• Michael Mansfield to chair the CSA Inquiry
    For the truth to out and justice seen to be done, he has the legal mind to take the establishment to task and let justice seen to be done. Do not allow the establishment to select another so called expert.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Levy
  • Improve the services provided by Northern Rail
    To improve the quality of the North's rail lines, by encouraging the main rail service to improve its quality of service, so people in the north of England don't feel neglected. This will also encourage more people to use the train. More people want a reliable rail service, so commuting between cities should be more comfortable and reliable
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Bastow
  • Stop the Scottish nationalists neverendum
    The neverendum is a destructive and divisive strategy that is a very corrosive influence on our society. We are a nation of only 5 million so the SNP should do the honourable thing and accept the result rather than continue to gripe and grouse about outside influences within our devolved parliament.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by galen milne
    In this time of austerity and poverty we should be joining together to make sure that no one in our communities is going without food , a warm meal and something to drink .We should also be reaching out to those who cannot look after themselves
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Knox
  • Scotland against fracking
    Because it is so important that we end fracking as it is a danger to our planet and Earth, not just our homes.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Dale
  • Repatriate UK plastic bags to Scotland
    Scots have exercised their devolved powers to help save the planet. To restrict the energy and resources required to make millions of plastic bags every year and to help us all stop polluting the planet by dumping plastic in landfill sites, the Scottish Government has introduced a compulsory charge of 5p per bag. This is not a tax, The money goes to the shops and supermarkets who sell you the bag and the VAT goes into the Westminster treasury. It is estimated that £9million per year could flow south to the UK treasury from this tax alone. There is no compulsory bag compulsory charge in England. Scots need to stop these subsidy junkies in England bleeding this country dry of our wealth, talent and resources. To redress this subsidy imbalance I propose that all Scots working or living in England who travel north across the border should repatriate as many free English plastic bags home to Scotland as they can each trip so we can re-use and recycle them as required.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sean Gill
  • Make politicians eat their words
    He is claiming that all benefit claimants can live off £7 a day. I think if he says it's possible why not do it himself. So like the rest of us we would get £7 to spend a day. All to go on nothing really as money would have to be saved up to spent on bills. With £7 a day means no gas, no electricity, no heating, no lights on a switch no hot food and just live in idleness, want, hunger, cold and squalor.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Masterton
  • Clarity v Censorship of Social Media
    Without this clarity our rights to opinions and free speech will be at the behest of a regulator who may classify some as illegal financial promotions. Our regulator (the FCA) and their equivalent in the USA (the SEC) are currently the only regulators in the western world who are seeking to limit the free speech and flow of opinions of citizens on social media. So this matters to us all. Opinions & Free Speech Regulated = Censorship What it proposes is far from clear. The result of this lack of clarity is it places rights to monitor and regulate the expression of opinions and free speech, by both innovators and innocent members of the public, initially in this small but very significant area, into the hands of unelected and unaccountable regulators. Historical precedents are clear where this can, and usually does, lead. Clarity This unclarity is simply not necessary. One of the UK's leading legal minds, Chris Moss,of JMW solicitors, who continues to guide The Bank of Dave, has looked with us at the legislation, which was created before social media existed, and identified the small but crucial and uncontroversial changes needed to bring exactly this clarity. He has identified that these are changes that can be made by the Chancellor and his Treasury ministers. In under a week the UK's Financial Regulator close their consultation as they tighten their grip on Social Media and what messages from the trade and public will be outlawed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLEASE ACT NOW Please sign the petition and also respond now to the FCA to ensure ordinary citizens are not placed in legal jeopardy for using social media to express an opinion, or talk about a crowdfund. This only need takes a few moments. The full details are at http://www.fca.org.uk/your-fca/documents/guidance-consultations/gc14-06 and it closes 6th Nov 2014. If you care about free speech or the freedom of social media please read the summary and express your opinion, below. One way or another it's important you express your opinion about free speech. We need clarity and unless there's a change of direction that won't happen. PLEASE NOTE Sample/Template Text is provided below and you can skip to it below and send it if you're familiar with this issue and short of time. As requested by the FCA please email : [email protected] or use the response form at http://www.fca.org.uk/your-fca/documents/guidance-consultations/gc14-06 ------ Sample Template Response (for you to adapt and send) ----- I/we do not believe that the FCA should have the right to monitor and classify ordinary citizens use of social media as illegal. Paid financial promotions (adverts) are different from citizens use of such media, and measures to ensure they are policed to be 'clear, fair and not misleading' must not remove the rights of citizens to free speech and free expression, or place citizens in jeopardy. This is paramount and we call on the FCA to ensure that this clear distinction is maintained in the handling of social media, and to make the necessary changes to these proposals to ensure that they are, and citizens and entrepreneurs use of social media for crowdfunding or other purposes is not restricted. To also, if necessary, directly raise these matters with government to ensure such clarity. We need clarity. Please play your part by taking just a few moments to respond to the FCAs consultation and express your opinion.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barry James
  • Save the Meadows 1906 Arts & Crafts Cricket Pavilion
    The Pavilion commands an established position in the historic landscape and is an important part of our heritage, sense of place & communal identity.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Hughes
  • University of Hull to use Ecosia.org as default search engine
    Ecosia.org is a website which donates 80% of its profits from online advertisements revenue to a tree planting project in Brazil, the home of the Amazon Rainforest - in association with WWF. This website is building in popularity and we can all help it and help the planet through increasing biodiversity, protecting such an amazing natural beauty and offsetting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, something which cannot be done through Carbon Capture technologies* (*Due to the fact that there is only approximately 0.04% (400 parts per million) CO2 in the atmosphere - as researched by the University of Sheffield)
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Hopkins
  • Stop Eric Pickles undermining the Onshore wind industry
    Onshore wind is the most efficient form of clean energy. Strict local planning procedures are in place to prevent them being built in places where they might spoil the environment. But Eric Pickles, scared by the climate deniers in UKIP is riding roughshod over local preferences by stalling the planning procedures. Please stop.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Norman Vetter
  • Stop Fracking in Scotland. Keep our landscape clean and fresh!
    Fracking ruins our landscape or water and our farms. We do not benefit at all from this action which our prime minister had allowed right after our referendum. He has sold the land under your feet. The land we pay taxes on. This is our heritage and it is going to be destroyed. Help us stop Fracking NOW. They have our oil what more do they want? Protect your future and our kids future! We don't want contaminated Air, water or land animals. We love our fresh council water! We don't want lower life expectancy.
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by stacey lockhart