• Bring Awareness about HRT Premarin
    Premarin is a form of HRT, widely prescribed to alleviate symptoms of perimenopause. It is harvested from pregnant mares using a catheter. The mares live their entire lives in a stall and forced always to stand up. They are repeatedly impregnated and their foals are killed at birth.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georgia Morandi
  • remove PLC status from companies who keep breaking the law
    Too many companies commit fraud or theft, create pollution or corruption or sell produce based on lies. They get away with it constantly. Hiding behind a trick of the paperwork to never be held accountable as individuals because we treat companies themselves with the rights of an individual in court. This means, usually, a company can be punished for breaking the law but individuals cannot. THIS IS IMMORAL AND WRONG. Removing the Limited Liability from the company will force many of these corporates to think twice before putting profit before people
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Will Stockley
  • Revoke bank licences to operate
    Clearly all the promises from senior management in banks that mistakes will not be repeated, that lessons have been learned, etc have been empty ones. How many more scandals must we endure? Why do we continue to reward failure among those that employ highly paid personnel by allowing them to continue to operate and fail again? Organisations breaching laws, such as those related to health & safety, can be closed down and directors held accountable: time for those who contravene legislation in the financial sector to face similar penalties.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by L Forbes
  • In real meetings at gaming events for all staff and players( PAX, Insominia etc.)
    This allows us as players, staff and community to establish an actually community. We all can meet up, find out more about those who we work with and play with and finally connect that final missing bond for us to meet and establish proper friendship.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Hankins
  • Replace the Human Rights Act with a UK bill of rights.
    The EU Human Rights which the British government helped create has become a joke and we have lost control of the UK's criminal system, unable to deport people who actively want to harm British citizens back to their home countries. We need a bill of rights that protects the British people from harm.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Rice
  • Cumbria to secede from England, and the name changed back to Cumberland.
    For far too long now England, in fact the whole UK, has been London and those other little places round the edges. The north never gets a fair deal, especially Cumbria, so it's time we went at it alone. The United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Wales, NI, and Cumberland.....has a nice ring to it.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Hooper
  • Balance "poverty porn" with "one law for the rich" porn
    Farming subsidies paid to millionaires, VAT breaks for companies bidding for lucrative NHS contracts, the recent tax rules changes that mean companies don't have to pay the balance of their corporation tax to the UK tax authorities, are benefits too. They amount to tens of millions, if not billions, of pounds. They still come out of general taxation, and are paid for by the less well off who proportionally pay far more tax. So there needs to be far more balance. All of this is not good for public debate as it is never put into a forum where voters can see it. There are approximately 10 times more people employed chasing benefits fraud that there are chasing tax evasion, yet the amounts of money concerned are 10 times the other way. If we are concerned about "freeloaders" and "scroungers" who operate with a sense of entitlement ignoring the morals of what they do then ALL of them need to be taken to task, instead of a small cross section of vulnerable people who are being exploited by "poverty porn".
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Francis Fish
  • Thomas Cook Should Give Their £3.5 Million to The Shepherd Family
    Is is right that Thomas Cook receives £3. 5 million pounds from the hotel where Christi and Bobby Shepherd died… While the parents who could have also died along with their children only receive a fraction of that money in compensation for their children's deaths? Thomas Cook is a multi-national company with gross sales in the billions of pounds in 2014. We think Thomas Cook should do the decent thing and give the money to the Shepherd family. No amount of money can make up for the loss of two children.. But the people who suffered the biggest loss should receive the largest share. Thomas Cook, give that money to the Shepherd family now. Do the right thing.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Granley
  • FIRE Iain Duncan smith
    Iain duncan smith is being investigated by the EU Because poor and disabled people and people with mental illness have died or took there own life's because of the new reform's and in that case every death should be properly investigated ...2 million more jobs that shouldn't be the price of a life ...iain Duncan smith has made peoples lives so miserable that they felt they couldn't take it any longer ..all in the name of David Cameron and can say our long term economic plan is working ...(more like a long economic failure)....you cant put numbers or a price on someone's life
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rohit raj
  • No More UK Parliament
    Nobody set out to create Parliament. It developed naturally out of the daily political needs of the English King and his government. It didn't develop continuously over time neither, but went through short stages of rapid growth. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was created in 1801 by the merger of the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland under the Acts of Union. The principle of responsibility to the lower House did not come about until the 19th century. Members of the House of Commons were elected in an out dated electoral system, under which constituencies of vastly different sizes existed. Which is still used today. Parliament is one of the oldest continuous representative assemblies in the world. It is a story that involves battle, war, invasion, several dethronings. We can't keep living in fear of death, famine and despair. Parliament claim cuts are needed to bring this economy back to some stability. Look around you. What positivity can you see that doesn't get overweighed by negativity? Many people in the UK are suffering from depression and other mental health issues. Poverty is rapidly increasing, drug abuse and crime rates are high. We are affected as a consensus. No more shall we have to suffer. There can be an alternative to Parliament. Stand Up. Be heard.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by daniel wilkes
  • Keep Your Hands Off Our NHS Cameron
    Without the NHS people like the elderly, disabled, which we all know your poor late son Ivan was, sick children and poor will suffer as they will not be ableto afford private health care and subsequently, like poor Ivan, die. I, myself, have epilepsy and, at the age of six months, contracted menigitis. This left me partially disabled and, without our beloved NHS I, no doubt, would've probably died as my parents were unable to afford private health care. In recent times my 70 year old dad suffered a subdural haemotoma and, yet again, without the NHS, we would have no doubt lost him. Get rid of the NHS and our blood will be on your hands.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ben Wilson
  • Additional Member System
    The current electoral system though producing clear results, does not fully reflect the will of the British people in their electing of members of parliament. The Additional Member System retains the link between Members of Parliament and their constituencies, and also in most cases produces clear majorities; yet having a proportion element allows the people of the United Kingdom to better elect members according to their considered will and purpose.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Rees