• Stop Eric Pickles undermining the Onshore wind industry
    Onshore wind is the most efficient form of clean energy. Strict local planning procedures are in place to prevent them being built in places where they might spoil the environment. But Eric Pickles, scared by the climate deniers in UKIP is riding roughshod over local preferences by stalling the planning procedures. Please stop.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Norman Vetter
  • Stop Fracking in Scotland. Keep our landscape clean and fresh!
    Fracking ruins our landscape or water and our farms. We do not benefit at all from this action which our prime minister had allowed right after our referendum. He has sold the land under your feet. The land we pay taxes on. This is our heritage and it is going to be destroyed. Help us stop Fracking NOW. They have our oil what more do they want? Protect your future and our kids future! We don't want contaminated Air, water or land animals. We love our fresh council water! We don't want lower life expectancy.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by stacey lockhart
  • Stop Overpriced Resale of RWC 2015 Tickets
    It denies true fans the opportunity to attend a unique event in this country and creates opportunities for unscrupulous touts to cash in at the fans expense.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Gaffney
  • Reduce MP Wages as Austerity Measure
    We didn't cause the financial crisis, the bankers did and our politicians decided to bail them out without asking us for our opinion on it first. They should therefore make some sacrifice too. The current basic MP salary is £67,000 and a cabinet minister earns around £135,000. This is between 3 and 6 times the average salary of the population and coupled with their generous expenses package, this makes them very comfortable indeed; the rest of us are suffering with low pay increases and rising living costs. Share the pain with us, as you are elected representatives of us; or are you all just in for yourselves and what you can get out of it?
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Brown
    Most milk production and milk products stay within the UK, so the price of milk should reflect the cost of production within the uk. And in doing so ensure the viability of the dairy industries which are hugely important for the long term success of the UK economy and the countryside.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john phillips
  • We Want Our Railways Back
    Why it matters I am addressing this petition to the above three party leaders because I have no real idea who will form the next government after May 2015. Our national railways were privatised in the 1990 with the usual promises of better services, cheaper fares, less or no pull on the taxpayer and ownership by us, the British public. Despite the fact of course that we already owned the railway. As with every privatisation before and after it the results have been very different to those promised. However it is true that many train companies that run franchises in the UK are publicly owned, but by other European countries. Arriva is a wholly owned subsidiary of the German national rail company Deutsche Bahn, and runs the Arriva Trains Wales and Cross Country franchises. The French national rail operator SNCF has a majority stake in Keolis, which operates the Trans Pennine franchise in partnership with FirstGroup. Keolis is also a minority partner in the Govia rail operating company, which runs the Southern, Southeastern and London Midland services. The Dutch state railway company Nederlandse Spoorwegen owns Abellio, which has a 50% stake in Serco-Abellio, which runs the Merseyrail and Northern Rail franchises. Abellio also runs Scotrail. European governments make millions of pounds a year in dividends from their British operations. From the subsidies paid by British tax payers. Please do not read this piece as an 'anti-foreigner' rant. I simply do not understand how paying other governments vast profits to run our railways is good for the British people. Since privatisation billions of pounds of tax payer subsidised profits have gone into the coffers of other governments. There is one railway still at the moment in the hands of the UK tax payer. The state-owned East Coast railway paid £225m to the government in the year to March 2014. In our hands now but for how long. We are about to sell our stake in Eurostar. Who to? It seems the French State Railways SNCF. As a side word I can tell you that last year I travelled First Class on SNCF from Tarbes in the South West of France to Paris, a journey of about 600 Km, for a cost of 45 Euros. Subsidised? Probably. Should I thank the British taxpayer for their contribution? So the publicly owned East Coast Railway paid £225m in 'profits' to the UK taxpayers. What should we do with it now? Privatise it seems. And one of the front runners to take over this publicly owned success story? It seems its a joint venture between Keolis and Eurostar, subsidiaries of France's state-owned railway company, SNCF. So should I book my return journey to Tarbes now or wait a little while. After all it could be even cheaper in a few months.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ken Long
  • Devolution for all the United Kingdom
    Apart from Scotland more and more power has been taken by central government in London. Recently Jim O'Neill has proposed that 15 big cities should have devolved budgets. George Osborne is reported to agree with the idea but not necessarily 15 cities. Scotland has been promised even more devolution. The rest of the UK should start the same process. Senior politicians talk about 'localism' but that means nothing without local budgets. And why 15 cities. All areas both built up and rural should have increased power. This might also reverse the increasing voter apathy which is damaging our democracy
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Cocks
  • Lets Untrash Cornwall
    Plastic waste is persistent in the environment, highly toxic and poisons marine animals. It is working up the whole marine food chain to the extent that autopsies performed on beached whales and dolphins reveal a huge amount of damage to all organs. Unless action is taken immediately the seas and oceans will be a toxic soup. Already some areas of the Pacific are so contaminated that the mortality rate amongst sea birds and mammals is high and even albatross chicks have abdomens full of discarded plastic waste.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lindsay Southcombe
  • stop deportations to ebola countries
    The Foreign Office say that there should only be essential travel to these countries, but in the UK the HO is still sending people back to an uncertain future. Many of these people will return to countries where health services, education and civil society is in a state of collapse. The USA have allowed Liberians to stay in the USA until the threat is over. The UK should do the same.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jenny mahimbo
  • Ladbrokes
    Without our brave Services we would not be here and Ladbrookes are being very disrespectful.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marie Freemantle
  • Get Petition Against Mike Read Removed
    For the Importance of freedom of speech this kind of petition is not conducive to modern day Britain, it is restrictive and at most Insulting to peoples Intelligence and sense of fun. Will Richard McKenzie next be asking UB40 to be banned from performing in Public just because Ally Campbell is singing also in the Afro-Caribbean style?
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerry Gee
  • uSwindle - stop kickbacks corrupting price comparison
    uSwitch is accused of systemically hiding the best deals from consumers. Instead, the price comparison giant steers people towards deals that earn the website a kickback from suppliers. The cost of these kickbacks, or commissions, are ultimately passed back to all of us. What makes uSwitch’s shady dealings worse is that they are part-owned by the UK government. We the taxpayers bailed out bankers, bankers backed big business, and now one of these businesses is fleecing the billpayer. That's not right. So openness around this issue is vital as hard-pressed families look to save money. Yet uSwitch refuse to disclose how much cost they are putting onto our bills. uSwitch are one of the biggest price comparison sites in the UK. Over the last few years, they have taken a particular hold on the energy switching market — a service used by millions of trusting British families to save money. --------------------------------- Taxpayers bailed out Lloyds in 2008, and the bankers’ private equity arm, LDC, took a significant shareholding in uSwitch in 2012. In 2012, Lloyds’ investment helped uSwitch to revenues of £24m. By 2013, those revenues had leapt to £34m. The first step to making it stop is openness about commission levels in price comparison. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B0VuQFEIIAA3_Bx.jpg:large
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Will Hodson