• End Fractional Reserve Banking
    It's important because whether you realise it or not; the FRB system affects everyone on the planet. It allows banks and financial institutes to generate massive profits out of thin air. this system has allowed the banks to maintain their stranglehold on every single nation state on the planet - which is why when these private profit making entities fail; the Taxpayers have to pay for their rescue; and then we have to pay for their recovery. FRB inevitably results in Quantitative Easing measures; which further decreases the value of currency - so not only do we have to pay to avoid their failing; we have to pay for their recovery and then we have to pay even more through the inevitable devaluation of currency. this is not right, it's not fair and it needs to end. Now.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stuart Mundy
  • Swap speed bumps for average speed camera in 30's
    Almost all drivers in the UK are fed up with the costs to repair damage caused by speed bumps and also being punished for someone else miss use of the roads.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Kelly
  • Illegitimate Government Must Immediately Resign
    We, the people of this land, trust that the spirit in which we elect to delegate some authority to government is not abused and that the people we elect into government will look after our best interests. This coalition government has abused that trust and authority and has committed, and continues to commit systematic abuses of the electorates' Human Rights. As such, we have no faith in government and therefore demand that the government resigns immediately as it is no longer considered legitimate by the electorate. The failure of Members of Parliament, specifically those whom hold a Public Office, to resign immediately will result in arrest and detainment pending a trial by jury at Common Law for crimes against humanity, charges of which will be presented in full upon arrest.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darren Harper
  • Wiltshire Council Members Allowances
    Its important that Wiltshire Council are held to account by the residents of Wiltshire.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by TERRY CHIVERS
  • Step Down and take THEM with you!
    As more and more pressure is applied on the parents of the children of the future, more hate for this country, by its natives, is being passed down a generation. And soon there will be no patriotism, no english traditions and the necessity for royals, will be no more. It is time to simplify before England dies in the ashes of its own greed.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosemarie Retter
  • Call For A Early General Election
    To give the people of scotland a chance to have there own voice in the house of commons
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by billy mccann
  • 59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Hunter
  • Scottish Referendum - If you voted NO and wished you hadn't then sign here!
    To show that the Scottish people will not accept the lies and fear presented by Westminster
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Mullin
  • UK - Honour your promise to Scotland
    Scotland's majority voted no on the basis of this promise.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Brown
  • No to another Crossing In Dartford Kent
    The Original Consultation Paper was not promoted out to the people in the locality broadly enough, as with recent Consultations for example Paramount Plans - a letter went to every household. Talking to local people who will be most affected by this decision, majority were unaware that a Consultation even took place. Removing the Toll booths may speed up the traffic and obviously continue to generate the relevant financial return but more traffic will be driven into this already over-congested area. If this decision relies solely on cost we know that Dartford will be the area as the infrastructure is there and this will save the Government millions. This is unfair and in a way inhumane to continue to over-pollute an area already polluted. I do not believe any research was conducted with regard to air quality.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Woodhead
  • Decentralization of Power to Local regions or cities
    This is very import, Whitehall has ruled over the lands of England for a very long time. The likes of the Northern cities or Central English cities do not benefit from a centralized government. We need to ensure our local areas can raise and spend money that will benefit our local areas economically and socially. This will allow for the regeneration and growth of our cities and to allow them to become more international cities to attract foreign investment, providing more jobs and economic security. For too long the rule from Whitehall has benefitted the areas within 50km (Greater London), such as public transport, jobs and the economy of the local area. Ensure our MPs are fighting for local issues and are not just elected to live in London for 4 years.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Karslake
  • Access to the Sussex River Ouse
    Kayaking is a wonderful peaceful and healthy form of recreation. But access to the river is very difficult and in places almost dangerous
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Parker