• Marcus Rashford for BBC Sports Personality of the Year
    We have the opportunity to honour a young person who has persevered in-spite of his upbringing to achieve his goals & achieved the respect of children & young people of all colours, creeds & races, no matter what football club ther follow or support.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Taylor
  • wheelchair access
    it helps making wheelchair users life easier by allowing them access to cross roads (safely!) and be independent inclusion in our local community and is a basic essential. therefore and I deserve to feel equal and there for my access.
    410 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Jack Sowden
  • Make a change to the UK's criminal justice system
    The system needs to evolve with every decision we make to make it suited to our time. This is not happening.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Kobine
  • Marcus Rashford to be knighted
    If Captain Tom was knighted for his family's effort to raise money for charity then Marcus Rashford should receive the same honour. He has been instrumental in 1.3 million school children receiving free school meal vouchers over the summer holidays. [1] This work should be recognised. [1] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-53065806
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ronald conn
  • Put benefit cap on hold
    There are loads of families struggling right now children being left hungry not enough food no school parents having severe anxiety depression over how to pay the rent pay the bills buy food is putting people in poverty families living on food banks its at a record high
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Bloomfield
  • Should Smoking in Public Places be Banned?
    This is important as passive smoking is known to cause heart disease and lung cancer! Around 3800 deaths are lost every year in the Uk as a result of passive smoking. This is not okay and something needs to be done to lower down the deaths.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chloe Lord
  • Call to fast food outlets to print car reg number on food bags
    Hopefully this would seriously reduce the amount of litter from fast food restaurants thrown from car windows.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Longbottom
  • Law Against The Word 'Potential' In School Reports
    The word 'potential' creates the idea of expectation, and a feeling of failiure, as this expectation is an unreachable goal. No teacher ever writes 'fullfilled potential'. This is very damaging for many children, as it contributes to the very common belief of 'not being good enough', that so prominently found in adulthood. Help us get rid of this toxic word once and for all. For the children.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Blackwell
  • Stop the barbaric use of choke and prong collars on dogs
    These collars are designed to control dogs by inflicting pain and discomfort if the dog pulls. They can cause serious physical and emotional damage including whiplash, spinal cord injuries, crushing the trachea and puncturing of the skin. The list is long and considering that there are many less invasive alternatives to addressing this problem it is an outdated and unnecessary practice. In short it is a form of torture which would not be tolerated if inflicted on a child but is lawful when used on a dog who, like a child, is totally dependent on an adult to meet their needs. Most dog owners consider them to be part of the family. Is deliberately inflicting pain on a family member acceptable in our society?
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Libby Hutchinson
  • Visa fees and I H S fees paid in instalments
    Many people have been affected badly by the covid 19 not being able to work the fees are high enough and it's stressful worrying about the fees and the process of it all.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeannette West
  • Put To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee on the National Curriculum
    This is important as children develop , learn and internalise reading and sets of values from books they study at these ages. Following the outrageous killing of George Ffoyd in the US , institutional and personal racism has been shown in the light to be the dangerous and destructive hatred that it is. Education is the way many hearts and minds can be nurtured and made aware of these dangers and that justice comes must always prevail before peace - a pint t among others that this great text clearly demonstrates
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Izzy Izzy
  • Please leave areas for pollinators - where safe to do so!
    To support our environment, with the intention to divert our hard earned taxes to more important things. Verges and banks would not only look more attractive, they will be as they would've been without human interference, beneficial to pollinators and ultimately to us. Mowing regimes would only be altered, not stopped. This would be a practical alternative to wildflower planting schemes - why do the work when nature has done it for us? Plants just need the chance to establish and would quickly do so. The wildflowers would be on display at their most attractive time for anyone concerned of an eyesore. Weeds = Wildflowers: our ecosystem needs them!
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bethany Jackson