• Rerun of Referendum
    The people of Scotland are not satisfied with the interference by those opposed to Independence. Too many lies were told to OAPs and a Media so Bias, it reminded people of PRAVDA in the days of the USSR.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Hume
  • Stop Fracking In Scotland
    I believe that fracking has highly potential health risks and can lead to contaminated water courses and soils. It can also lead to birth defects in children due to the chemical used in fracking up to 200 at the least.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ricky Stewart
    This is important as the government are targeting disabled people to get them into work and not providing adequate housing to those who need it. They intimidate the vulnerable and sick, bully those who speak out about their actions, and make foolish comments on what is a fair wage for a disabled person who is working. This has to stop! Sign this petition today and hopefully the government might actually listen to our outcry. It is important to realise that in today's society to work and live without benefits it would cost each person an average of £200.00 per week to pay rent, bills & for food when working. As claimants of benefits the average amount a single person gets is £75 per week with that a person has to pay top up council tax & rent which docks roughly £15 off their benefits per week, then they have to pay for food & bills leaving them with £0 money at the end of a week, for a couple this benefit works out at under £145.00 per fortnight. The government expects people on benefits to struggle even though they themselves haven't taken a pay cut and in fact asked for wages to be put up for all mp's a few weeks ago. How is this a fair system when even the working class are struggling to pay bills and government mp's are sitting pretty in their nice houses and estates. They say welfare claimants are a drain on this country but we are not the government need to realise, that the more pressure they insert on the general public the more angry they will get. Time for change is now! Time to change the government, time to change the changes they are making to this once beautiful Britain, it time to say enough is enough and we aren't going to take it anymore. Sign this petition today. Lets make them change.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Gooch
  • A referendum should occur for 16 and 17 years olds having the right to vote
    We have seen in the Scottish referendum that 16 and 17 year olds have voted on a rational basis and not as protest votes. I truly believe that if we are living in a so called "liberal democracy" or "representative democracy" then the voting in the general election must represent the whole population and therefore represent those of a younger age for the fairest outcome and the fairest election. The Scottish referendum had a ground breaking turn out of almost 85%. If we allow younger ages to become part of the electorate , then more of a fair change may come about.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harry Smith
  • home rule
    to give is our nattion what it was promised
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sandy donaldson
  • Demand input into UK constitution
    The UK is hanging together by a thread - cries for Scottish Independence and English Devolution will not go away whilst the existing constitution is so unbalanced and clumsily constructed. There needs to be radical overhaul bringing together the 4 nations of Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England in a fair and structured way that gives each nation proper representation. The future of the UK constitution should not be decided by political parties in their own best interests, but by a national conversation that includes representatives from all sections of society. We need all political parties to commit to holding a constitutional convention after the next election that will seek the views of all. If the UK disintegrates, it will affect us all - we have a chance to shape our own future and create a stronger, fairer UK that will survive the test of time. If you agree that the future of the UK should not be decided by politicians alone, then please sign the petition now.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rowan Woodward
  • Living Wage For Dunnes Workers
    The GMB is concerned that despite more than two years of economic growth, working people across the country are still suffering the longest real wage squeeze in over a century. Recently official earnings growth reached its lowest level since records began. GMB is also concerned given the biggest proportion of low-paid, part time workers in Dunnes is women. Official figures shows that earning less than the Living Wage is the norm for women in many parts of the country. With women accounting for almost three-quarters of the country’s six-million part-time workforce, the lack of skilled, decently –paid part-time jobs affects women’s pay and their career prospects far more than it does men. The idea behind the Living Wage is that a person is paid enough to live decently and to adequately provide for their family. Please sign the petition and pass on to others to sign, keep following the facebook page for an update on are attempts to gain recognition for Dunnes workers, in the coming weeks GMB will be launching a Public campaign outside all Dunnes stores for members of the Public to sign all above petition. If you would like some petition sheets sent out to you please contact me on 07808101359. Remember our strength is in our numbers if you have not already join please do so by joining online at www.gmb.org.uk.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Donley
  • Residents parking scheme in Carnforth
    Over a number of years the air quality, road safety and quality of life have been negatively effected by the ever increasing traffic flow and visitor numbers to this lovely part of England. Unfortunately, due to Carnforth being on the border of Cumbria and having a relatively small populous, the needs of the residents have been overlooked for a number of years. The need for a residents parking scheme has been proven, but Lancashire County Council constantly push those residents that have been asking for a scheme on a merry-go-round of being fobbed off and quoted that other areas are more important.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Withey
  • TFL's Cycle Super Highway meeting needs a neutral Chair
    Decisions that can affect the interests and safety of the people of London and Britain should be made in a way that allows the public to be confident that no-one involved in the decision stands to make personal or corporate gains from the outcome.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ciaran Hurley
  • Give NHS staff 10% pay rise
    We all need the NHS these people work for little money and gratitude , but without them where would we be !! Please support my campaign . Every day these people help us and our loved ones , what do MPs do ???
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Peters
  • stop selling off our countries assets,i.e,the channel tunnel&east railway
    stop all these greedy so&so`s ripping off our country I want you 38 degrees to send this out, I know very little about this gadget i enjoy some of your info.
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by james emmerson dinsdale
  • Take politics out of education
    Our children deserve the best education possible to equip them for this century not the last one. This is not possible when each government uses education as a political football while pupils, parents and school staff have to react to yet another initiative driven by politicians with no educational background other than their own school experiences. We need to create a strategy for education that all stakeholders can contribute to and believe in that is independent from political change. Use creative people to drive this agenda e.g. Sir Ken Robinson.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Poole