Allow activist Lauri Love to have his case heard in the UKNo American has ever been extradited for a crime allegedly committed physically on US soil - so if the alleged crimes Lauri has committed took place in the UK, should his trial not also? The judicial frameworks for due process in the United Kingdom exist to process these cases. The UK-US extradition treaty, used to uphold a so called "special relationship", has been historically one-sided. There is absolutely no guarantee Lauri will receive the standard of healthcare he requires in the United States. In the spirit of what has been an cruel and underhanded case, the prosecution responded to concerns regarding Lauri's well documented health problems both mental and physical by continually seeking to undermine the opinions of medical professionals who state extradition is not in Lauri's best interests. Theresa May pardoned Gary McKinnon in 2012, blocking his extradition to the United States on the grounds of Human Rights. What is so different about the Love vs USA case? As McKinnon said in 2015, "It would be tragic if the ladder used to rescue me from extradition was kicked away from the next person who needs it". "Lauri is adamant he will not come to the US to be prosecuted. One need only look to the cases of whistleblowers and activists such as Jeremy Hammond, Barrett Brown, Aaron Swartz and Chelsea Manning to know the US legal system is not about justice, but about retribution. Lauri is also concerned about the extensive use of solitary confinement as punishment in the US legal system. The prolonged use of solitary confinement has been ruled torture by every major human rights group, and yet is still used as a routine form of punishment for even the most minor infractions without concern for the mental health of the prisoner. It is clear from recent examples that there is no potential for anything remotely resembling justice to come from an extradition order to the US in a case such as this." -- freelauri.com1,033 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Samantha Clarke
Stop the 10% payrise for MPsAll civil servants, public servants, nurse, firefighters etc have had to continue their work to serve the public at ever reducing standards of living. MPs should lead by example.7,131 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Gary Bentham
We demand that Tobias Ellwood MP resign his parliamentary seatMr Ellwood's recent claim that his MP's salary is insufficient shows a disregard for and disconnect from his many constituents who have accepted limited or no pay increases over recent years in order to boost the nation's economic recovery. Furthermore we feel that his enthusiasm for a pay increase of 10% at a time when public service employees are being restricted to rises of 1%, shows contempt for his electorate and a self-serving attitude which is not in the interest of his constituents.1,224 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Philip Dunn
COME CLEAN ON UNDERCOVER POLICINGEveryone has the right to participate in the struggle for social and environmental justice, without fear of persecution, objectification, or interference in their lives. However, many campaigns and individuals have been targeted by Britain’s undercover police for decades, undermining efforts for social justice that should be welcomed in a democratic society. Citizens have been spied on, psychologically and emotionally manipulated, and abused by officers for being part of, or simply knowing people who were part of, such campaigns. We welcome the announcement of a full public inquiry into political undercover policing, but it must be truly transparent, robust and comprehensive. In particular the inquiry must: * Be willing to hear evidence from those affected by undercover policing including: - the women deceived into long-term intimate relationships by officers - the family justice campaigns for those bereaved at the hands of the police and those challenging the efficacy of police investigations in relation to the deaths or assaults of loved ones - the construction workers blacklisted with the help of undercover police - the families whose dead children’s identities were stolen by officers - all campaign groups spied on * Protect police whistleblowers from prosecution under the Official Secrets Act and encourage current and former officers to give evidence. * Cover all undercover police units from 1968 to the present day. * Ensure the police fully cooperate with the inquiry and do not obstruct its operation though the use of their ‘Neither Confirm Nor Deny’ stance. * Hold senior police officers past and present, especially former Met Commissioners and Special Branch Commanders, to account for any wrong doing attributed to the units under their command. * Investigate officers sharing or selling information and experience acquired through undercover policing to the private sector. * Make recommendations to change the law, especially the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000), to prevent these abuses from continuing.751 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Alison Davis
Legislate for complete ban on dogs in hunting.It is morally obscene to hunt, terrorise and rip to pieces a living animal for sport. The hunts that are flouting the law need to learn to respect the law and after the SNP being lobbied by such a large percentage of the population on both sides of the border, such a ban would be in keeping with the will of the people354 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Annie Harrower-Gray
Please Help Us Change the Doctrine of Joint Enterprise and Sch21 Mandatory Minimum TariffsDid you know right now, in 21st century Britain, there are thousands of people imprisoned for life for crimes committed by others? These men, women and children - some as young as 13 - have been convicted of murder, despite the fact that prosecutors know they didn’t kill anyone. This epidemic is known as Joint Enterprise and was highlighted in Jimmy McGovern’s BBC drama, Common. What if we told you that people (including politicians) know all about it, that it is widely discussed and widely criticised, yet this government has failed to act. Joint Enterprise has been left largely unchecked and unregulated until our campaign brought the government to account. This petition will help us to force the government to abolish this unjust law and replace it with a fairer form of justice for everyone. This petition will also seek to reform the tariff system in Schedule 21 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003. This denies judges the discretion to sentence on the basis of genuine culpability and results in unfairness, particularly to defendants convicted under the doctrine of joint enterprise. Please sign JENGbA’s petition and help stop hundreds of people per year being convicted and condemned to life sentences for crimes committed by other people. Also Joint Enterprise will be challenged in the Supreme Court this October which will be the first time they will be considering the question of the harm Joint Enterprise causes secondary parties. This is a real opportunity to change the law and so if you are able to donate funds, please pledge today via: https://www.crowdjustice.co.uk/case/changing-the-law-on-joint-enterprise/ Please don’t forget to SHARE!11,086 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA)
Defend The Right To StrikeWorkers' rights must be protected, and not left wide open to exploitation by Government, multinational corporations and unscrupulous employers. Plans for the biggest shake-up of strike rules in 30 years would make holding dodgy employers to account almost impossible. Please sign the petition to stop the government sweeping away our rights at work now.12,251 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Jo Green
zero carbon housing is goodWhile it may make new homes fractionally cheaper to buy, they will be much more costly to run for both the home owners and the planet. How will we meet our green emissions targets with retrograde steps like this?163 of 200 SignaturesCreated by candida lonsdale
End subsidised food and alcohol in Parliament and the LordsIt now costs the British tax payer more than £6 million pounds per annum to supply public servants with subsidised food and alcohol. Given the recent MP salary increase to £74000 (before expenses) it's not unreasonable to expect that they pay for subsistence in the same way the majority of other workers do. The average wage in the UK is £26000 - £74000 pa from the public purse is quite enough. Equality with other workers!295,134 of 300,000 SignaturesCreated by Patrick Dougan
Prioritise brownfield sites for development: protect precious green open spaceThis petition has been launched by the Protect Frome Valley @ Stapleton Community Association, formed in February 2015 in direct response to a proposed development on green open space adjacent to Eastville Park Lake (see photo opposite) that enjoyed multiple protective designations in Bristol’s planning policies and yet was still extremely vulnerable to what we regard as a speculative and wholly inappropriate development proposal. Bristol needs more homes: we recognise and accept this. We also recognise that this will place increasing pressure on our much loved and used green open spaces. However, Bristol does not need to sacrifice these precious and finite resources in order to meet this need. In its report ‘From Wasted Space to Living Spaces’, the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) identifies that up to 30,000 homes could be built on brownfield sites in the Bristol area. The report, based on research conducted by the University of the West of England (UWE), highlights Bristol as one of the few local authorities already doing much in this regard but acknowledges that more needs to be done – both locally and nationally – to protect green open space from being lost forever. The report’s recommendations call for: A clear and consistent ‘brownfield first’ approach in planning policy Bringing back an effective strategic tier of sub-regional or county level planning Ensuring that strong strategic and local plans are encouraged, implemented and updated across the country Giving the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) greater powers and resources to redevelop large and difficult sites Developing a proactive approach to identifying brownfield land, with increased focus on regenerating large sites with multiple owners Reintroducing mandatory reporting to the National Land Use Database (NLUD) and make its data more accessible Providing assistance to smaller builders by identifying smaller sites and offering incentives for development such as the increased use of local development orders (LDOs) The full report can be found at http://bit.ly/cprerpt. We urge Bristol City Council to use the year of European Green Capital to adopt these recommendations so far as possible at City level, and in so doing develop Best Practice models as an example to other local authorities. As population densities increase, access to green open space becomes ever more important for our physical and mental wellbeing and for our beleaguered wildlife. We must make every effort to keep Bristol the wonderful place it is in which to live and work. If the legacy of our year of European Green Capital is to have any real meaning for the ordinary people of Bristol, it will lie in the quality of the Green Infrastructure that we hand on to the next generation. We urge you to support this petition. Please follow this link to the Bristol City Council e-petition site and sign the petition there , because if we reach 3,500 signatures on the BCC site, it will trigger a full council debate. http://bit.ly/bccpetn Thank You!118 of 200 SignaturesCreated by David Sandilands
Let the youth voteWhat is the point of having all these rules and regulations for the youth of today, when they don't get a say on these matters164 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Samuel Fison
Protect The Living WageThe Living Wage is a concept which has been developed independently and it should not be hi-jacked by the Chancellor because he wants to pass the Minimum Wage off as something it is not. Only The Living Wage Foundation can set the Living Wage, by its own independent processes and no one, not even the Chancellor, can think of any other amount and pass it off as the real thing!141 of 200 SignaturesCreated by John Logan
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