• Chilcot Report
    Justice for the Dead and Wounded Soldiers. Also to reduce wars happening again on false or misleading grounds. People around the World want less wars. Expose the Truth, Blair Lied : No stockpiles of WMD in Iraq. Where did the 45minutes come from ?
    624 of 800 Signatures
    Created by keith Wicks
  • Ensure proper conduct in election campaign
    I would like to put a formal complaint in about the three candidates Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendal and Andy Burnham for the derogatory comments that all three have made about Jeremy Corbyn in their own election campaigns. This contravenes number 3 and number 13 of the code of conduct of election candidates where they will not 'disparage or brief' against other candidates. I find this behaviour against Jeremy absolutely abhorrent. The general public have been inspired and motivated to take part in this election and have had their faith in politics renewed. The smear campaign against him by the other candidates as well as Tristram Hunt and Simon Danzuk MP's and Tony Blair and Gordon Brown has been disgusting and a slur on the Labour Party. In my opinion this needs to stop immediately and apologies should be made,
    2,099 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Harman
  • Arrest Tony Blair for war crimes
    This important to restore justice and honesty in to British politics. _________________________________________________________________________ This petition has been started by a member of public and not 38 Degrees. If there's a campaign that you'd like to run why not start your own petition here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petition/new
    4,617 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by keith Bennett
    The objectives of the petition are: 1. Save the Vale of Health and other harmless, ornamental ponds from further unwarranted work, damage and disruption. 2. Hold to account those who, knowingly or not, misled the ten councillors into wrongly believing they were receiving independent advise at the Camden hearing: namely Camden Planning and AECOM. 3. Ensure that an iron-clad version of the 1871 Hampstead Heath Act be passed through parliament so that nothing of this sort can ever happen again. It appears Atkins/AECOM/Bam Nutall have now commenced works on the Vale of Health. Realistically this means only 2 of our 3 objectives are 100% achievable. But we will continue to fight so that those responsible are held to account and this manner of financial exploitation of Hampstead Heath can never happen again. We ask all supporters to continue to promote and sign this petition, which will be read out and submitted at a press conference on the 20th of September 2015. Over 160 trees have been felled and large swathes of protected Heathland destroyed. It's a 4000,000/1 chance but we might still be able to save some of the historic ponds and surrounding natural habitat. Having been misled into believing they were receiving independent expert advice, 6 of the 10 elected councillors at a Camden Council hearing granted permission for large dams and various grass spills to be built on and around the ponds of Hampstead Heath. It turns out the council's supposedly independent advisor, AECOM, had already formed a strategic partnership with Atkins, the civil engineers building the dams and was therefore not independent. AECOM and Camden Council need to be held to account for misleading a council hearing and negligence, respectively. Moreover, the Vale of Health pond and other ornamental ponds could still be saved unnecessary damage and 'parkification' if the Secretary of State for the Environment, Liza Truss, steps in and prevents this scandalous pillage of the Heath. Please sign this petition to halt or, at least, downscale the works on Hampstead Heath. If one pond can be spared, one tree saved, it will mean some justice for Hampstead Heath.
    6,300 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Sebastian Wocker Picture
  • Give George Galloway a CBE, MBE or OBE
    Governments should be accountable to the People they serve. If we Expose the Truth, and Thank Mr Galloway for his work it may make Gov Ministers more accountable.
    168 of 200 Signatures
    Created by keith Wicks
  • Save Brimhay's Woodland Home to Endangered Bats and Dormice
    These are highly endangered species and are protected by laws. This wooded valley is a beautiful area and highly valued my hundreds of people in Dartington. It needs protection, not destroying. An alternative community led proposal for housing is available, so destroying the wooded habitat is only for greed not need.
    391 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Alan White
  • Save our open public spaces - Lambeth Council
    Lambeth Council has given notice to dispose of public open space given to them by the Greater London Council in the 1980s. This land has been leased to Coin Street Community Builders (CSCB) with the specific condition that it will remain free public open space for everybody to enjoy without long term commercial development. However the Garden Bridge Trust (GBT) needs this land in order to build a commercial building and CSCB wish to change the terms of their lease to allow this to happen. This completely goes against the core principles of community values fought for - by CSCB. We must not let our open public GREEN space be taken over by private developers. The Thames is London's largest area of central open space, its largest nature conservation area, and its greatest natural feature. Its openness is under threat as there are plans to put a Garden Bridge in the busiest tourist part of London, from Temple Tube Station to the South Bank, at a cost of £175 million. At least £60 million of this will be public money which is utterly iniquitous in these times of great austerity!
    435 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Quigley
  • bring gas,electric and water supplies back to state ownership
    people are freezing and starving to death due to extortionate costs of essentials
    1,067 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ian Stromberg
  • End the killing in Ukraine
    A nation trying to retain its identity and borders has to realize eventually that it cannot own and rule a significant unwilling minority. Once it has bombed and shelled that minority, and 6000 have died, the game is over and there is no way back to friendship and cooperation. It can remain a running sore like so many of the hot spots in the world or sub divisions can be proposed and negotiated that will bring peace. I suggest that a UN supervised referendum in each small region of the whole of Ukraine should be a part of the solution. The eastern areas should be able to opt for union with Russia or other alternatives and the people of the Western region should be able to renounce their claim to rule the East. I believe the 96% majority in the South of Ireland who renounced their claim to the North played a significant role in bringing peace. Please find a peaceful and lasting solution based on the wishes of people, not politicians.
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Malcolm Crocker
    well its dam right cruel horrible and would us humans like it if we had our legs or arms docked no
    383 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Steven Taylor
  • SANDWELL Residents should decide if they want to be part of a Combined Authority.
    Sandwell Council is supporting the proposal that it together with West Midlands Metropolitan and City Councils of Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton together with a number of district and county councils and Local Enterprise Partnerships from across the region form a West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA). As part of the proposal there has to be regard to the following in order to establish a new body; - The need to reflect the identities and interests of local communities; and - The need to secure effective and convenient local government. Many within Sandwell have expressed concerns that they have not been given enough information on the structure, powers, accountability and scrutiny that a body of this nature will have. There are concerns that we shall lose our identity and that Sandwell and The Black Country will be engulfed by Birmingham and play second fiddle to it. At a recent Council meeting Sandwell Labour Leader Darren Cooper when asked about holding a referendum replied with “Err No” and “he was not prepared to run a referendum”. There are other considerations that don’t appear to have been discussed at any length one being the EU’s push towards regionalisation which a Combined Authority would be. This is tied to the EU’s City 2020 targets. There is a real danger that local democracy and the voice of our communities will be lost as well as our proud Black Country heritage. You really have to ask why there appears to be a race to create a Combined Authority that could include a number of Council with reported failings coming together. Sounds like having a bosted bucket and trying to fill it with water. In my opinion a decision of such magnitude about the future of Sandwell will impact on us all and generations to come and can not be left to Councillors of which in Sandwell 71 of the 72 are Labour members. In notes available from the Sandwell Council website concerning the meeting held on the 21st July point 6.17 states the Chief Executive in consultation with the Mayor may determine the date of an Extraordinary Meeting. The purpose of which would be to approve the proposal and submit to the Secretary of State in late September/early October in order for the Combined Authority is operational from 1st April 2016. No decision should be made without full, proper and representative consultation and all documents are open to view and upon the result of a referendum of the residents of Sandwell. Due to the timescales involved this petition requires your URGENT ATTENTION.
    261 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Darryl Magher
  • Say no to the forced sale of social housing in Brighton and Hove
    The Conservative government have proposed a ‘Right to Buy’ bill which will force Housing Associations to sell off their housing stock at a discount. This policy would decimate the remaining provision of genuinely affordable social housing in the UK, and turn the housing crisis into a catastrophe. Under the current Right to Buy scheme for council housing, only one new house is started for every nine sold. This has resulted in an abject lack of council housing, and forced 100,000s of people onto the private rented sector - sending rents soaring and fuelling the buy-to-let market. Many council tenants who buy their own home are at high risk of losing it due to being unable to afford mortgage repayments. It is estimated that one third of all ex-council homes are now owned by private landlords, who charge rents more than twice the council level. Extending Right to Buy to housing association tenants will make things even worse. In order to recompense Housing Associations for the discounted price at which they are being forced to sell, the government is proposing that councils should be forced to sell off their ‘most expensive’ properties. In a city with inflated house prices such as Brighton and Hove, this could mean that every council house that becomes empty, and every new council house that is built, would be sold off. This would mean the end of all genuinely affordable housing in Brighton and Hove. The Brighton Living Rent campaign call on the city’s MPs to pledge to vote against this catastrophic bill. Please sign below to show your support.
    352 of 400 Signatures
    Created by diane montgomery