• Save our NHS: West Tyrone
    Our NHS is precious. We all rely on it to care for us and our loved ones. We want to protect it for the future, and we don't want to see it run down or sold off. Over the past few years, NHS funding has been squeezed so much that services are suffering. This winter, hospitals up and down the country have declared "major incidents" because they're struggling to cope. And now most hospitals are warning that their budget for next year has " reached the point where patient care is at risk” Meanwhile, the government is letting profit-hungry companies take over more and more NHS services. At at a time of squeezed budgets, this is the last thing the NHS needs. We want an NHS where patient safety is put first, and where the NHS is run for the public good. TTIP, the planned trade deal between the EU and the USA, could threaten the NHS further. If TTIP opens our NHS to American private healthcare companies, we could see even more privatisation and a slide into more US-style healthcare. We want the NHS excluded from TTIP. If this is not the constituency that you live in you can sign the petition to your MP and the candidates to be your MP here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/efforts/save-our-nhs/near/new
    90 of 100 Signatures
  • Save our NHS: Strangford
    Our NHS is precious. We all rely on it to care for us and our loved ones. We want to protect it for the future, and we don't want to see it run down or sold off. Over the past few years, NHS funding has been squeezed so much that services are suffering. This winter, hospitals up and down the country have declared "major incidents" because they're struggling to cope. And now most hospitals are warning that their budget for next year has " reached the point where patient care is at risk” Meanwhile, the government is letting profit-hungry companies take over more and more NHS services. At at a time of squeezed budgets, this is the last thing the NHS needs. We want an NHS where patient safety is put first, and where the NHS is run for the public good. TTIP, the planned trade deal between the EU and the USA, could threaten the NHS further. If TTIP opens our NHS to American private healthcare companies, we could see even more privatisation and a slide into more US-style healthcare. We want the NHS excluded from TTIP. If this is not the constituency that you live in you can sign the petition to your MP and the candidates to be your MP here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/efforts/save-our-nhs/near/new
    98 of 100 Signatures
  • Save our NHS: Newry and Armagh
    Our NHS is precious. We all rely on it to care for us and our loved ones. We want to protect it for the future, and we don't want to see it run down or sold off. Over the past few years, NHS funding has been squeezed so much that services are suffering. This winter, hospitals up and down the country have declared "major incidents" because they're struggling to cope. And now most hospitals are warning that their budget for next year has " reached the point where patient care is at risk” Meanwhile, the government is letting profit-hungry companies take over more and more NHS services. At at a time of squeezed budgets, this is the last thing the NHS needs. We want an NHS where patient safety is put first, and where the NHS is run for the public good. TTIP, the planned trade deal between the EU and the USA, could threaten the NHS further. If TTIP opens our NHS to American private healthcare companies, we could see even more privatisation and a slide into more US-style healthcare. We want the NHS excluded from TTIP. If this is not the constituency that you live in you can sign the petition to your MP and the candidates to be your MP here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/efforts/save-our-nhs/near/new
    92 of 100 Signatures
  • Save our NHS: Mid Ulster
    Our NHS is precious. We all rely on it to care for us and our loved ones. We want to protect it for the future, and we don't want to see it run down or sold off. Over the past few years, NHS funding has been squeezed so much that services are suffering. This winter, hospitals up and down the country have declared "major incidents" because they're struggling to cope. And now most hospitals are warning that their budget for next year has " reached the point where patient care is at risk” Meanwhile, the government is letting profit-hungry companies take over more and more NHS services. At at a time of squeezed budgets, this is the last thing the NHS needs. We want an NHS where patient safety is put first, and where the NHS is run for the public good. TTIP, the planned trade deal between the EU and the USA, could threaten the NHS further. If TTIP opens our NHS to American private healthcare companies, we could see even more privatisation and a slide into more US-style healthcare. We want the NHS excluded from TTIP. If this is not the constituency that you live in you can sign the petition to your MP and the candidates to be your MP here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/efforts/save-our-nhs/near/new
    45 of 100 Signatures
  • Save our NHS: Fermanagh and South Tyrone
    Our NHS is precious. We all rely on it to care for us and our loved ones. We want to protect it for the future, and we don't want to see it run down or sold off. Over the past few years, NHS funding has been squeezed so much that services are suffering. This winter, hospitals up and down the country have declared "major incidents" because they're struggling to cope. And now most hospitals are warning that their budget for next year has " reached the point where patient care is at risk” Meanwhile, the government is letting profit-hungry companies take over more and more NHS services. At at a time of squeezed budgets, this is the last thing the NHS needs. We want an NHS where patient safety is put first, and where the NHS is run for the public good. TTIP, the planned trade deal between the EU and the USA, could threaten the NHS further. If TTIP opens our NHS to American private healthcare companies, we could see even more privatisation and a slide into more US-style healthcare. We want the NHS excluded from TTIP. If this is not the constituency that you live in you can sign the petition to your MP and the candidates to be your MP here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/efforts/save-our-nhs/near/new
    70 of 100 Signatures
  • Save our NHS: Belfast West
    Our NHS is precious. We all rely on it to care for us and our loved ones. We want to protect it for the future, and we don't want to see it run down or sold off. Over the past few years, NHS funding has been squeezed so much that services are suffering. This winter, hospitals up and down the country have declared "major incidents" because they're struggling to cope. And now most hospitals are warning that their budget for next year has " reached the point where patient care is at risk” Meanwhile, the government is letting profit-hungry companies take over more and more NHS services. At at a time of squeezed budgets, this is the last thing the NHS needs. We want an NHS where patient safety is put first, and where the NHS is run for the public good. TTIP, the planned trade deal between the EU and the USA, could threaten the NHS further. If TTIP opens our NHS to American private healthcare companies, we could see even more privatisation and a slide into more US-style healthcare. We want the NHS excluded from TTIP. If this is not the constituency that you live in you can sign the petition to your MP and the candidates to be your MP here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/efforts/save-our-nhs/near/new
    86 of 100 Signatures
  • An end to NFL at the home of English Football
    Have we not been "Americanised" and forced into capitalist practises enough? In the modern age of sport, where everything is branded and turned into a franchise for profit, where at every point possible money is made from the games we love, and where tradition & passions are passed down for the pursuit of commercial profit: it's important to protect what we still have. And by allowing the NFL into our country, in what is purely a marketing campaign to see if there is the potential for an NFL franchise in London, I believe that is a step too far. Wembley is a purpose built English Football stadium, there to build it's own history in the one of, if not the most, loved sport in the country. Why should we allow NFL games to not only tarnish the tradition of sport in the UK but quite literally tarnish the pitches we play on? In England's last international at Wembley (at the time of writing) against Slovenia following an NFL game less than a week before, there were brand marks left on the pitch and little grass left to work with, as Roy Hodgson pointed out. Slovenian staff said the pitch was "ruined". This is not something that should be continued, and the FA should not allow itself to appear so weak to America's demands and the possibility of profits they offer. By pursuing a deal to create a London NFL franchise to fill their money pots, corruption is not something they should currently be accusing other footballing institutions of. Therefore, I ask you, support this campaign and end our support of the commercialisation of sport. Let the FA realise that this is not something we want, that OUR football should take priority and that if they have problems filling the stadium, we don't want the solution to be an alien sport taking its place: We don't want their money or their brands; we want our tradition and the practise of real, non-consumerised sports.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paddy Nolan
  • Fireworks - limiting noise
    My aim with this campaign is to try and get a law to limit the noise in fireworks that are for sale to the general public. Yes we all like fireworks, I have some on bonfire night for my son, but always get some that don't really make much noise as it's the display you want to see not the noise!!! Sadly on Friday 7th this year my dog had a stroke from the stress of the noise of some fireworks set off locally. She has to take diazepam prescribed by the vet to cope with the usual noise from fireworks and had done so on bonfire night and the following night but I was saving the rest for the weekend as knew thee would be more then. Luckily she survived but will take a long while to get her back to her old self if at all possible. I just feel some of these fireworks are like bombs going off and there if no need for this amount of noise to enjoy them. Please help me try and save a lot more nervous animals out there by trying to get a law in place to reduce the noise limit for public purchase. Thanks
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Taylor
  • Jail the rate fixers
    The industry has got away with too much for too long since 2007. We need to demonstrate that the general public have had enough. Unless action is taken and those within the industry are sanctioned for their behaviour this cycle of unethical and illegal behaviour will continue. They have broken the law. They need to be punished to the full extent of the law to send a message to the industry as a whole. We have had enough.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Noble
    Currently there are no mechanisms available to hold errant councillors to account other than through judicial review, which is beyond the financial reaches of the average member of the electorate, This is clearly unacceptable in a true democracy especially when councillors are currently judged by the Ombudsman or any other legislative body to be at serious fault they are not held accountable for their unlawful and maladministration practices/decisions!
    155 of 200 Signatures
  • bring King Kong back to Brum
    The statue was loved and belongs back here where he was intended to be. Find out more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Kong_statue
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jill faraday
  • Protect our natural world in Scotland from further harm
    “Someday, our children, and our children’s children, will look at us in the eye and they’ll ask us, did we do all that we could when we had the chance to deal with this problem and leave them a cleaner, safe, more stable world?” - President Barack Obama, June 25, 2013 The Obama Administration is taking action to combat climate change. In June 2013, President Obama gave a speech where he outlined the Climate Action Plan — the steps his Administration would take to cut carbon pollution, help prepare the United States for the impacts of climate change, and continue to lead international efforts to address global climate change. For the sake of our children and future generations, we must act now. And we are.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sonia McLay