• Prioritise affordable housing for young people
    Step Up aims to give young people a sustainable start in life by providing economically and environmentally stable accommodation. We are powered by passionate students who are sick of overpaying for poor quality housing and being disregarded by landlords. Join Step Up and be counted.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Livvie Symes
  • Stop the sale of bullets, tear gas and shield to US police
    Black Lives Matter UK manufacturers are complicit in the violence towards Americans involved in protests in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. By law, the UK government should be obligated to "freeze" the export of "all policing and security equipment" to the US where it could be misused and yet has failed to act or even to condemn police brutality in the US.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maria Smickersgill
  • Charging mobility scooter in common close and to store there from the weather
    It's important because I have to attend appointments with anticoagulant almost every week and also need doctor
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Quinn
  • Supermarkets - Please introduce Reusable Packages!
    Most of the Supermarket products we buy come with packaging, which is produced simply to be thrown away almost as soon as we open it. But there is a better way, and it is fully achievable! We acknowledge that packaging can be useful, as it helps keep our food fresher, and can help us transport it. However, producing packaging with the sole intent of throwing it away after every purchase is highly wasteful. In fact, many of the packages we throw away are still in pristine condition, and could be collected and used again. It is great to see that supermarkets are making a conscious effort to introduce packages which can be recycled. But, recycling alone is not a sustainable solution for our environment. To begin with, recycling can only be used for certain types of plastics; and ‘recycled’ plastics cannot be turned back into new food packages due to current food-regulations and technology limitations. Not to mention that recycling is a very resource-intensive process which comes at a considerable expense to the tax payer, thus we are the ones who get to pay for processing all this waste! Therefore, whilst recycling plays an important role in helping to process some of our domestic waste, by itself recycling alone is not the complete solution to resolve our ever increasing waste volumes. We want to see supermarkets introducing more Reusable packages, which can be reused over and over again. It would not take much to recover these packages, clean them, and reuse them so we can avoid the continual throw-away cycle. All it takes is a slightly better design to make packages last longer, so they can be put back to use. And when they have been used several times, and there is no more life left in them, then they can be recycled into a lower-grade plastic for other applications. We desperately need a better system to help prevent wasting away valuable resources so quickly. We need your support. Help us demonstrate this issue is important. Please join our petition. Our environment cannot cope with the rate of exploitation we are inflicting on it through our throw-away society. There is a better way, and it is fully achievable! Thank you.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anastassios Marneris
  • Make it compulsory for the government to provide social housing for all who want it
    This is an important issue as more and more people find themselves in financial hardship as the impacts of coronavirus on the economy become more rife. it is therefore important tat the government building and supplying of social housing aligns with need, to ensure all who want social housing are able. This is imperative for millions of peoples physical and mental wellbeing.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by emma storey
    A ‘home’ is viewed by many as place of safety, security and comfort; but for some the aspect of safety can be taken away by the act of violence. The entity of a home then changes from a sanctuary to a place of dread and fear.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Isobel Hollingworth
  • End discrimination against rough sleepers
    Rough sleeping is a serious issue, stop anti homeless infrastructure preventing homeless people staying in safer areas of the city centers, rough sleeping is already hard enough with the government making it harder and more dangerous!
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Barlow
  • Provide legislation to end unnecessary evictions
    Unnecessary evictions are the number 1 cause of homelessness, end this practice and reduce the homeless issue.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Barlow
    Open discrimination towards people on benefits is actively taking place across the country regarding housing availability. Recent studies show that over the last five years, 1/3 of people receiving housing benefits haven't been able to rent a home due to a 'No DSS' policy. There are over 1 million private renting households in England who receive housing benefit, meaning that hundreds of thousands of people have most likely faced this type of discrimination. In an expanding and competitive lettings market, far too many renters are being locked out of finding a home due to prejudice fronted by 'No DSS' policies employed by lettings agents and landlords.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Abigail Hunter-Welling
  • Norwich People Before Tennis Courts
    Many Norwich residents are facing hardship, and needs are going unmet as shown in this recent report in the Eastern Evening News https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/crime/goldwell-square-goldwell-road-norwich-drug-dealing-and-use-problems-1-6646431. On top of deep cuts in government funding following years of austerity, the City Council has seen a huge loss of income due to Covid-19, and now says it is looking into a financial black hole. The funds intended for the expansion of facilities for tennis players would be far more justly spent on addressing urgent everyday needs such as accommodation for the homeless, community safety measures and more children's play areas.
    721 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Teresa Belton
  • Keep Covid Accommodation Permanently!
    The housing secretary has claimed that more than 90% of rough sleepers have been housed during the coronavirus pandemic, therefore demonstrating that the accommodation, resources and funding are available to significantly reduce rough sleeping and homelessness. It is not acceptable to tell these people to go back and live on the streets after the pandemic is over as evidently, there is accommodation available. Thus this housing must be made permanently available to house the homeless.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cara Littlewood
  • Renew the Homelessness Reduction Act funding
    The Homelessness Reduction Act (2017) gave new duties and roles to local housing authorities to prevent homelessness experiences from ever happening in the first place. In addition councils must support people out of homelessness, whether classed as 'priority need' or not. (Haringey Council, 2019) Following the introduction of the Act, £72 million was given to local councils by the government, to be used in combatting homelessness (Barton and Wilson, 2020) This funding runs out in 2020 and there is no indication that it will be renewed. (Butler, 2019) Given that the new role of local authorities to prevent homelessness is already being neglected by some as they don't have the fund to implement it (Geraghty, 2018), the renewal of this funding is even more important to encourage more local authorities to take responsibility and engage with the program.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Howard