Please vote on the English fox hunting ban ammendmentsTraditionally, the SNP have abstained from voting on policies that do not directly affect Scotland. The changes to the fox hunting bill that are to be voted on in a free vote in Westminster next Thursday whilst not directly impacting on Scotland do go against the wishes of 80% of the UK population. The SNP should make a stand on this breach of democracy as their vote is likely to be the deciding vote. Local MPs - find yours here - (https://www.writetothem.com/)198 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Dean Clark
Simple law to stop misery of shoddy products.Imagine if manufacturers had to say how long they expect their products to last and backed it with a guarantee. For the first time people will be able to make a real choice when they buy something. e.g. "Do I get the £15 kettle that lasts 1 year? or the £30 kettle that lasts 5-6 years?" This makes things simple. We deserve to know what we are buying! "Planned Obsolescence" (where manufacturers purposefully design their products to break or be unfixable) is on the rise. It might bring profits in for shortsighted companies, but it is a growing disaster for the environment and it means that we are stuck buying the same shoddy things again and again. Having your kettle/hoover/dishwasher break is not just annoying, it traps people in a cycle of poverty. But there's something we can do! If people know how long something is expected to last, we can see if the "cheap prices" are really worth it. It's likely that companies will realise that have to do better, and up the durability of their products or risk having to publish some dismal figures. Us consumers have been trapped by these companies strategies for too long and it's time for us to get some power back. The power of choice. Please sign the petition. The planet will thank us all. We can do it! Tara PS. Follow and share the campaign with the hashtag #built2break11,661 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Tara Button
Resignation of George OsborneBecause George Osborne and the cabinet are not competent in running the finances of the UK and will cause thousands of children and other families to enter poverty and will cause thousands of more crises within the UK.724 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Joel Cummins
David Cameron, call a referendum on further austerityMany of the working poor, sick and disabled are on a knife-edge as to whether they lose their homes, can continue working, end up in hospital, breakdown, die or commit suicide. The DWP have been fighting the figures for deaths of those found 'fit to work'. The media typically don't report the plight of the working poor or those needing benefits (in or out of work). Councils are given more and more responsibility so that their spending power looks good when they cry out about cuts. The government cuts-back the funding before handing over responsibility. Councils then have to hurt their residents. The people must be given a choice. If Greeks can do it, so can the Brits.4,799 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by David Walker
ammend or remove the Psychoactive Substances BillThe bill in its current form with its definition of psychoactive substances would appear to ban things such as herbal teas, botanical substances and herbal remedies with a long standing tradition of use; for example; chammomile, valarian, lavender, st John's wort and things such as essential oils. These substances have a positive effect on human health and in many instances have proven scientific uses that lessen the need for taking toxic medications; for example sleep aids and relaxing herbal teas. The Psycoactive Substances Bill would criminalise law abiding citizens that look to alternative medicines and further remove our freedom of choice in matters of our personal health and wellbeing. Although there is an exemption for "traditional herbal remedies" once again the definition is very subjective and open to broad interpretation. The definition in the act of a psychoactive effect is as follows; "...a substance produces a psychoactive effect in a person if, by stimulating or depressing the person’s central nervous system, it affects the person’s mental functioning or emotional state..." This extremely loose definition could apply to almost anything that a human can find enjoyment in, from a cup of herbal tea, to watching TV, to enjoying a joke with friends. At the very least these definitions need to be ammended to prevent potential future abuses of this legislation.134 of 200 SignaturesCreated by alex sharp
A Minute's Silence for Disabled DeathsDeaths of our citizens in a foreign land were enough to secure a minute's silence recently. It's time the government formally acknowledge their complicity in the deaths of the sick and disabled on our own shores by the malicious manipulation and abrogation of the benefits system, when evidence made clear the policy was causing harm.343 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Colin Wilson
Do NOT deport non-EU migrant workers earning under £35000In 2012 Theresa May announced that from April 2016 non-EU migrant workers will be required to earn £35,000 to stay in the UK, even if they have lived and worked here for more than 5 years. This devastating new immigration rule must be stopped, as immigrants who have lived and worked in the UK for longer than 5 years should have the right to stay regardless of their income. We cannot allow this policy to happen, as it will split up families, jeopardise the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people and severely damage the economy. The Royal college of Nursing recently announced that this policy will cost the NHS MILLIONS because so many of it's nurses are non-EU migrants who earn under £35,000 and who will be deported under this policy. Recruiting new nurses will be time consuming and expensive, and will drain more of the money needed to save the NHS. Also, the average income for a UK born citizen is £26,600, so it is entirely unfair to deport immigrants who may earn more than the average UK born citizen, but less than £35,000. Please sign the petition to hopefully prevent this devastating policy from becoming reality.761 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Holly Harwood
DWP to be charged with corporate manslaughterTo stop the government from killing those most vulnerable in society163 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Steven Haddon
SCOTLAND'S INDEPENDENCEto get Scotland Free, so we can use the resources available to the people of Scotland to prosper, so that the days of Austerity is finished and the people can then have money in their pockets and banks to do what they want, to eat, pay bills, go holidays, spend festivals with their families1,414 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Brian Gillies
Filing a class-action lawsuit against the governmentWill you help to spread the word? We're filing a massive class-action lawsuit against the British Conservative government over its hugely unpopular, unfair and destructive Austerity plan. We see it as embezzlement of public funds. We need the best lawyer's support, and we believe we CAN WIN THIS. Please, SHARE THIS MESSAGE WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS via any and every means at your disposal, including but not limited to facebook, twitter, email and word-of-mouth. My email address is: [email protected] People can contact Michael Mansfield QCs Chambers directly, to tell him how much they value his support and how popular this cause is already and how it's quickly going to go viral. We want half a million petitioners, all the people who attended the June 20th march and rally to Parliament. http://www.mansfieldchambers.co.uk/contact-us/17,688 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Tony Laing
Janice Atkinson MEP should resignShe no longer represents the views of the electorate that voted for her. She has also behaved fraudulently with regard European Parliament expenses claims14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by david laws
reclassify human rights violations as criminal offenses.parliamentarians have continued to violate the human rights of the people with forced austerity for the actions of the criminal bankers. the human rights of victims of parliamentary pedophile groups still at large in parliament and immune from justice. the removal of food to individuals abuses their human rights. all of the above offenses are classified as CIVIL offenses if committed by a politician and a criminal offense if committed by a member of the public. this inconsistency leaves the public with no legal aid open to any human rights violations parliament wishes. by making human rights violations criminal offenses the individual has a coarse open to justice where as now there is none. politicians can cause the death of thousands of people WITHOUT criminal offenses being taken brought against them, a terrorist kills one and we bomb a country. human rights violations should be criminal offenses to protect the people from political and economic fundamentalism of individual politicians who profess to be our representatives until called to account for their actions. james anderson.1,131 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by James Anderson
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