 70's (or maybe it is more to do with a new 'Wonder Woman 'film being released in 2017 )??? But would you choose Charlie 's Angels? or Baywatch babes ? what about Bridget Jones ? Or a whole raft of similar females ? Pretty much every REAL woman I have ever met is a better role model for women, for encouraging our girls to be all they can be. Are there no real modern women across the whole world who could not be the UN's ambassador for women ? really ? We deserve better
    163 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Veel
  • X My Passport
    At the moment, British passports only provide two gender options; M and F. This is a problem as there are people who identify as neither of these genders. In 2014, a study (Titman, 2014) identified that 1 in 250 people choose another option when given the opportunity. YouGov studies have shown figures as high as 20% of people placing themselves between the poles of 100% male or 100% female. A simple solution is to add an X option on passports for those who want it. This is approved by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and is already in use in countries such as Germany, New Zealand, and Nepal. A survey of 79 non-binary people (people who do not identify as men or women) in the UK through the Beyond the Binary online magazine found that the vast majority reported feeling uncomfortable (100%) and unsafe (94%) being non-binary in the UK. The addition of the X marker on official documentation, such as passports, will validate the existence of non-binary identities, providing greater social and legal protection; making Britain a safer, more comfortable place for non-binary and genderqueer people. Lee-Anne is a non-binary person who says “I am misgendered in every shop I go into. It would be amazing if I could at least have the correct gender recorded on my official ID.” For non-binary people, there is an inability to have gender recorded correctly on medical, legal, educational, and other records. This leads to misgendering, dysphoria, as well as physical and mental health issues. It also validates harassment, discrimination and hate crime against non-binary people. It is imperative that this changes and an X marker is added to British passports.
    1,034 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lee-Anne Lawrance Picture
  • Stop sexual harassment in schools
    Sexual harassment in schools is a huge problem. When I was teaching, I often heard boys talk about how girls were "asking for it" and who saw no problem with cat-calling and wolf-whistling. We have a responsibility to make sure all girls can go to school and not face offensive name-calling, groping and unwanted sexual attention. Schools should be held accountable for tackling sexual violence and harassment - and teaching children how unacceptable this kind of behaviour is should be in the curriculum. The classroom is the perfect setting in which to tackle, and put an end to, the toxic behaviours that impact girls every day. But unless it’s the priority of all schools, it’ll always get put to the bottom of the list.
    7,493 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Francesca Waters
  • Change Rules Of Sex Reassignment Surgery
    I'm a transgender myself and would love to have SRS straight away but the rules are preventing me for having my wish I feel extremely uncomfortable in my body and am scared of going out as people stare, I have noticed other people in the same position who would love to have the rules changed so they feel more comfortable and I think this would give us the freedom we always wanted and give us the correct body and allow us not to feel trapped.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise Summers
  • Call for Resignation of Philip Davies MP
    Philip Davies, as the MP for Shipley you are responsible for representing the needs of thousands of women. As former residents of Shipley, we feel that you are unable to do this job due to your history of voting against equality legislation, making anti-feminist comments and attending conferences with known misogynists. We respectfully request that you resign from your position so that it can be taken by someone who values the interests of women and recognises the discrimination that they face on a daily basis. You recently attended the International Conference on Men's Issues, which was organised by the Justice for Men and Boys group (J4MB). This group campaigns against gender equality initiatives, including the Gender Equality Act 2010, and hands out sexist 'awards' such as "whiny feminist of the month". Although you claim that you do not support this group, by speaking at this conference you have publicly demonstrated that, at the very least, you do not oppose its values. In your speech, you expressed anti-feminist views by saying, “In this day and age the feminist zealots really do want women to have their cake and eat it”. This shows a hatred, or at least a misunderstanding, of the feminist movement and everything that it stands for. Feminism aims to attain equality between people of all genders, which you have actively worked to prevent by arguing against equality targets in the workplace and tabling a private member’s bill to repeal the Sex Discrimination Act 2002. We believe that these actions and comments show that you are against gender equality, and therefore unfit to represent the women who live and work in your constituency. You have stated that you “don’t believe there’s an issue between men and women. The problem is being stirred up by those who can be described as militant feminists and the politically correct males who pander to this nonsense." This is despite the wealth of data and research that shows that women are paid less than men and are less likely to be promoted to a senior management role but far more likely to be sexually harassed or assaulted at work. As you are unable or unwilling to acknowledge the existence of sexism in British society, we believe that you are consequently unable to defend and stand up for the women of your constituency. As an MP, you are required to act in the best interests of your constituents, but your misogynistic attitudes make you incapable of doing so. We therefore request that you remove yourself from parliament so that the people of Shipley can benefit from an MP who has all of their best interests at heart.
    2,078 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Rosie Tallant