• Stop exposing Scots kids to accident-prone Nuclear subs and toxic waste.
    It is important because 1. There have been countless alarming incidents causing psychological anxiety to local residents 2.There are no guarantees we will not have another major incident like Chernobyl 3.Scots and their children are made the fall guys and targets while Westminster shows abusive indifference. 4. London and Southern England would not accept them in their backyard.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DAVE WHITTON
  • New Look For Admiralty Square / Pepys Estate
    Local residents, particularly the hundreds whose homes overlook Admiralty Square, rarely get to enjoy this green space. There is nothing attractive about it. It is made even less appealing by the frequent dogs taken there to foul (who sometimes fight). It is not considered by local residents as clean nor safe nor likeable. A traditional and historic London square such as this, is somewhere that should be embraced, nurtured and shared by the community - not forgotten, neglected and avoided.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janet Martin
  • Stop messing about with The Archers
    The Archers is very dear to me and I don't want the story lines being like the awful, sensational TV soaps. It is no longer the everyday story of countryfolk leading everyday lives.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Steare
  • We Want Our Say!
    We Want Our Say! We are fed up with 650 MPS deciding our fate. We should have the opportunity, in a modern democracy, to have our say on individual issues, not just one tick for a party. We call for a commission to be set up immediately to decide the questions (defense budgets, health budgets, Trident , HS2, HS3, mayor for Manchester and many others) that can be put to public vote in the May 2015 election
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Greening
    The same perpetrators who promoted and operated Ark were responsible for Capita Oak, and they are still out there right this minute doing the same thing day in, day out. Thousands of victims, hundreds of millions of pounds worth of pension funds. This is now seriously out of hand and desperately urgent. Too many families have been destroyed and hurt, pensioners can't afford to eat are paying bills, over 12 suicides and people taking nervous breakdowns and families losing there homes and there's been no help or support from the government. The Ark victims AND the Capita Oak victims have for many months been asking the Police, Action Fraud, TPR, the Pensions Ombudsman and the government to take action and nothing has been done. Please Help Now http://www.roundtownnews.com/index.php? http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/uk_news/article1445014.ece?shareToken=278303c72da7ebd57fab5c5cd9ffcefb http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b04t0sk8/xray-series-14-episode-9
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Flood
  • Stop employers from issuing sickness warnings to staff off sick due to work related injury
    It is completely unfair and immoral that workers who suffer an injury in the workplace are punished by receiving warnings due to sickness level. Accidents can have a bad enough effect on a person, but making them worry about getting a warning due to an accident that wasn't their fault in inexcusable. This has to stop. People should be able to feel safe at work, but in reality the employer can punish you due to their failings, this is not right. Let's change this common practice.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Abi Smith
  • Houses of Parliament should represent the Majority
    We are increasingly seeing our elected politicians, especially the ones who come from privileged and elite backgrounds, being out of touch with us, the majority of the public. It is my opinion that we can't entirely blame them because they simply don't fit into our shoes. It is important that we elect one of us to the high offices at Westminster so that they understand our plights when debating and passing laws. At the moment the rich and the powerful, including the rich politicians, look after only themselves and behave with so much immunity, that we are left speechless. If we want to change the world around us, we have to start from the basics: select and elect only the representatives who have hearts, brains as well as ears.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thenmoli Rajendran
  • Petition to Mandate Honesty in UK politics
    This will allow us to once more elect honest representatives whom we can trust and who will stand by their word and work for those who elect them and their constituencies.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jolyon Lovell
  • Let's save Soheil Arabi's life , the Iranian Internet Activist, from the Death Sentence!
    Let's save Soheil Arabi's life , the Iranian Internet Activist, from the Death Sentence! Together we can. Soheil Arabi was arrested last year by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps over his posts on Facebook. The Islamic Regime of Iran have made a case of blasphemy against him and sentenced him to death. The appeal court has just upheld his conviction. He has only been exercising his right of freedom of belief and expression, peacefully. He has a 5 year old beautiful little girl who doesn't know his father could be killed. Any help from any fellow human being to save his life is really appreciated. This poem from Saadi, the great Iranian Poet, graces the entrance to the Hall of Nations of the UN building in New York: Human beings are members of a whole, In creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, Other members uneasy will remain. Let's spread the word! Let's save his life! Love & peace
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shohreh Taylor
    This the same as proposing to spy directly on our thoughts. Why is this? Thinking people will see that it is only the TECHNOLOGY that changes between spying on our internet intimacy and the spying on the intimacy of our thoughts. Scientists have ALREADY been able to 'read our thoughts' using an electronic implant. If these (irresponsible) power seekers proposed today to spy on our thoughts, there would be such a hue and cry that it would shake the very foundations of our society. We need to make sure that this erosion of our human rights, this constant leveraging of available technology by the ‘in power’ spies is outlawed once and for all. Perhaps this would be a good reason to have (within the UK) a written constitution? The argument that it is all done for the common good is not good enough – not unless you wish your thoughts to be opened up to scrutiny in future by the then ‘democratic or undemocratic’ power brokers. SAY NO NOW.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john phillips
  • Compulsory work experience
    Currently 95% of secondary schools offer work experience to students but this excludes the school I am currently attending.Furthermore, work experience seems to be a great way to introduce young people to the world of work before they go out and get their first job
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Abigail Regnouf-Dardennes
  • Standard telephone line rentals
    Many pensioners riley on their land line to connect to their families. They are not techno savvy and often are struggle to use mobile phones. They are paying almost £200 pounds a year for wiring that was laid down decades ago.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georges Philips