• Stop PFI Bankrupting the NHS
    This is especially important to the NHS. The NHS gets a LOT of funding, plenty of funding to provide an excellent 24h 365 day service to millions. BUT: A HUGE amount of this funding is syphoned off to "Private Finance Initiative" deals whereby a hospital that costs 1.34Bn to build is actually costing 10.32Bn via PFI repayments. This is the reason the NHS is so stretched,- the amount given by the treasury to the NHS is plenty for the service, but it its being massively wasted by epically badly planned government devised PFI deals whereby middle men and hedge funds make an absolutely (offshore) fortune from the fact they can charge anything (and do) and the government can't (legally or morally) give in and let hospitals go to waste. ===== Why has this occurred? The PFI deals came around from Gordon Brown as Treasury Cabinet Minister to allow the government to make massive expenses and to not declare them because they're actually "Private business" expenses, so the government says "Over the course of 10/25 years we will pay you an amount you want if you build this [hospital/airbase/whatever] for us right now. The Businesses said "oooh yes!" and built what was asked and had a legal contract in place that the government would pay them back a net sum approximately (as illustrated above) of approximately ten times the build cost. Failure to pay back the costs (for example if voters forced government to renegotiate or void the contract) would also be covered by legally binding charges for ~8Bn, in the example above and rather than paid for over years that would be IMMEDIATELY REQUIRED. So the government and the NHS is saddled with massive charges that are extortionate, just for build now, pay later hospital buildings. ===== What we Can do: We can not (as detailed above) void the current contracts, but we can push and force the government to remove PFI as an option for any future contracts for any public service, and also make government only take contracts where the costs are reasonable, and provable - as often PFI contracts where awarded by only being a few hundred pounds under the nearest competition offer - and then once awarded the contract costs "escalated". Certain politicians (David Cameron, I believe) did promise to end PFI before taking office, but has now changed his tune - force him to keep his word. Force his successor to keep his word. PFI is now widespread across the NHS and is the principle cause of shortage of funding, it is also getting a larger and larger hold in the UK Armed forces as well as other departments of government. We Must Stop It. ===== Background reading: This issue is well outlined in Private Eye 1383 page 10. this issue is also very well explained in the Private Finance Initiative Special Report by Paul Foot in 2004.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Heaps
  • Charlie Hebdo Project
    Ignorance creates division and fear, that is what is dangerous.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Chamberlain
  • Stop Raif Badawi's next 950 lashes
    Raif Badawi has been sentenced to 1000 lashes and 10 years in prison for encouraging free speech and debate about politics and religion in his home country, Saudi Arabia. He has endured 50 lashes already in a public space in front of a crowd of on-lookers. Saudi Arabia is not a democracy and has its own system of government. Regardless of our respect for different cultures and traditions, it is not acceptable that any country should treat its citizens as criminals for expressing opinions about their society or that their citizens should be physically abused for their beliefs.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin McCrea
  • Make election manifesto pledges legally binding
    This will go a great way to re-engaging the general public with politics and increasing trust in politicians. There would be obvious problems when coalition governments occur, but this would have to be written into the manifesto promises, i.e. If we are given a majority we would do this.. If we are in coalition we would do this.. Therefore whomever they enter into a coalition with would understand what bargains they are entering into from the start. This would limit rash promises and give much greater weight to any promises that are made.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Oliver Hopper
  • Al Murray, Pub Landlord to appear on National Leaders' Debates
    There is a public school educated parliamentary candidate who uses the persona of a xenophobic ale swilling buffoon to emulate an affinity with the "working man". Opposing this candidate in South Thanet, is Al Murray, pub landlord. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2015/jan/14/al-murray-the-pub-landlord-to-stand-against-nigel-farage-in-south-thanet Yet Al Murray, and a number of other National party leaders who spend a lot less time in pubs, and a lot more time on politics, will not have the chance to prove himself against the three major parties, and, for some reason, Nigel Farage (also running in South Thanet). Sign Now to grant Al Murray and other national party leaders their say in the leaders' debates. The recently formed Free United Kingdom Party (FUKP) seeks to oppose Nigel Farage's UKIP party in their leader's intended constituency. It would seem that someone informed the beer swilling funny-man that there's no point running against the Speaker, which is a seat traditionally uncontested. Despite polling below flipper and other joke candidates, see: http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2010/may/07/nigel-farage-ukip-john-bercow Nigel Farage and his party have been given far too much attention by the mainstream media in the UK. We think this should stop, and that the national media must ensure that national parties gain fair representation in national news.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Conan Doyle
  • Education is more valuable than holidays
    Everyone needs to understand the value of education, whether they are pupils, parents, politicians or holiday companies. Holiday companies are exploiting parents in the most cynical way, and this needs to stop.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Allsobrook
  • Compulsory Leadership Debates in the General Election
    Democracy - the leadership debates help the electorate to decide who to vote for, It is our general election not the parties and they need to realise that we elect them and they are here to serve us. The support levels of different parties are changing as are voting intentions and we should have the democratic right tot hear all the leaders explain their policies.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracey oakden
  • Saving blood cancer treatment from cuts
    Up to 8000 people rely on these treatments to fight a life-threatening illness.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Graham Jones
  • Better Prevention Services for Men and Depression
    Everyone has times in their lives when they feel down or depressed. It is usually for a good reason, does not dominate your life and does not last for a long time. However, if the depression goes on for weeks, months, or becomes very bad, you may find yourself stuck and unable to lift yourself out of it. It can start to affect every area of your life - and this is when you may need to get help. Depression is not a sign of weakness - it has affected many famous and successful men.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Williams Picture
  • Mental Health Education in ALL Schools.
    Education on Mental health is vital. To end the stigma and to help children understand and cope if they are suffering with this illness.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Williams Picture
    GIVE YOUNG PEOPLE A REASON TO VOTE AGAIN What is the point of voting if you live in a Tory / Lib Dem./ Labour stronghold. My vote is wasted unless I do tactiful voting. I want my vote to count, otherwise there is no point in voting at all. I've waited years for this change to happen, I've listened to broken promises of leading parties, I'm tired of waiting. These days , with new available communications through internet I've discovered like minded people all facing the same dilemma, why should we vote any more if we are not counted. Hence the apathy in people turning up to vote.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jake Moriarty
  • Stop the Punishment of the Politically Inspired
    Political involvement of the People is key in any democracy and it is a disgrace that after such an amazing upsurge in political involvement, seeing 80% of Scots put to use their right to vote, the response is to punish people for their input. If we want politics to be FAIR and represent ALL of our society then we need EVERYONE'S input and their is no way that will happen if people are punished for making their voice heard. I want my vote NO STRINGS ATTACHED!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Euan Low