• Political party funding
    Parliament is there to serve the nation, the whole population, not to further the interests of small sections of society to the exclusion of others. It is not new; many countries such as Germany and Denmark have such a system. It has it faults but it is not open to the kind of abuse that is rife in the UK. It's an old adage but still true "He who pays the piper calls the tune". We must reform this corrupt system.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Phillips
  • Newcastle under Lyme centre improvement
    Redevelopment to attract businesses and improve the look and feel of the centre of Newcastle under Lyme
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Parker
  • Let's make Birstall safer!
    The A6/Loughborough Road in Birstall has seen a tremendous increase in traffic flow. This is due to the A46 junction, the introduction of the Park and Ride, and massive housing development seen primarily in Birstall, but also in the surrounding areas of Rothley, Thurcaston, Mountsorrel, Syston and Quorn. It also one of the few residential areas that does not have any form of speed regulation. Consequently, outside of peak times the majority of traffic along this stretch travels at speeds well in excess of the 40mph limit. This is a particular problem in the evening and into the early hours of the morning, when vehicles have a free rein to speed without the risk of being caught. Construction lorries and freight trucks are a grave danger from the early hours of the day; their high speeds also add to noise pollution levels. Despite the increase in traffic, there has been very little done to maintain the A6/Loughborough Road, and this requires review. The introduction of noise reducing tarmac would decrease some of the sound and reverberation that residents living on, and around this stretch of road endure. Furthermore, the speed limit should be reduced to reflect the fact that the A6 is, in fact, a residential area with a playing field/park, children's nurseries and school along its route. Action is required to improve the road surface to reduce noise and reverberation. A reduction in the speed limit to 30mph should be introduced, from entry to Birstall at the Red Hill roundabout, to the junction at the A46. Speed monitoring equipment should also be installed to deter speeding drivers and to punish those making the road a danger. Please now sign on two other important issues for Birstall. 1) A new health and leisure centre for Birstall, see petition: Let's improve Birstall's health and wellbeing. 2) Improvement of Birstall's environment, see petition: Let's make Birstall beautiful again! Please share with your family and friends. Thankyou!
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Birstall Matters Picture
  • Let's make Birstall beautiful again!
    Birstall has continued to deteriorate over the last few years. The village centre (Sibson Road shopping area) is tired and in need of refurbishment. Basic amenities such as bus shelters, public benches and public toilets are old, broken and damaged making them unusable and an eyesore. Pavements are strewn with detritus and weeds. Publicly owned hedges are overgrown and unkempt, covering road signs. Road signs are damaged. Graffiti is increasing and is not cleared up efficiently. Birstall is unattractive and uncared for by our public bodies and this is affecting resident's quality of life, and local businesses are struggling. Shops have closed and are left empty, more are closing, and the recent closure of a Bank is reflective of this continuing decline. Compared to other areas of Charnwood, Birstall has been neglected. Other areas of Charnwood continue to thrive and have retained their visual appeal through the years of cuts and austerity. Why not Birstall? At a time when we should be using our vehicles less, attractive, clean and usable bus shelters would encourage people to use public transport, thereby reducing traffic and pollution levels. We want action now to restore Birstall back to the bustling and attractive village that it once was. All the issues above need to be addressed. With definitive action then taken to improve Birstall's visual appeal through such as: wooden bus shelters, floral displays, refurbished shop fronts in a traditional attractive style, restyled parks with gardens and seating areas so that they can be enjoyed by more members of the community. This will bring Birstall back to the standards seen elsewhere in Charnwood. Thank you! Now please see two other important matters for Birstall and its residents. 1) A new health and leisure centre for Birstall, see petition: Let's Improve Birstall’s Health and Wellbeing. 2) Reduced speed on A6/Loughborough Road to 30mph, see petition: Let's Make Birstall Safer! Now please share with your family and friends. Because Birstall matters!
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Birstall Matters Picture
  • Plant trees on your street!
    It will help fight the climate emergency.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerard Rosenberg
  • Re-instate the ban on slug pellets that was overturned following legal challenges
    Well, once upon a time, not long ago, slug pellets (or Metaldehyde) was at long last banned by Defra. Hoorah I hear you say and then some people got offended and somehow got the ban overturned. Slug pellets kill all manner of our endangered critters included the much loved hedgehog and as much of our wildlife is threatened, endangered and on critical lists, we need to turn this around NOW. So, please, for future generations to enjoy our lovely beasties, please sign this very important petition. Thank you.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jo Havilland
  • 55 percent
    It will end the current difficulty and indecision on Remain/ Brexit debate
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JASDEV RAI Picture
    The festival is celebrated annually in Yulin, Guangxi, China, during the summer solstice in June, by eating dogmeat and lychees. About 10,000 to 15,000 dogs are consumed during the 10 days of the festival. This number has decreased to 1,000 in 2015. This festival needs to end. At least one thousand dogs are murdered brutally every year for simply sport. It's disgusting to kill any animal in general but dogs are pets! The sweetest pets you'll ever meet! This is disgusting and could easily be lived without. Not to mention they don't even know what's happening. These innocent dogs just want to help and love and are instead being sold, hunted, tortured, killed and eaten. This has to end. If you want this to end also then please sign this petition! It's a sick "festival" That really says a lot about the people living in these cities.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brooke McCallum Wilson
  • Don't waste food.Please.
    Because It is wastefull.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael De-Wynter
  • 27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Cooper
  • Cyclists
    Save lives and or injury to others.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by oberan pars
  • Knife-crime emergency
    On 8 March a teenager was fatally stabbed near where I live. I wrote to the Queen, the prime minister and my MP with 11 specific suggestions for dealing with the emergency including 'spend whatever is necessary because saving lives is more important than reducing the National Debt'. Neither the Queen nor the PM replied to me but I gathered that my letters to them were forwarded to the Home Office. Only my MP replied. Since then I have exchanged numerous letters and emails with officials at Buckingham Palace and the Home Office. It seems to me that none of the people to whom I wrote or emailed, except my MP, actually read my 11 suggestions. Instead I got standard letters telling me government policy, with which I was already familiar. I feel I had wasted my time.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Birch