• Maria Miller Vote to keep Ban on Fox Hunting.
    As your constituent, I was concerned recently in the local press to hear you state “In the event of such a vote, I would vote to repeal it. In my judgement, and the judgement of others, the Act does nothing to protect wild animals and, in many cases, is actually detrimental to animal welfare when other methods of control are deployed, several of which can be indiscriminate.” what concerns me is not your statement which is based not on any research or based on facts but rather ideology but you seem to think this is a common view held by your constituents. I would also like to highlight there are many within your own political party who do not support the repeal of this law http://www.conservativesagainstfoxhunting.com/ Also I would recommend you read the following report http://www.league.org.uk/~/media/Files/LACS/Publications/Hunting-Act-Report-2014.pdf I’ve seen a video about hunting that I just had to send you. One of the key arguments of those who support hunting is that it is necessary for ‘wildlife management’ – put more simply, they suggest it is good for controlling fox numbers. I really want you to watch this as it is vital to the debate about the potential repeal of the Hunting Act. A League Against Cruel Sports investigation found 16 fox cubs being kept in a barn, 200 metres from a hunt kennels. An employee of the hunt, their terrier man who is registered as living at the hunt kennels, was filmed entering the barn. Why would a hunt be keeping foxes? The only sensible conclusion is that they had been taken and kept simply to be hunted. The video shows other examples which back up this conclusion. This is not ‘wildlife management’, it is animal cruelty. The video can be found here: https://youtu.be/D7PjfphDsc0 If you would like to hear more information about Wildlife management and help dispel some of the myths from the pro hunting lobby. we will love to see our MP for a local debate on the matter. I hope you will consider this information when voting on the repeal of the Hunting Act. If you would still consider voting for repeal in light of this evidence, I’d really appreciate an explanation why? MPs are meant to be local representatives who vote according best interest of their constituents. Basingstoke is mostly a urban seat and this vote will little impact on them but our MP should at lest speak to her constituents as many would have strong views on animal welfare In the ten years since the Act was passed, it has proven to be an effective and popular piece of legislation. Yet, since its introduction, the Hunting Act has been the target of considerable attack from the pro-hunt lobby which has waged an on-going and concerted campaign of disinformation about the Act. Ministry of Justice figures demonstrate that the Hunting Act out-performs all other wild mammal legislation in England and Wales, having both the highest number of convictions since it was introduced (341 from 2005 to 2013) and conviction rate (65% of charges laid under the Act have resulted in convictions). The successful prosecution of registered hunts private prosecutions against illegal hunters. Subsequently, evidence gathered by team of professional investigators has been used to convict 18 people associated with registered hunts, with more cases still proceeding through the courts. While public support for the prohibition of hunting has always been high, it has increased substantially in the past ten years. The latest polling from Ipsos MORI, conducted in 2014 on behalf of the League, shows: 80% of people think fox hunting should remain illegal 86% think stag hunting should remain illegal and 88% think hare hunting and coursing should remain illegal Some of those pushing for repeal of the Act point out that illegal hunting still takes place. Unfortunately this is true, and like everything from drug laws to speed limits - the problem lies not with the Act, but with those who flout the law. So, ten years on, the Act is working well and with a few simple improvements in some specific areas it can be even more effective. If the law is kept it can be improved on in the future Prohibiting the use of dogs below ground - this is arguably where the worst cruelty occurs in hunting, not only to wild mammals pursued underground with limited opportunity to escape (usually foxes and badgers), but also to the dogs sent below ground to find these animals and either flush them out or hold them at bay. Inserting a ‘reckless’ provision to ensure the killing of wild mammals during a trail hunt cannot be passed off as an ‘unfortunate accident’. Increasing the punishments available to the courts so that the Act is brought in line with other animal protection legislation. Thank you for your time. Thank you in advance for your reply.
    667 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Oloughlin
  • Save Arts Therapies in Sheffield!
    Arts Therapists provide a unique approach within mental health care. It will not only limit the therapeutic services we are able to offer to clients but also be a loss to the teams in which therapists offer perspectives in discussions, decision making and reviews. It will inevitably put more pressures on an already stretched service.
    1,140 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by gemma dunnery
  • Stop Social Cleansing in London!
    The government's proposals to force councils to sell of remaining social housing stock will, in combination with the lowering of the welfare cap to £23,000, make London an uninhabitable city for many. This will only get worse over the next five years and lead to unprecedented levels of social cleansing from the capital. The amendment would force the government to empower London's Mayor in seeking to redress this balance, and provide additional social homes for people in one of the world's greatest cities. The Thatcherite campaign of council stock depletion would, over time, be reversed. Though it focuses on London, social housing is an issue everywhere, and we believe this would be a start. Stop the social cleansing of London. Your signature can be a part of that.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Richard Andrews
  • Take The Government To Court Over Failure To Act On The Climate Crisis
    On the 24th June 2015 a court in the Netherlands set an amazing precedent. The Dutch government is now legally bound to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2020, due to a legal case taken up by 900 citizens who would be adversely affected by rising sea levels due to climate change. Under the Conservative government we have gone backwards in regards to renewable energy. Homes and the environment are being put under threat due to broken promises, failure to take positive strides towards sustainability, fracking and the recent finding of oil in Sussex. We are already in a position where we cannot consume more than 20% of our current fossil fuels if we are to stay within two degrees of global warming so as not to reach the tipping point that has been agreed by climate scientists. Therefore we need to be moving towards renewable energy, sustainability rather than further increase our dependence on fossil fuels. Let's make our government take responsibility for their inaction and make it a legal requirement to put sustainability back on the agenda in the United Kingdom.
    2,599 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Terry
  • Reopen Investigations into Malpractice at City of Edinburgh Council
    Reekieleaks calls for Transparency, Accountability and Honesty in our Public Institutions. The remit of this petition is more finite, but the clarion call is for accountability to start somewhere, here ... as a 1st step. This is important because the very fabric of local democracy is being cynically abused by those at the top of institutions that are set up to protect citizens. Dame Sue Bruce, the 5 Directors of Edinburgh Council, 58 Councillors, MSPS and Nicola Sturgeon are all refusing to collectively answer legitimate concerns, preferring to hide behind the flawed 'independent' Deloitte Reports which cost taxpayers Millions on top of irrecoverable losses due to the fraud. These are 'Reports' that Deloitte themselves referred to as 'at best patchy' due to the lack of information they received from the Council to allow them to investigate the scandal fully. Many Millions have been wasted that should have gone to good causes, thousands of residents have been and are still being caused undue stress. In the region of 3000 to 3500 Statutory Notices were issued per year on Edinburgh properties, that equates to approximately 20,000+ individual notices! The Scandal is known to have been going on for at least 10 years. Those on the inside say more. These figures are staggering, yet as Councillor Rose stated recently to the BBC “The implications are that what we saw at court [22/06/2015] was the tip of the iceberg. For the sake of the council and the people of Edinburgh this needs to be out in the open, otherwise suspicions will 
continue”. We at reekieleaks.org.uk could not agree more. As yet most of the perpetrators go free (only 4 have been jailed), and the systems that allowed it to happen go unchallenged by the public. If we do not challenge them, they will occur again. Do not believe Councillor Alasdair Rankin's protestations that investigations have been 'robust' and 'independent'. CEC has tried to contain the problem in the ill-advised belief that it is for the greater good if the true extent of corruption and malpractice is not known. What is for the greater good, is the rooting out of corruption and maladministration so that ever penny of taxpayers' income is put to good use in the future. And that those manifestly not fit for office are never again allowed into office ... not simply conveniently moved into other positions. The Police launched an investigation in 2011 which was dropped by the Crown reportedly due to lack of evidence. According to the few Councillors within City of Edinburgh who are prepared to fight against institutional stone-walling: there are wide-spread allegations from within and outside the Council that this was because staff had been ordered to shred damning documentation en masse. This is borne out by the fact that Deloitte confirmed that so much crucial documentation, in hundreds of cases is indeed missing. There are only two plausible possibilities as to why the documents are not there: the first is institutional incompetence, and the second is that they were systematically destroyed. Given this did not happen elsewhere in the Council and that there must be rules about sound data management, the latter is the more likely. Detective Inspector Arron Clinkscales, of the Organised Crime Unit at Police Scotland, has promised that officers would liaise with prosecutors if further allegations surfaced (Edinburgh Evening News, 22/06/2015): “It could mushroom, it could escalate. With public sector corruption, there are more and more people willing to come forward to speak out. I think [the recent convictions] will prompt people to come forward.” Let us hope he is correct. Who was in charge at the time? What was the chain of command? What orders were given to staff? What is known within CEC that would prove wide-spread fraud? Why have staff been sacked or moved by CEC with no disciplinary or legal charges brought against them? Why is Dame Sue Bruce not engaging in open and transparent conversation about this scandal with Constituents who are writing to her directly? Why are countless Freedom of Information requests being refused and information willfully withheld? We the Public deserve to know how much was wasted by corrupt officials and contractors through the years of the Statutory Notice Scandal, how much has been spent on external consultants in the attempt to draw a line under the fiasco, who was to blame, and what concrete implementations have been made to ensure that this never, ever happens again. Now is the time for conscientious citizens (inside and outside the Council) to come forward and fight for a truly democratic, honest and accountable local government in Scotland's Capital. Please support this campaign, and reekieleaks.org.uk in the fight for an honest and competent Council.
    340 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Simon Williams Picture
  • Leave us alone!
    Carers save the nation billions of pounds every year by looking after friends and relatives. They give up jobs, money and their personal lives to do this for no pay. The disabled cannot always work. No-one wants to employ people who may have to take a lot of time off sick or for hospital appointments. The poorest people in our country are getting poorer. Why? Because this Government wants to cut their supply line, along with the disabled and carers. We need to stand up for ourselves and each other. We need to stay alive. As an unemployable disabled carer, this latest round of cuts announced impacts on me in all three directions. Where will I be this time next year? Who knows?
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Hilary Croughton
  • Ban Bonfires which create Asthma Sufferers issues and Polute the air.
    This would help everyone who has breathing problems like Asthma and also clean the air we breath, the country has come under fire on air pollution and this would help in this matter and may save the lives of the ones who struggle to breath more so if connected to Hayfever as well. Please sign and think of these people.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Eric Randall
  • Stop UK Sanctions against Russia
    We need to stop these senseless sanctions in order to bring back a peaceful relationship between Europe and Russia. We are sleep walking into a very volatile situation in Eastern Europe which could lead to a massive war. The leaders of Europe and NATO are committing actions which are against what the people want. WE want peace
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Marty Humphreys
  • Do Not Change The Names Of The Buildings On The Highfield Road Estate
    In January 2015 Cllr Damian White who is the cabinet member for housing announced a proposal to rename buildings in the Highfield Road Estate in Collier Row after commonwealth countries at an estimated cost of £130,000. This is at a time when so many cuts are being made to local services. This proposal has been supported by MP Andrew Rosindell who actually employs Cllr Damian White. This affects all Havering council tax payers and will cause all the residents of this estate a great deal of inconvenience as they will have to change all of their address details with the DVLA, Banks, Doctors e.t.c. Please sign this petition if you do not want this ridiculous proposal to go ahead. It will also help if as many of you as possible leave a comment explaining why you have signed this petition, especially if you are one of the local residents who will have to face the inconvenience of changing all of your details. Please see http://www.romfordrecorder.co.uk/news/130_000_to_rename_collier_row_estate_no_thanks_1_3936382 http://www.romfordrecorder.co.uk/news/commonwealth_row_council_confirm_unpopular_plans_to_rename_estate_for_queen_s_milestone_1_4114893
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Moss
  • Welcome 20 Syrian families in Swansea
    This is very important because the situation in Syria is disastrous and the number of people who are killed and dispersed is similar to the second world war. Britain generally, Wales and Swansea specifically has along and proud tradition of providing refuge at times of crisis. EU countries have agreed on a quota of 60,000 Syrian refugees to be accepted in each country. Germany has taken 30,000 so far. Where are we in this? Only 187 Syrian people has been accepted so far. People there are killed by three large armies. The government army supplied by Russian artillery, the Isis terrorists groups, and also the American warplanes which is targeting civilian's area anonymously in its search for the Isis and killing the innocent civilians who live there. Most refugees have witnessed horrific violence and many have seen their homes destroyed by bombs or have lost family members. Thousands of Syrians flee their country every day. They often decide to finally escape after seeing their neighbourhoods bombed or family members killed. For all the reasons mentioned above we have to take part in welcoming the most vulnerable refugees in the word, of which the Syrians make the largest part of.
    1,865 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nada Najar Picture
  • Save Oxfordshire's Children's Centres!
    Andrew Smith MP sums it up brilliantly: “It would be socially damaging and a false economy if more children and young people are held back in deprivation and troubled lives as a result, because the long term human and economic costs of that are huge.” Please do not shut our childrens' centres, they are invaluable resources in our troubled times, and to remove them will cause even more suffering and hardship for those already most in need. The council has agreed to reduce its £16m budget for children’s centres and early intervention hubs by 2018. It is part of savings of £284m planned, but Councillors say more may be needed in the face of further Government cuts expected next year. (source:Oxford Mail, 16th June 2015.)
    546 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jo Green
  • Let Brits living abroad vote in the EU referendum!
    Do you think that British citizens living in EU countries and worldwide should be able to vote in the UK's EU referendum? There are at least 3 million Brits living in EU countries but many of them will not be able to vote! The results of the referendum will affect all of us, no matter where we live. Do you know that British citizens who have lived abroad for more than 15 years lose their right to vote in UK elections? David Cameron has promised in this Parliament to give UK citizens living abroad a lifetime right to vote in UK elections, but he has said that this will not happen before the EU referendum. If Britain did leave the EU, what would happen to people who live in EU countries? Would they become illegal immigrants in their EU homes? Would they lose their rights in those countries? What if they all came back to Britain? Where would they live? What would they do? A lot of ex-pat Brits are old. How would they cope, and how would the UK cope with them? Isn't it unfair and a bit crazy that they cannot vote in a referendum that will affect every part of their lives?
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Pearl Pelfrey