• Name Is No Shame!
    I believe this action will substantially reduce the number of 'cold calls' to households. Business callers are to declare their full names - first and second - plus the business or organisation they represent, and their formal position within it. I am fed up with cold calling as I am sure everybody else is. Cold calling is now something of an industry and some of these calls which tout for business are potentially fraudulent. How many innocent people have been scammed or duped over the phone, when they would otherwise have been spared this, if only they had been able to verify the identity of the caller? The concept of 'Name Is No Shame' equally applies to business letters written to members of the public and emails, where the full identity of the author has been withheld. Government it seems has done little if anything to stem the tide of unsolicited phone calls to the public; it is down to us to insist that they act. I am confident that if 'Name Is No Shame' becomes law and that it is mandatory for the business community to declare their identity in dealings with the general public, it will substantially reduce the number of 'cold calls' to households. Thank you.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Kemp
  • Defend Private Tenants in Tower Hamlets
    Tower Hamlets has the fourth most expensive private rents in the country. But if you live here, you live amongst one of the poorest populations in the UK. The cost of housing is forcing working class people out of the borough. Landlords - including so-called social Landlords - are looking to make a fast buck, some have resorted to driving out existing tenants. We pledge to defend tenants against eviction. Tower Hamlets' housing crisis continues with 20,000 on the council waiting list 8,000 of whom live in accommodation unfit for habitation. This is forcing many, particularly young people, out of the borough.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Cafferky
  • Reform for the "Misuse of Drugs Act of 1971".
    This will not only end the treatment of addicts and recreational drug users as criminals, but it can also see an increase in revenues through taxation, a reduction of the government deficit by roughly £1.25 billion and a decrease in crime as seen in the US state of Colorado. The "Misuse of Drugs Act 1971" is a 43 year old law with a desperate need of an overhaul and needs to be repealed, if possible, in order to allow for a safer, better law regarding decriminalisation of illicit substances to be put in place. For information regarding the legalisation of Cannabis and decriminalisation of other illicit substances visit: http://www.clear-uk.org/ http://norml-uk.org/ And watch the documentaries: "The Culture High" and "The Union: The Business Behind Getting High".
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Charlie Attwater
  • Think Outside the Bottle
    We have now been inspired by one of USA`s most successful environmental campaigns called Think Outside The Bottle. Because of this campaign, one of the biggest states – San Francisco successfully tackled the serious problem of plastic bottles littering the City. Many more states are now following their lead. “I took a train to Liverpool. They were having a festival when I arrived. Citizens had taken time off from their busy activities to add crisp packets, empty cigarette boxes and carrier-bags to the other wise bland and neglected landscape.” - Bill Bryson; ‘Notes from the Small Island’. Do we really want Liverpool to be described and perceived this way in the World? Being committed to the future of Liverpool, we had organized a similar campaign in our city, which will help to save Merseyside’s environment in both the short and long-term. We are getting citizens more aware of the problem of plastic bottles and their impact on nature, and reduce the amount of them littering the streets and parks of Liverpool. Getting our city cleaner would also help to improve its national and international image. It will also show Liverpool again as in the forefront of social and environment initiatives. Our aim is to bring together like-minded individuals and groups to form an association. We are going to organize a meeting with the council to develop a strategy to tackle the problem of the excessive amount of plastic bottles used and the litter they create. One of our ideas is to ban sale of drinks in plastic bottles below 0.6 l. in Liverpool, like it happened in San Francisco. This could be connected to proposal to mount drinking water fountains around the city - this seems to be very helpful not only for citizens but also for visitors. Furthermore, it can help city to reduce number of plastic waste and all cost connected. We believe this perfectly fit with the Mayor’s environment improvement campaign. We are now looking for the support of other groups and organizations. We hope that you will find the idea interesting and would like to join us on our route to make Liverpool an even better place to live, for all of us and for generations to come. If you or your organization would like to join us and create this campaign with us please sign the following statement.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paulina Kuhn
  • Come clean about UK involvement in Brazilian torture
    Brazil's democratic government is investigating the torture and disappearances which took place under its previous military dictatorship, but so far the British government has ignored their request for access to British government paperwork. The Brazilian government has implicated the British government which trained them in the so-called "English system" which had been used on Irish prisoners. Ex-colonel Paulo Malhaes is quoted in their report as saying "psychological torture was best, and England was the best place to learn it”. At a time when there is rightful revulsion at further revelations of torture in the US the British government must stop the cover-up and come clean about its involvement in torture by the former Brazilian dictatorship. For more details see http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/10/brazil-president-weeps-report-military-dictatorship-abuses
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Molloy
  • SKY exploiting Call Centre Workers
    Upon speaking to a call centre employee (based in India) he was forced to work overtime to make up time taken for 'holiday'; this may not seem like a big deal, but he has no holiday entitlement for the first 6 months of his employment contract with BSKYB (or whichever third party they are sub contracting the call centre work to)!!!… can you imagine anyone here in the UK having to endure that working arrangement? It's already bad enough that these multi-billion dollar corporations take jobs out of the British economy, and although workers in the developing world may not need equal pay scale don't we as fellow workers feel they at least deserve some basic working entitlements (for example accrued holiday earned via the hours they work)… Currently in India the statutory minimum is merely 1 days entitlement for every 20 days of work performed the previous year!!!… SHOCKING when you consider SKY TV has millions of customers here in Britain paying BIG MONEY every month into the coffers!!...
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Sherwood
  • Protect Independent Living Fund in Birmingham
    1. To maintain independence and dignity for Disabled service user citizen's of Birmingham. 2. To secure the "fund"from being used elsewhere within the peoples directorate and being absorbed into the overall budget. 3. To Ensure a level of Independence, openness and scrutiny as a beacon status service performance indicator. 4. To maintain Birmingham's position as the second city, that cares for all it's citizen's and promotes Equality for All. 5. To comply with Statutory Equality Duty, Human Rights, Equality and Community Care legislation.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jae Robinson
  • Manifesto Comitment to Ban Sugar Boarding
    Everyone knows what is going on here and it is getting ridiculous: We talk about a "bad food environment" and yet there is little legislation to prevent the powerful retailers who supply most of our nutrition from using pernicious sales tack-ticks. Supermarkets know that will power is finite resource and the most effective way of getting customers to crack, is to tempt them with high sugar foods in close proximity for a long time. These counters are designed cause sugar cravings. They are deliberately overriding the consumers free will and in light of the obesity and diabetes pandemics it is a disgraceful business practice.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexander Baines-Buffery
  • Stop the bubbly at the House of Lords
    It is a disgrace that during this time of austerity when so many people do not even have enough to eat, and benefits are being cut that tax-payer's money should be wasted on champagne for the elite. The budget for champagne in the House of Lords alone is £65,000 according to an article in the independent http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/if-you-want-to-see-the-gap-between-the-house-of-lords-and-reality-for-yourself-then-just-look-at-their-champagne-budget-9910611.html Why should the tax payer pay for any alcohol at all for members of the House of Lords or the House of Commons? Surely this money could be better spent in this time of austerity.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Susi Liles
  • Stop fracking!: Bob Neill
    Fracking is a dangerous and polluting way of getting oil and gas out of the ground. It's dangerous in so many ways: it poisons our water, it can cause earth tremors and produces a huge amount of toxic waste. And, it gives the land under our homes to giant oil corporations.
    7 of 100 Signatures
  • Nigel Mills should stand down from the Work and Pensions Committee
    Nigel Mills admitted to having "probably had a game or two" of Candy Crush during a Commons committee hearing on pensions, but still claims he was "fully focused" on the meeting. The Work and Pensions committee help to make decisions that will effect the lives and futures of millions of people across Britain and Nigel Mills's actions, and flippant attitude in response to the allegations, demonstrate a huge lack of respect for the people he represents and how trivially he views his work as an MP, whilst perhaps underscoring a wider issue of accountability in the commons. It's time politicians took our future seriously! This is not a game!
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Crowley
    Diesel fumes are a dangerous hidden killer in major cities of the UK. Tons of diesel particulates are breathed in by British people every year, unseen and causing untold illness and early death through their inhalation. Cars, lorries, diesel trains at stations, chocking us with this stuff every day of the year. Paris has a strategy to eliminate diesel pollution by 2020. But in the UK, their is no strategy. No serious and thorough monitoring of diesel vehicle emissions in our cities accompanied by restriction of traffic if dangerous levels are reached. No long term strategy to reduce the usage of diesel cars and trucks overall. No strategy to eliminate highly polluting diesel trains by speeding up the electrification of the rail network and replacing ancient rolling stock. Why not? Because the government couldn't care less. The government are happy to allow pollution of our cities with these noxious fumes, little caring about the appalling health effects, and making no attempt to restrict them. Cyclists, pedestrians, babies in prams, open food displays, everybody using our city streets and railway stations, are breathing in the dangerous, and unseen diesel particulates, slowly but surely damaging their health. Something must be done. Starting now. Sign this the petition to demand that the government take immediate and effective measures, and implement a strategy to drastically restrict diesel fumes from wrecking the health of many British people, setting targets for drastically reduced limits of measurable diesel particulates.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by david evans