• We must have Fair Elections
    It is undemocratic and fundamentally unfair for any political party in any election to get 12.7% of the vote and not get the corresponding number of representatives elected. Whatever you personally may think about any party concerned is irrelevant, it is the principle that voting numbers must be represented correctly by the election results, which is at stake here. In this General Election 2015 a party received equal to 4 million votes and got 1 MP, whereas another party got 1.5 million votes and got 56 MPs. For the sake of our fair and democratic society and a decent electoral system, this has to be changed immediately. To have a healthy democracy the current system cannot be left to continue the way it is.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Barry Edwards
  • Stop the UK Government eroding People's Union rights
    This is important because it is another example of governments eroding people's rights to withdraw their labour when employers don't pay them enough or put in place policies which change their terms and conditions for the worse. Remember people have died, been forcibly relocated and suffered for the rights you have today. Don't let any government take them away from you.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Ashley
  • Abolish CAFCASS & CSA
    Because millions of fathers are being persecuted and suffering at the hands of these unfit-for-purpose agencies. It is not CAFCASS' place to assess a father's ability to parent, it is his biological right and the CSA have no consideration for a man's ability to pay and should realistically reflect his financial burdens.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by gerhart y
  • hunting laws
    We cannot stand by and let this happen so are you in? Lets stand together and keep them safe sign and make your voice be heard.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by penelope ghias
  • stop subsidising fossil fuels
    This is massively important. Governments are subsidising these huge fossil powers to tune of billions to get the ever degrading fossil fuels when we can't afford to be. We all know what the consequences are. We need to cut subsidies and subsidise renewable clean energy instead. The reason? Governments subsidise these powerful elites because their reward comes back to them in the form of massive donations to the parties involved. These companies then have a say in policies. Money talks.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by carl holmes
  • Asda to play fair with IOW
    The Isle of Wight Council is cash-strapped, with important services being slashed Island wide as a result. When the sale of land to Asda was originally negotiated, it promised to generate much needed revenue for the IOW Council. Now, because Asda feel they can bully their way out of the original agreed sale value, the Council may likely see itself £2.4million worse off. Asda want to see the price slashed from £20 million to just £17.6 million. This will put even greater pressure on local services already stretched thinly. http://www.iwcp.co.uk/news/news/asdas-costly-demands-for-the-isle-of-wight-council-over-supermarket-plans-80858.aspx
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Randall
  • End rule by minorities
    40% of people did not vote in the last election as they felt their views were not represented or the current system meant their vote was meaningless. The Government was elected by less than 39% of those who voted. The Government received the votes of less than 20% of those entitled to vote. No Party could claim a Legitimate right rule the country after the last election. First past the post works well in a 2 party system, but that has ended.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Elstone
  • Fairer representation in Parliament.
    Voters are not fairly represented in parliament. Conservatives won 36% of the vote yet have 51% representation in parliament. The SNP won 4.7% of the vote and have 56 Mp’s; the Greens won 3.8% and have only one MP. UKIP Won votes that amount to 1/3 of the conservative vote and yet the conservatives have 331 seats to UKIP’S 1 seat. This is an affront to democracy.
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ash Pont
  • Provided trigger warnings
    1/5 people suffer from mental health problems in the UK, many of these people self harm, in fact suicide is the leading cause if death in the UK for men under 21. Many TV programmes can have detrimental effects on peoples well beings. TV producers such as the BBC seem to enjoy using themes such as suicide and rape as they are deemed as "interesting" of "exciting". But there is little regard for certain viewers emotions. As a long term suffer of mental health problems, many things trigger negative emotions, these are the things I obviously try and avoid. However, when programs, such as casualty, air distressing themes, the viewers are given no prior warning, sparking many negative emotions. I feel it is necessary that trigger warnings are displayed before a program starts if necessary. (Just like the BBC do with flashing lights etc) a simple message such as "warning: triggering content", would make such a difference to so many people.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lara Fergie
  • Introduce proportional representation in the United Kingdom
    The 'first-past-the-post' system is archaic and outdated. It is an affront democracy. This was highlighted by the general election results of 2015. How can it be possible for 1.4 million to vote for the Scottish National Party and receive 56 seats in parliament, yet 3.7 million voted for the United Kingdom Independence Party and only received one seat of representation in parliament?
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simone Harkins
  • Free the "Hound of Hounslow"
    Financial institutions around the world employ the same techniques in market trading as Navinder Sarao. They should be prosecuted as well, and first before prosecuting an individual like Navinder Sarao. In addition, due to the length of time the extradition proceedings are likely to take and the difficulty of the US being able to convince a judge that they do have a case, keeping him in prison is cruel and inhuman. He must be freed on minimum bail and surrender his passport instead.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Skilton
  • Help the disabled workers
    Read this article from the Independent and let's make our country great again by helping those in need not those who shirk from paying into our system what they owe: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/generalelection/hours-after-the-election-the-dwp-says-it-is-looking-to-cut-a-disabled-access-to-work-scheme-10237191.html I have worked with many disabled people who contribute massively to the business but just need a little support to get to and from their jobs and adaptations to help them cope. I recently worked with a blind lady who was brilliant at her job. Stop the new wave of Tory cuts. It targets those in need.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by pat smith