• Solve the problems of prostitution - Sweden's way
    This petition arises from reading about of laws passed in Sweden that (a) made the purchase of sex a crime (b) decriminalised the sale of sex (c) trained the police in judiciary to view prostitution as a crime of violence against (largely) women and children (d) provided good funding for social services for prostitutes wanting to leave prostitution (e) provided funding to educate the public. As a result, human trafficking into Sweden is near zero, the number of women in street prostitution has reduced by up to two thirds and the number of johns has decreased by as much as 80%. The original article, with credits, can be found at http://esnoticia.co/noticia-8790-swedens-prostitution-solution-why-hasnt-anyone-tried-this-before
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Edwards
  • Keep the street lights turned off at night in KENT
    Crime numbers have not gone up Criminals need light to see .People will adapt to change by carrying torches when they are out between those hours if they have a problem with uneven paving and dog fouling.. Many private homes have security lights and if people feel uneasy let them take responsibility for lighting the front of their home.. Light pollution can diminish people's view of the night sky and for many people disturb their sleep with stray light shining through windows. We agree it is a good way to save the council money , It is setting an excellent environmental example but most of all it is a step in the right direction to protect the area from light pollution . I live in one of the areas affected, many people here have welcomed the change and there have been few complaints overall.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jon Barnett
  • Burn/deface a poppy in any way..Receive a custodial sentence
    This is happening far too much lately it's a disgrace and something's needs to be in place to stop these disrespectful animals from even thinking about it!
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Smith
  • Police the big bang
    For the fourth day running, I have been kept awake, in fact I am composing this petition at 5.57am still hearing the cracks as fireworks are being let off about half a mile from my house. Since this started, over a week ago, I haven't been able to let my cats out without keeping them on a leash, and speaking to several people up and down the country, they are facing a similar situation. At 4.49am I phoned the police, only to be told "You will have to phone the council, they deal with noise abatement now, it is not a police matter." I was then given the number to call the council, which I duly did, only to get through to a standard recorded message telling me the offices were closed until monday. Surely with the firework regulations (2004) clearly stating the allowed times that fireworks can be and cannot be used, the people using them at this time, as I pointed out, were clearly breaking the law. So according to the regulations would upon conviction, face fines of up to £5,000 or 6 months in prison. Yet the police say it is nothing to do with them? Are they not there to uphold the law? Parliament passed this law, and laid down the penalties, the police are the ones with the power of arrest, where local authorities, will not even get to know about any offence until well after the occurrence. Surely it makes sense for the police to be placed in the position where they should and MUST deal with this serious anti-social behaviour.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Derek Taylor
  • Work Assessment contract - USA Company Maximus
    In June 2001- The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that two MAXIMUS employees filed discrimination complaints against the company. The employees stated that MAXIMUS is so lacking in diversity that the companies minority employees referred to it as "White Castle". July 2007- MAXIMUS settled a lawsuit brought against it by the United States government for involvement in falsifying Medicaid claims for $30.5 million. September 2011- MAXIMUS INC. was sued by U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) for disability discrimination for failure to promote a female employee because it regarded her as disabled. MAXIMUS settled the lawsuit in August 2012. Is this really the right company to take over from ATOS to assess ill and disabled people for their ability to work.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Naylor
  • We Need More Ambulances and Ambulance Staff and More Nurses and Doctors in A&E
    People lives are at risk waiting for ambulances and people are waiting on beds in corridors and people waiting in Casualty waiting rooms to see nurses and doctors and also ambulance staff are waiting for hospital staff to handover too.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Jack
  • Get Rid of Yellow Hue on Esplanade
    Our towns Esplanade is first Port of Call for Visitors .. So I think We Should Keep it classy
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline McNeil
  • Recycling for student accommodation across the UK
    'Unite Students is the leading provider of student accommodation in the UK', and pledges on their website* to '...keep property waste out of landfill wherever possible'. In the vast majority of areas across the UK recycling is encouraged and accommodated for by local councils, yet by refusing to supply recycling bins 'Unite Students' leaves its residents no choice but to bin recyclable goods. The country is due to run out of space for its rubbish by 2018, according to the Local Government Association, making the prevention of unnecessary waste crucial. Yet many of 'Unite Students' buildings do not own recycling bins, despite being within an area which collects recycling. This hardly seems conducive to the belief that 'Unite Students' aims to keep waste out of landfill 'wherever possible'. To support the environment; the constructive development of this country; and to act in accordance with the principles they use to advertise, 'Unite Students' must supply recycling bins 'wherever possible'. This Petition is for the notice of Richard Smith, the managing director of operations for 'Unite Students'. I am confident he will realise the benefit of providing for the students of today in the wholesome, constructive manner which they deserve, once this issue is brought to his attention. * - http://www.unite-students.com/about-us/our-commitments/environmental - https://www.gov.uk/government/policies/reducing-and-managing-waste
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harry Hinton Boyd
  • Referendum for a Directly Elected Mayor of Durham County Council
    Durham County Council have abandoned communities across the County and people have been left without representation. If we move to vote for a Mayor, a candidate WILL be standing who would return the County to District Councils, giving people a say in their Communities. Sign the petition and start the process to bring back democracy to the people of County Durham.
    145 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Thom Robinson
  • Make energy companies pay for global warming
    The energy companies have a virtual monopoly in providing the energy to heat our homes, transport us and everything else we need and use. They have no incentive to research and provide cleaner energy to reduce greenhouse gases/slow global warming as they make billions and billions of pounds for their corporate shareholders every year. If the green taxes/surcharges etc were aimed at the polluter not the consumer they would soon clean up their act!
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Paul O' Riordan
  • Free solar power for every household!
    The authorities of the UK claim that they care about the earth And act like they will do something about it. When in fact all they do is find another harmful way to produce energy, and charge us for it! They only care about the money... Solar panels are a simple solution to a big problem. A government that cares would have done this a long time ago. This issue has an effect on everyone of us, so have your say! Helps poorer people feed the family and keep them warm. Saves the planet from burning fossil fuels
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marc Rollinson
  • HMRC to resume talks / negotiations with PCS
    Three weeks in to a four-week programme of detailed, and so far productive, negotiations intended to resolve the four-month HMRC jobs and staffing campaign was ended by the employer on 29 October. HMRC decided to walk away from negotiations. We feel their determination to marginalise PCS clearly trumps their willingness to settle this dispute for the good of the job holders. We need to be involved in negotiations to achieve best deal for our members.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Cubbon