• Give the other key workers a shout not just nhs
    This is important because everyone is only really realising that the nhs do all the work whereas engineers, delivery drivers , cashiers , people Who stack shelves and even food suppliers are risking their lives as many people are personally I do not think it is fair
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Donnelly
  • Save B&M and also the car park
    The reason why B&M is very important to Clevedon and also the car park is that a lot of people use them. If we lose the car park it will be a great big loss there is limited parking around the area as it is and also so we need B&M they sell a lot of things that we need without this store would have to go to either Weston or Bristol so we must try and save B&M and the car park and also we must save being m staff from losing their jobs
    439 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Robinson
  • STOP charging on Visa's for our immigrant NHS staff.
    Please sign this partition to bring to an end this outrageous tax on vulnerable hospital workers. Boris Johnson backed the treatment he received when he contracted coronavirus and the staff who rigorously watched over him whilst he was in intensive care, let him now abandon this ridiculous tax and support our NHS staff 100%.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Holdaway
  • Let's go nuclear on health service investment
    If you have to ask this question you're probably part of the problem, and won't see the solution. How can it be sensible to continue to invest our 'public tax trillions' into something which can only end humanity, when we could invest in something that we've all now realised is actually our first and last line of defence against a threat which is real and likely to come back bigger and badder in the future?
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Taylor
  • Micro/Small manufacturing businesses - Please help! They feel abandoned
    This company is between a rock and a hard place at present due to Covid 19. They cannot work as they are, indefinitely without help, but can't lockdown completely as they are part of a key industry for medical machines. Unfortunately, this area of the customer base is not enough to cover monthly overheads. The company does not want to let these customers down or the recipients of these invaluable machines but this is not sustainable. They need help, not only to keep going though this but to still be a functional company after, when they will be a part of rebuilding the economy of the businesses that rely on them.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire James
  • Death in service
    This is important as like the soldier fighting a war so are the NHS AND CARE STAFF only the enamy the Health workers are facing are invisable to the naked eye.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Liebenberg
  • Prevent coronavirus support for companies based in tax havens
    Companies that headquarter themselves in tax havens choose to do so to avoid paying UK corporation tax and should not therefore be able to benefit from taxpayer funded state support, the bill for which will ultimately be paid for by everyone in the UK who does pay tax. Allowing such companies to access coronavirus financial support is like allowing uninsured drivers to claim for accident damage – it clearly doesn’t make sense.
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Gynn
  • Ban Tax Haven Companies
    Any company that is not registered in the United Kingdom for Tax purposes and doesn't contribute their fair share should under no circumstances receive Government bailout money.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Clark
  • RyanAir Refunds NOT Vouchers
    They originally offered people with cancelled flights a "refund". They then emailed to say it would take a while due to high demand. They are now trying to instate a "voucher" system rather than their promised refund. Refuse the voucher, demand your refund.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Maxwell
  • Protection of Cancer services, during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic
    Delays and pausing to diagnosis and treatment will mean some cancers will be inoperable or beyond curative treatment. Cancer patients should not wait for Covid-19 to pass to receive the treatment they need. With the escalation of testing of staff and patients hospitals and hubs can be made safe for patients and staff can be treated safely and post operative complications minimised.
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jasmine Nottle
  • UK citizenship for foreign nationals who have worked at the NHS
    This is important to recognise the sacrifice and contribution that foreign nationals have made whilst risking their lives in providing care for those who have unfortunately contacted the Covid-19 virus.Cabinet members of the UK government have praised foreign nationals for their contribution, it is time to put some substance to that praise and do something which will help those NHS staff who need help too.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marjorie Rantoul
  • Individuals with over a billion pounds worth of assets - no bail out
    The public built your fortune, the government recovers bail out money from the public. The public is hurting, doing their best to survive while the rich get richer at our expense. Is this government going to accede to their request or is humanity going to win over greed and so called power? We have been a great opportunity to stop polluting the earth and if measures can be put in place globally to fight a virus then we can save the planet
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judy Brooks