• Apologise for this insensitive article.
    Hundreds of thousands of people (in the UK alone) are affected by, or die from cancer every year. If Mr Smith honestly believes what he has written then I suggest he should speak to people who have suffered/are suffering from this horrible disease, or who have nursed people or loved ones through their illness, what their feelings on continued research into a cure for cancer are. Mr Smith has written a blog, which the BMJ have seen fit to publicise, entitled "cancer is the best death": http://bmj.co/1BqiNFv. How and why he feels about this issue is, I grant, his opinion which he is entitled to. However he doesn't take into account the feelings and emotions of those who have dealt/are dealing with this horrible, debilitating illness either in themselves or in friends or loved ones. If he genuinely believes that research into cures and treatments for this disease are a waste of resources, maybe he should talk to those who are only with us today because of that research? To imply that wishing for a quick death is, essentially, selfish is ridiculous. I lost 3 grandparents suddenly and one slowly to leukaemia and I feel that, having seen the pain and suffering of the slow, debilitating and, ultimately, dehumanising death for the person who died from leukaemia (as well as the suffering of those who loved them and felt so utterly helpless), a short lived or sudden death is much to be preferred for all concerned. If we can't be selfish in death then when can we be? I would also like to point out that only in the final stages of this disease can it be made painless, for most the progress of this disease through the body is far from painless. We call upon the BMJ and Mr Smith to acknowledge the offense this article has caused, apologise for publishing this article, and consider removing it from their website.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neal Harrison
    People use high street payday loan companies because they are desperate and cannot find alternative ways of raising money when they need it, i.e. for funerals etc. I saw a high street payday loan company proudly advertising an APR of 2000%. This is obscene. We need government introduction of caps these thieves can charge. And we need help to set up credit unions to help needy people. I have worked in a christian debt advice centre and have seen single mothers with credit card debts of £70,000. How was she allowed to run up so much debt?
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by BRIAN HURST
  • Preventing Identity Theft
    Failure to undertake appropriate identity checks makes it very easy for criminals to use a stolen identity to obtain goods on credit. Victims of identity fraud now have to report the crime to a central fraud investigation unit who may or may not decide to investigate. This delay can lead to more uses of the stolen identity which can adversely affect the victim's credit rating and lead to tremendous levels of stress as letters arrive demanding money for goods obtained on credit. Common routes used for this type of fraud are mobile phone companies, store cards and catalogues. In theory, the current security checks should minimise criminal opportunities, however many shop and call centre staff do not always check fully at the point of sale. If it were mandatory for a verifiable photo ID such as passport, citizen card or driving license to be part of the application process this would help reduce identity fraud. Shops whose staff do not run the appropriate checks, thus resulting in a fraudulent application succeeding should also have to compensate the victim for the stress caused.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Melsome
  • Care of the increasing elderly population
    We have all heard about people who become unable to care for themselves in old age, and who have had to sell their homes to pay for accommodation in retirement homes. This is upsetting and unsatisfactory, both for the elderly people and for their relatives, and the quality of care in these places is often dubious. A tax raised specifically to address this situation could be used to ensure proper levels of care in every retirement home, or care in the person's home, all governed by NOS (Health and Social Care National Occupational Standards). The urgency of this need is increasing rapidly, in line with the size of the elderly population in this country. The proposal would solve problems at many levels, as the children and other relatives of the elderly people would be saved much anxiety; also hospital beds would be freed up.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Covell
  • Allow Women into Equal Armed Force Positions
    Because women are being told that in this society they are equal, but this law proves they are not. If a women passes the same physical test as a man why should she still not be allowed to join up? When I go on the army website to see what roles I could join up as I see loads of interesting, exiting opportunities yet when I click on all the ones I'm interested in one of the requirements is for me to be male. Well sorry, but thats not going to happen. I want the choice to join up! Many men when questioning feminism (simply gender equality) argue that they are pressured to join up not understanding that women can't. If a women meets the same physical requirements as a man and joins up, how is that any different to a man joining up? Even the US allows women into front line roles! I don't see how some people believe that sexism doesn't exist in the UK...
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eve Longford
  • International organisations to pay a living wage
    To encourage wealthy global organisations to be proud of taking an ethical stance and making this part of their branding, taking a lead in changing the world so that every man, woman and child associated with their supply chains can make a living wage.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Barazetti
  • Force Telcos to provide broadband without a fixed phone service.
    This will save the average consumer around £180 to £200 per year as many (myself included) only have a fixed phone line service into my house because I have to in order to make it possible for broadband to be delivered. In many cases, the phone service is more expensive than the broadband. There is absolutely no technical reason why this service could not be turned off and as long as there is a copper pair into the property, the broadband will still work as well as it does now. We are effectively being held to ransom by telcos if we want fixed line broadband. This also affects most domestic, so called "fibre optic" broadband as this service is still delivered to the property over the copper wires. Whilst we cannot realistically expect that the provision and maintenance of the copper network can be carried out for free, Ofcom should look at what is fair pricing for the provision of a "naked" copper pair with only broadband provided over it and the removal of the obligation to have a fixed landline telephone service to the home as a large percentage would prefer to remove this option if they were given the choice.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Warren Wilding
  • Sexist and Misogynistic Art has no place in society
    The exhibition is sexist and offensive. It denigrates and depicts women as sex objects.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by linda wilde
  • Council excessive charging
    Recent figures show that the councils are making excessive money; Figures from the RAC revealed councils in England made a combined £667m profit from parking fines last year. In an economic state where: Children are going to school hungry, while some parents are going for days without eating in order to feed them, according to a charity. The Trussell Trust is calling for a public inquiry into the reasons behind a surge in the use of food banks. How can we stay quiet and let the councils attack us, we need to challenge the councils on the following matters: 1) Excessive penalty means no difference of lesson taught 2) Councils using nasty bailiffs and debt collection agencies to extract money 3) Figure to state where the money is being spent 4) The councils must ensure that they are not Breach of contract Law Reform (Frustrated Contracts) Act, 1943 section 3, Misrepresentation Act 1967 section 2, Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 5) That they are not breaching Human rights Act Article 5,6,7,8,11,12 6) The council is acting within Taking control of goods, national standards 2014 Paragraph 66 (relates to excessive levy) 7) That all road marking on public highway comply with The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002 8) The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) General Regulations 2007 Part 2 Regulation 9 is not being breached We need to unite and regain control while the economy of this country is suffering and while some parents are going without food just to pay rent / mortgage and their bills. The councils are making excessive profits of millions why because we are letting them, by signing this campaign we can start to make a change !
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by saj noor
  • Stop the Fire Support Network discrimination.
    Safety of vulnerable and poorer people of Merseyside. Possible exploitation of those vulnerable Unfair dismissal and silencing of staff and volunteers. We NEED a fire service which helps ALL the people of Merseyside to keep safe, not to place restrictions and make fire safety an issue only for the middle-classes only.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gwen Summers
  • Better Care For Carer's
    There is a lot of Isolation for these Carer's, I am a Carer in Pembrokeshire and I am struggling to access GENERAL Support for Carer's my, Wife suffers with Fibromyalgia, M.E and also I look after my Mother In Law who has a severe Heart Problem and I am the Chairperson for a support group for those who suffer with these life changing Illness these affect family members and Carer's
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Yates
  • Referendum on Public Spending
    For too long politicians from all the major parties have publically stated they would not sell or privatise areas of public spending on the run up to elections, only to then do so once they are in office. They clearly cannot be trusted. If any area of PUBLIC spending is going to be privatised, then it should be THE PUBLIC who decide, not politicians. It should be the public who have the last say on the matter. If it is the PUBLIC's money that is going to spent, then it should be the PUBLIC who decides how it should be spent.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Cooper