• Derek Thomas please pledge to vote to keep the Hunting Act 2004 in place.
    I would Like the voices of the people of the St Ives constituency to be heard by our new MP on this important moral issue.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by tim mayo
  • Keep 119 Bus service for Pennington
    The 119 bus service is a bus service that runs between Lymington and New Milton. Other bus services also travel this route but the 119 is the only service that goes via Pennington village. It is the only bus that the elderly and infirm can access because the other services all stop at other ends of the village. It may not seem like an important issue but for people unable to access the X1/2 services then they are left isolated and abandoned. This is simply not acceptable in our society today.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jack Davies
    Some letting agents in London are greedy and deceitful, falsely advertising 'rooms' to rent that do not meet a governmental living standard that was outlined in 2014. Whilst it is the prerogative of landlords and agencies to dictate their prices, they are forcing up the rental market to beyond what is fair and reasonable to tenants by falsely advertising the space available, and lowering living standards, whilst pushing prices up. This has to stop. People who prioritise living in a place they care about, are being marginalised into moving away or settling for poor living standards. This situation is the beginning of another greedy gentrification boom in housing, perpetuated by the same people who caused our 2008 financial crash. There is a Government standard. It should be met by these companies. Lewisham council, and all London councils must impose these standards more strictly.
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Wyer
  • Get more recycling bins around Liverpool
    This is important because recycling is part of building a sustainable future for the young people of tomorrow. If we do not recycle now then we will face major problems in the future. There's SO much plastic and recyclable material just dumped into landfill every day. Having extra bins around Liverpool and Merseyside would help people to actively recycle and feel good about doing it!
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katherine McDonald
  • Referendum on fox hunting.
    Because MPs are here to enact the will of the people. We tell them what we want and they do it. In a recent survey over 80% of the British public were against this cruel practice and if it is up to a vote in parliament then half the people voting are the ones committing this disgusting act. This issue has been thrown back and forth for years and its about time it was stopped. Help end the suffering of our native wildlife.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jack rumbold
  • Scottish Border
    This will allow all people who believe in retaining public services,proper funding of education,supporting the NHS, supporting our Police, Fire & Ambulances Services, getting rid of food banks, ridding this country of nuclear weapons, supporting and maintaining a modern non nuclear armed forces and trying to build a country that belongs to the people and not just the rich elite. Anyone who wants the other way can stay in the south and call themselves England or maybe Tory land...the rest of us can move north.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Roach
  • Legalise Marijuana
    This is important because as adults, we should have certain controls over our lives. It seems completely ridiculous that drugs such as alcohol and tobacco are not only legal but sold as a commercial product, yet marijuana is treated as an obscene drugs. It can be argued that marijuana can lead to mental illness but not only has this not been supported by research, but this seems like a hypocritical argument considering that alcohol can lead to numerous illnesses and is one of the leading causes of death in the UK. Not only that, between the years 2011-12, the Office for National Statistics found that alcohol accounted for 63% of violent crimes in Scotland, and 40% of all violent crime throughout England and Wales. Similarly, the risks associated with tobacco such as lung cancer are commonly known, yet both it and alcohol can be legally purchased by anyone over the age of 18 in the UK. We live in a culture where binge drinking seems socially acceptable but smoking marijuana can result in a criminal record. The UK is being left behind by countries who are realising that the war on drugs has failed. Trying to use scare tactics such as prison sentences for the mere possession of a naturally growing substance is ludicrous. Perhaps later down the line, other drugs will become decriminalized but I think it is high time that marijuana is not only decriminalized, but fully legalised. We only need to look to Portugal to realise the effect that decriminalisation and legalisation have on drug use and society overall. A war on marijuana use is not only a war on drugs, it's a war on our basic human rights and our freedoms as human beings. While it is possible (and in fact occurs more often than it should) to die from consuming too much alcohol, the possibility of overdosing on marijuana are inconceivably small. When do we ever hear news updates of somebody dying from a cannabis overdose? Never. For those of you worried about the societal impact of the legalisation of this substance, one only need to look to Colorado to see that legalisation has a vast array of benefits. While this was a fairly recent move and it is still early days, things definitely look positive in areas such as crime rate.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cameron Madden
  • Call the Government to account for recent ministerial appointments
    How can these people represent Equality and Justice when they have already contradicted both Justice and Equality? We need to call upon the Government to reconsider the appointment to office of both the Justice Secretary, Michael Gove as he he has already said on The Andrew Marr Show that there is 'no need' for a public inquiry into the Westminster Paedophile Ring or an investigation into the alledged cover-up? And the newly appointed Equality minister, Caroline Dinenageas as she has previously said the state had “no right” to redefine marriage, and she voted against same-sex marriage.
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Homan
  • Save The Human Rights Act of Northern Ireland
    It is important for all the people in Northern Ireland to have the right of free political thought and to have the right to freedom of expression of religion the right to pursue democratically national and political aspirations and the right to seek constitutional change by peaceful and legitimate means the right to freely chose one's place of residence the right to equal opportunity in all social and economic activity regardless of class creed disability,gender or ethnicity the right to freedom from sectarian harassment the right of women to full and equal political participation We the people of Northern Ireland needs Human Rights Safe Guards kept in place to help protect the weak the sick and the disabled we need our Human Rights to be protected in Northern Ireland for our Childrens future we need it to protect our children who can't speak up for themselves if you have a child who is disabled that child must be protected for later life .We can't have our older community not being looked after when they have to go into care we want our older generation to be treated by respect we want are sick children who have rare or ultra rare diseases to have the same rights as children in Europe we want you to think before the Government Removes the Human Rights Act In Northern Ireland Please Sign Our Petition
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Terence Hoey
  • We are petitioning for free childcare for all from the age of two years
    We believe in free childcare as a step toward a poverty-free Britain. The government must do all they can to get adults living in deprivation back into education and into work. Free childcare is therefore a MUST. Currently free childcare is available for all regardless of income for children over the age of three. As a teacher in the further education sector (not university based) I have had women either not show up to classes due to lack of childcare, quit a course or not show up all together for the same reason. Often, these women have been in need of support in the array of ways only a classroom can provide. As I am a lecturer in teaching English to speakers of other languages, I specialise in catering for the needs of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. Often facing social isolation, the classroom is not only a place for learning but a place to feel like a human being again. It isn't fair that I have had to turn women away from classes because they need to come in with their young, screaming children. Other further education teachers will know what I am talking about! I have done what I can in the past, but it is the other students in the class that often have to put their foot down and say they can't concentrate when there are children in the room. It affects the material of discussion and in the past I have even had to provide under 5's with things to do to keep them occupied. The mothers often have to leave the room, dragging their children to the bathroom, disrupting class discussions or the kids play on their mum's mobile - music blaring, guns firing. Us adult ed. teachers do our best but we shouldn't have to play nursery nurse too. There is a proven link between poverty and inaccessible childcare especially for single parents. A child raised in a single parent household is twice as likely to live in deprivation as a child raised by a couple. Current early years provision is just too expensive for those on lower wages. Furthermore, lack of funding for established nurseries means that there are extremely limited places available, often on a first come, first serve basis. So if a parent doesn't get their child into the creche on time, the parent doesn't get to attend class. For equality between rich and poor, parents and non parents, single parents and coupled parents, free childcare for all, regardless of income, must be made available. Without it, these groups of people are not getting equal rights to education and employment. Educate to Liberate is calling on the government to make it pay to work. We ask them to make it pay for people to go back to study. Anyone would think they wanted to keep people in the poverty cycle not help them out....
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tina Onur
  • People Powered Headlines - Reform the BBC News
    The BBC has always professed to a 'non-bias' standing, yet without public involvement in the News selection process ANY form of auditioning can be seen as agenda bias. We are in the age of technology and as such the majority of the general public have at their availability a wealth of news items from across the internet. I would argue that the daily high profile news topics broadcast to the country via the BBC's television and radio programmes should be determined by THE PEOPLE. A rolling billboard of News stories voted up in importance by the general public would broaden the spectrum of what is determined News from that of one organisation to the entire country - should they choose to participate. Not only would this reinvigorate people's interests in current affairs, reinstall some faith in the BBC and be a truly revolutionary concept - it would allow the PEOPLE to influence the pervading tone of society.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luke De-Sciscio
  • The fight against funding cuts in adult education
    Adult education is a source of removing dependency on government resources and hand outs. Adults living in deprivation can go back to college to retrain or gain basic skills so that they can have more confidence to secure better jobs. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS? The department for business, innovation and skills found that further education courses improved the lives of people who had completed them in countless ways. From becoming more employable to being more involved in the local community to better health and well-being. BUT... - The UK government has slashed funding for non-academic (not university based) adult education by a staggering 40% since 2010. - If government cuts continue, adult education will not exist by 2020. Colleges and training agencies have been advised to find other forms of funding. - It is a human right to have access to education at any age. Why should it be limited to our childhood? There are countless reasons why a person may not be able to read and write/speak English/hold qualifications/find a job as an adult. For instance: War Culture that does not encourage the schooling of girls Domestic responsibilities Poverty We believe that everyone should be given the opportunity to access services that may improve the quality of their lives, regardless of age. It is never too late!
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tina Onur