• Recognise PCS Union at National Museums Liverpool Trading Cie
    Workplaces that recognise unions tends to have better levels of pay, happiness and do provide better services to their users. National Museums Liverpool is a public service and should not be exploiting its workers, many of them only earning just about the minimum wage. Many employees of the NML Trading company are local young people and they deserve as much respect as their colleagues employed directly by the museums. As NMLT is fully owned by the museums, museum bosses should not pretend they cannot act or ensure better standards. Yes there have been budget cuts for museums but surely union recognition would not cost a penny and if workers were getting the real Living Wage and decent hours of work, they would be spending their wages in the local economy and not having to consider claiming benefits.
    318 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Clara Paillard Picture
  • Fight the Law Commission plan to gag whistle blowers and the press
    It is threat to democracy and the suggestions being made by the Law Commission are more in keeping with a dictatorship than a democratic country. This could stop us ever knowing about the details of deals negotiated for Brexit; police surveillance methods of legitimate protestors; the truth about underfunding of the NHS. In fact anything an unscrupulous government doesn't want the public to know about.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maggie Hamilton
  • Make Land of Hope and Glory Englands National anthem
    England is one nations of the home nations. God save the Queen applies to all nations under the United Kingdom. It seems strange that the other nations should have to sing two anthems. When we compete as team GB/ British Lions etc then God save the Queen is appropriate. When competing as England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland it is not.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Ridgeon
  • Stop the Home Office refusing holiday visas for family visits to the UK without good reason.
    In my wife's case: My wife’s elderly retired parents have been refused entry to the United Kingdom for a family holiday. My wife, is from the Philippines she has a British Passport and has been resident in the UK for a period approaching 10 years, we have been married for the same period. We have paid the application process fees to the Home Office fees amounting to hundreds of pounds, this fee is non-returnable. We have more than sufficient funds in the bank, we are financing the return airfare together with all other expenses, the Home Office have my bank statements, my bank account has never been over-drawn in the past 50 years. I am a retired licensed debt counsellor and finance broker; my credit rating is irrefutably shown as being at the highest possible level. Amongst other shameful, fatuous and humiliating reasons for entry refusal is: 1. They are not satisfied with my wife’s immigration status although she has a British Passport! 2. They are not satisfied that we will not resort to the use of public funds. 3. My wife’s father is unemployed, yes of course he is, he’s retired. 4. Quote from the refusal: I am not satisfied you have shown that your ties to Philippines (or elsewhere) are sufficient incentive to leave the UK at the end of your proposed visit. On balance of probabilities, I am therefore not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry as a visitor or will to leave the UK after a limited period. Your application for a visit visa is refused under paragraph V4.2. Why would they want to live here, the Home Office acknowledge they live in a mortgage free house in the Philippines which we purchased for them to live in. 5. Mine and my wife’s bank balance fluctuates, why would they not? We run a business, of course it fluctuates, but it's always thousands of pounds in credit, they know that, because they have originals of bank statements and savings accounts. Isn’t about time the Home Office stopped issuing blanket holiday visa refusals in respect of British citizens married to wives with British passports without good reason and then compounding the humiliation by expecting us to pay more fees to appeal their absurdly unsound and injudicious decisions.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geoff Day
  • Stop CETA the new TTIP
    CETA is the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement . It is very similar to TTIP. Part of it is the Investor Court System which is the same as the ISDS which will enable corporations to sue governments if they pass any laws that the corporation regards as infringing on any expected profits. the British European Committee B voted not to have an open debate in parliament about it so our only hope now is to persuade our MEPs to vote against it . Tufts University has performed a study which concludes that if CETA is approved it will lead to job losses, rising unemployment and inequality and the NHS will be threatened as Britain has not ring fenced it, as Germany has done for it's health service.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Mitchell Wood
  • RefugeeFest
    To send a message to current and future generations that, if we work together for the common good, humanity can redeem itself.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rick Jones
  • Voting for younger people
    Take the EU referendum for example. Many older adults voted to leave the EU, but the people who will be affected in the future by these changes didn't get a say in what happened. If the leaving the EU has its difficulties, then the younger people will be affected. That is why I want you to sign this petition.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Froggitt
  • Pay child benefit monthly.
    It's difficult to plan finances around payments that move around the calendar each month. Direct Debits in particular don't cope well this this. The system is out of touch with modern family finances and needs to be changed.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phill Johnston
  • Alcohol and Tobacco Tax to N.H.S
    Firstly; https://fullfact.org/economy/does-smoking-cost-much-it-makes-treasury/ Secondly; https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/2015/09/alcohol-tax-revenue-outweighs-cost-of-abuse/ Drinkers and smokers, non drinkers, non smokers, please join my campaign. We all need the fabulous NHS .Please help me to petition the Government to give at least half of their revenue to the good old NHS, not sure where they're spending that money other than short films telling smokers and drinkers of alcohol to quit, better spent on the NHS I think. We may not all choose the same lifestyle but we should be able to decide where our taxes go and I want mine to be spent on the NHS, social housing and education. Put people first and bureaucracy last.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kate Fairservice
  • U.K. fails to keep its promise
    This is an important matter because it effects the lives of so many young children. Every child deserve the right to a childhood, unfortunately many children from a war zone country like Syria are having this right snatched away from them. Many countries are opening their arms to refugees, and the U.K. should definitely participate purely for the purpose of an act of humanity. Please sign this petition and do share with your friends and families. If they were our children we sure would want the best for them. Let's make the UK the accepting tolerant country it once was. Her recent meeting with Donald Trump has influenced her with this decision, she has also failed to speak against the Muslim ban, despite her being the Prime Minkster of many Muslims. Many people have spoken against this. It just goes to show how the corrupt Donald Trump is beginning to have an impact onto the rest of the world. Not so long ago, there was a meeting held in parliament, for which they were discussing the matter of sending some aid in Syria, the members of parliament who were present that day was truly appalling, not to mention Theresa not even being bothered to show up. Being a British Muslim, and a daughter of two immigrant parents I have always been so proud of how Britian has given a hand out to people desperately seeking for help.Living in a country like this has meant I show pride in my nationality, however with the recent events, I am beginning to question this. Please don't let this country go down. Sign this petition today, and allow refugees to be welcomed in this country.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aneesha Khan
  • Ask to Government to stick to their commitment of helping 3,000 unaccompanied child refugees
    There is an estimated 90,000 unaccompanied children and teenagers across Europe Help Refugees, one of the British charities working in France, had already launched legal action against the government's handling of Dubs. Its judicial review, which will be heard on Friday, argues that ministers failed to consult local authorities properly about how many unaccompanied children could be housed.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Jones
  • Stop The Rot Carlisle
    Residents of Carlisle take great pride in their city yet feel exasperated by the decades that buildings are left to rot without the council taking any action. They're an eyesore that damages trade, deters local investment, are a poor advert for the city to tourists and make the city feel and look unloved. Many of these buildings may also be a hazard to the public walking past them as they have not been maintained for decades.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Evans