• Alphosyl HC Cream
    In 2012 GlaxoSmithKline stopped production of Alphosyl HC Cream leaving Psoriasis sufferers like myself without any equivalent product to relieve the symptoms of Psoriasis. There is no cure for Psoriasis. I have suffered this condition since 1954, I have had numerous treatments over the years but, none have been as effective as Alphosyl HC Cream. Please help put pressure on GlaxoSmithKline to put Alphosyl HC Cream back into production.
    147 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Philip Preston
    MOST would be INDEPENDENT CANDIDATES stay away from STANDING in General Election because they can't afford the DEPOSIT. This deprives the Democratic function in Britain from many brilliant capable candidates.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elsayed Selim Picture
  • Qualifications, training, and re-validation for MP's
    The success of a country is judged by objective markers depicting economic, industrial, social, and cultural output, alongside the health and well-being of its citizens. The only mechanism people have to potentially secure this success is through the quality of a nation's operating democracy, and the central law making body at its heart. The latter is elected by 'informal promises' to hopefully achieve the best outcomes. In Britain's case, this duty falls on the workings of the House of Commons and ultimately by the quality of the party in government, supported in essence by a balance of 650 elected members of Parliament representing the regions and people of Britain. The British Parliament has been a historical role model, but deep and ongoing problems are now present. The system for electing MPs has not effectively changed for hundreds of years, the duties of an MP are not clearly defined and no task obligations are written down. This casual state is unheard of in every other walk of life. Many events are now challenging these loose foundations, change is badly needed to refresh and update the principles by which the Commons, government, and particularly MPs work. This is to ensure we have the most responsive central legislature that is fully equipped and in touch with a rapidly changing country, its people, as well as a very fast-moving highly technical world. Over the last decade or two, many calamities including financial, economic, banking, health, employment, infrastructure, education, as well as the very probity of elected members, have emerged as significant issues. In many cases, these issues fail the test of good government. Even now, we are unclear what expenses MPs are entitled too, what extreme views an MP can hold in office, whether MPs can be compelled to quality control, should they take on second and sometimes a third (or more) jobs, and why there are no basic qualifications which would make MPs 'fit for purpose'. All these points fundamentally return us to question whether the aspirations of the first and second paragraphs above are ever going to find success again. Not surprisingly, voter apathy reflects this deep impasse. This petition proposes that much greater tests on the suitability of people to become MPs must be put in place. We accept the principle that effectively any British citizen of diverse background can become an MP, but, we also suggest that as in any other walks of life where there is a very specific and demanding job to be done, the incumbent should be maximally prepared for the task in hand and certainly not merely possess 'casual well meaning' as the test for office. MPs will therefore have to be 'fit for purpose' in showing strong evidence of educational, vocational, and personal skills demanded both by their new job and by the electorate, and not just offer a test of arbitrary party loyalties to be finally selected. Hence, evidence that MPs can sit in our central law making House and are pre-endowed with the educational skills to steer economic and social reform to which the nation is entitled, becomes a pre-requisite. The issue is not therefore so much about female to male ratios, ethnic or indigenous grouping, or indeed gender orientation, but about exacting proficiency and technical competence, in the same way every other job in the country has rightfully become. The technical competence issue should now be raised as the central argument, whereby, only a person who is versed and learned in specified skills that are central to the demanding task in hand should be allowed to stand for Parliament. This will mean aspiring applicants must achieve set qualifications first, and for political parties to put in place a process where they steer prospective candidates through specific training before allowing candidates to stand. The qualifications will set the bar high, but Britons are especially well equipped to achieve this, as our educational history consistently shows. These qualifications, including all the subjects set out above, become preconditions of educational experience and attainment before finally sitting as an elected Member of the British Parliament. Furthermore, a special internal and external education, science, and culture committee should refresh this MINIMUM list of requirements on a regular basis, checking educational progress of elected members and demanding new updated units to keep pace with the changing world and the job types (secretarial/ministerial) which the member may be diversifying into. Sitting MPs will have to constantly learn and update skills too, this can be achieved as 'study within recess' periods and cover all the units newly elected MPs face. Learning and re-learning, up-dating and re-validation, becomes part and parcel of the discipline for a Parliamentary political career.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kevin A. K. Jones
  • Asperger Syndrome - Improve Healthcare Services in Derbyshire for Adults!
    We need to stop post coded lottery nhs support for those with High- Functioning autism and Asperger Syndrome. Derbyshire needs to take asperger syndrome as a real disorder, and start treating and managing the condition on the NHS. Because many of patients with mild autism/ asperger syndrome do not have a learning disability associated with aspergers diagnosis, then the adult cannot get specialized support from their nhs learning disability team. So where do adults with asperger syndrome go. Many adults with the condition then end up with mental health problems, like depression, on top of their aspergers diagnosis. This is not fair! Some asperger syndrome adult patients then end up thrown in the mental health service in Derbyshire, but asperger syndrome adults are not mentally ill, not can we treat the condition like mental illness - asperger syndrome cannot be cured and it is a long-term neurological developmental disorder. So adults with the condition needs specialist medical services, like specialist OT and speech therapy, specialized trained behavioral therapists and psychiatrists. Adults with mild autism and asperger syndrome are not being given a fair and personalized medical support in Derbyshire on the NHS, and this is scandalous.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Child Picture
  • Cap rent increases and prevent rising poverty
    Year after year landlords and Councils have increased rents by at least 4%. This year many are levying 4% increases at a time when many ordinary people - 'hard working families' to use politician speak, are on minimum wage and who have not had a wage rise in 2 years. Private landlords and local Councils are proactively making people poorer as expenses increase and income remain stagnant. Just recently The Royal Bank of Scotland, that was bailed out by tax payers, has defended plans to pay £588m in staff bonuses despite suffering an £8.24bn loss in 2013 as it slumped into the red for the sixth successive year. Ross McEwan, its Chief Executive, is expected to earn £2.7m for simply doing a job he was brought in to do. However, the bank is still in the red, so he hasn't achieved the goal, yet he still receives more money in bonuses than most people earn in a lifetime. Barclays increased bonuses by 10% to £2.4bn. HSBC said it would increase salaries for its bosses to get around a European union cap on bonuses. Are we going to swallow this silently? We clearly are not 'all in this together'. Perhaps the worst offenders are those local Councils who are taking the easy option and passing on the costs of their central government funding shortfall to those in social housing and those who have to pay council tax - those who have the least ability to pay and do anything about the increase. It is sickening to hear politicians speaking about raising people out of poverty yet allowing this activity to continue.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by P H
  • #1InEveryClassRoom
    There are on average one child in every classroom who is colour blind. 1 in 12 boys and 1 in 200 girls. Colour blindness is carried through the male gene which is why it affects more males than females. This can have a big effect on pupils when teachers do not know how to recognise this or have alternative teaching methods. i.e. colours of world flags, Chemistry changes to litmus paper, sports (identifying different team kits, markings on sport hall floors). Some children also have difficulty with coloured writing on coloured backgrounds. Younger children often use coloured blocks for counting and subtracting exercises. My son was in a maths lesson and they were using different coloured blocks for counting, but he used the wrong colour. The teacher then said in front of the class that as he was 8 he should know his colours. My son explained he was colour blind,( which he shouldn't have had too as I had already written to the school twice). The teacher then took my son to one side of the classroom, and held up different coloured blocks and asked him what colour they were. This was very embarrassing for my son and not necessary at all. Colour Blind Awareness are currently running a campaign to have all children tested for colour blindness at their first eye test and also to have teachers trained as standard practice so they know how to teach children who are colour blind.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lara Hoing
    People have their backs up trying to take an award from a great shower. It is ridiculous and uncalled for.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by amanda alam
  • Public Holiday to Celebrate the Queen's Birthday
    The Queens birthday is celebrated twice in the year, on her actual birthday and her official birthday when the weather is nicer. Currently Australia, New Zealand, Gibraltar, The Falklands, Saint Helena as well as other commonwealth members celebrate the Queen and the monarchy around the time of her official birthday in June. Previously Fiji, Bermuda, Canada and Hong Kong have all had public holidays to celebrate the current King or Queen. What i'm trying to get across is that the United Kingdom should be leading the way in celebrating our monarchy. A public holiday should be set on the first Monday/Friday in June, where we can celebrate as a country, as we do so well on any other Royal occasion. The Trooping the Colour celebrations should be moved to this newly found holiday each year. We are unique and very blessed to be part of one of the most loved and celebrated countries in the world and its because of our Monarchy that we truly are Great.
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Searle
  • Home Treatment Crisis teams and Community Mental health teams for children in Manchester
    Early intervention in mental health crisis can lead to fewer hospital admissions and better outcomes in adulthood. Children are being left on mental health wards because there is insufficient support for them in the community. Despite the shift towards moving more adult services into the community due to the advantages over hospital care. A common theme in the NHS is that prevention is key. Yet services for children do not reflect this.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by anna thompson
  • Bariatric Surgery Aftercare
    The NHS cannot possibly give a large person Bariatric Surgery for weight loss without an after care package to remove excess skin. The main problem of weight loss has been solved and the operation pays for itself within 2 years as Diabetes, Sleep Apnoea, High Blood Pressure and many more ailments either reduce or disappear thereby saving the NHS money in the long run. However, one issue has been resolved and another appears which is the huge amount of excess skin which is left behind - THIS IS NOT COSMETIC, THIS IS AN ESSENTIAL PART OF THE AFTERCARE PACKAGE. I have been refused 4 times by the PCT because they say I am doing it for vanity reasons, how ridiculous - I have several folds of skin on my back with sores and blisters where the skin is empty and just hangs, the same goes for my arms and also my stomach - I am not asking for a boob job or a face lift -- I am just asking for the unsightly skin to be removed. I have been sacked from work due to extended sick leave due to severe depression and anxiety - my marriage broke down and I am now reclusive as I don't want anyone to see all the excess skin I have - it is ugly, sore and makes me feel like a freak....... PLEASE SIGN - THANKS
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carla Critcher
  • Invest in Adult Education
    Cuts to the adult skills budget will mean that one million adults will have no access to learning and skills. The learning and skills system includes more than schools and universities. In the next decade there will be 13.5 million job vacancies and only 7 million young people entering the job market. The best way to meet the shortfall is to train people of working age. Skills shortages require greater investment, not cuts. Politicians are concerned about middle class parents and opportunities for their children to access university or apprenticeships and are unconcerned about the 5 million hard-working people on low pay or the unemployed because they have no voice and are less likely to vote. Adult Education caters for the learning needs of a wide range of people, including many from vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. At a time when 730,000 16-24 year-olds are unemployed and 15% of 16-64 year-olds have no qualifications at all, the continuing programme of cuts is a national scandal. Here are some typical experiences of people who have benefited from adult education - “When I left school, there were no jobs. Luckily college gave me a course. I did some English and maths and now I’m doing great on my tiling course.” “I came here from Afghanistan when I was 15. It was hard at first but I’m on track now at college, studying BTEC science – I really want to do a degree in pharmacy.” I had to leave education early when I got pregnant. Health and social care at college is my path to a career in social work and a better life for me and my kids” “I was an engineer in Colombia. I’m now working as a cleaner and studying plumbing and English at college in the evening. I hope to get a good job after my course.” “I retired last year and was at a real loss. I popped into my local college and I’m now taking photography and still-life. I’m meeting new people and learning new skills.” Investment in adult education not only provides a route out of unemployment and an escape from low-paid jobs, it also offers hope and dignity and can unleash talent, ambition and energy which will benefit society as a whole.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by MICHAEL MCGOWAN
  • Insulation & Heating grants fiasco
    ECO heating is just not affordable to most, with quotes of around £40,000 for a just a GSHP, and a loan on offer of £10,000. Disabled and living with no insulation, heating or hot water for two years I have battled the system, Grants, loans, ECO, Green Deal, all these well paid "helpers" are no help, EST, REA, RECC, NAPIT, TRUSTMARK, MCS, this list of "approved" installers, along with the energy companies, and the worst of all British Gas. No one cares or listens, pages of letters no one can explain why help that is on offer is not accessible. Meanwhile the government funded agencies continue to profit. The Energy saving trust tells you you must use an RECC approved installer, RECC is part of REA, why is the CEO of the EST also the boss of REA? Have you had problems trying to access the help to improve your insulation and heating? if so sign this petition, lets see if the DECC will listen.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alan Westerton