• Mitigation Measures to Property on Peterborough to Spalding Railway Line
    IN Werrington there are over 500 Properties built since 1987 and over 270 Properties in Peakirk that will be within the Noise , Vibration , & Air Polution Para- -meter's of the New GN & GE Freight Railway Line with no Migation Measures such as Acoustic Fences , Earth Moulding , Landscaping Trees Evergreens , Bushes , Shrubs , Soundproofing to Houses Similar Measures have been installed to other Property Areas in Peterborough
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ivan hammond
    People don't have enough for food and heating now they cannot afford to live in the home they want to have no wonder more food banks are being opened daily.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by DAVID EVANS
  • Say no to the non-democratic ‘vow’ to Scotland
    Say no to the non-democratic ‘vow’ to Scotland. In recent weeks all our leading political party leaders have agreed to give the people of Scotland a much better deal per person than the rest of the British public. Regardless of which way you sit on the yes no divide is it fair that a minority proportion of the British public have a substantially larger amount of the government purse spent on them than the majority of the British public. Already Scots have free university places (at£9k per year), free prescriptions, 15% more spend per capita etc. than the rest of Brits and now without asking parliament, our MP’s or the British public our political leaders have promised the ‘Scots’ even more. Bribery or not why should an English, Welsh or Irish person should receive far less support from our government than a Scottish person? If you believe the recent offer is undemocratic and unfair to the rest of Britain then please sign this petition so that we can lobby the government not to implement this 'give away' they have ‘vowed’ on behalf of the rest of the British public
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Cherrington
  • Bring back weekly bin emptys
    It's important to our health and hygiene. We need to live in a clean and safe environment not filth and muck.
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lana Kennedy
  • Suspend Nick Robinson
    Because the licence payers in Scotland deserve an impartial broadcaster in these times of great change and not to have someone biased reporting on currant events.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Bickerstaff
  • Mandatory education until 18 should mean discounted fairs until 18 using public transport
    Are you aware the government introduced new legislation last year making it mandatory that young people must stay in some form of fulltime education until the age of 17 years of age, next year it is scheduled to go to 18 years of age before being legally allowed to earn an income. Currently public transport within the UK doesn't reflect this, they are still going by the old law in regards to 16 years of age, The reason the age was set at under16 was because if mandatory to be in fulltime education for a further two years, it takes away their rights from earning an income of their own and the parents and guardians to carry the ever raising costs. This affects everyone either directly or by association, we are officially out of recession so no reason to make this happen as government seem to have not considered this fact. Even now when I contact my local authority which was recently criticized for the leader of the council in Bucks for awarding himself around £250,000,That is more than the prime minister earns by a lot, to run a county. Also Over £100,000 a year is going into the pay packets of 21 council workers across Buckinghamshire, each county isn't that different, as far as I am aware. Here is the link which also includes other county's pay awards to senior staff. http://www.mix96.co.uk/news/local/1359881/100k-pay-packets-for-21-bucks-council-employees/ I was informed they couldn't help given the triple dip recession taking away important public services, Proof that our triple dip recession is over is available at the following link, not sure why the government departments are still using the old excuses of why there is no money, Nor are they celebrating this with their customers that we should not need to pay more for less any longer. http://www.grimsbytelegraph.co.uk/Good-news-economy-better-recession/story-21941908-detail/story.html I thank you for your support in signing this petition & for passing it on in advance as I feel folk have had enough of all the shenanigans going on behind closed doors which always lead to us the people paying out more and getting nothing or very little in return. Thank to 38 degree’s for giving me the opportunity of setting up this petition in such a simple way & for all the amazing things you have achieved and will achieved as your organization clearly understands if we stand together we can make the change.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Alan Greer
  • Increase Britain's State pension in line with British prosperity or inflation whichever the higher.
    Its important because our elderly people should be able to live in dignity in their old age, and not have to endure means testing for State handouts. Tony Blair's New Labour Government in 1997 did not reverse Margaret Thatcher's 1980 State pensions policy.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Thompson
  • Nottingham City Council To adopt as policy the BDS campaign against Israel.
    To adopt as policy the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel. In support of the call for an end to attacks on Gaza. The end of administrative detention and an arms embargo. 2,104 people killed in Gaza - UN estimates 69% of deaths are civilians and yet no action has been taken by any country. The number of men, woman and children injured are numerous. Buildings and Infastructure have been devasted.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amin Din
  • Pay disabled Fire Service Veterans-their correct pensions & their backpay.
    Social justice and the pension law demands that disabled FSVs and their widows hurt in the service of this nation must be paid their correct injury pensions including their back pay to allow them to care for themselves by reducing the burden on local health services. In memoriam of the 345 Firefighters of NYFD on this day of 9/11 who never made it to disablement...
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Burns
  • Net Neutrality Protection
    The proposal to abandon Net Neutrality on the internet in favor of a multi-tiered content-biased system is deeply flawed. It would: 1. create a system that inhibits technical innovation by allowing ISPs to choose which technologies their customers can access. 2. create a system that protects entrenched companies while penalizing the start-ups that have been the life blood of the internet. 3. limit access of non-profit organizations that cannot afford "fast-lane" fees. 4. penalize media companies that do not directly own cable or satellite access to consumers. The Internet has flourished under the de facto common carrier ISPs held until recently. It is time for the FCC to declare that ISPs are Common Carriers and hold them to that status. Please exam with an open mind, see the value in net neutrality, to business and private users equal access enables creativity and new business growth. A two tear access to the internet is bad for competion, R&D and the next generation of new world beating businesses. Professionals from the scientific community offer this view and as an MP you must listen to experts who are not in the pocket of lobbyists for example:- http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=75141 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/09/10/favorite_sites_looking_slow_today_its_a_net_neutrality_protest/
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Robins
  • Review the role of Credit Reference Agencies in the UK
    Credit References Agencies sell on our personal data (Credit Scoring) to financial institutions such as Banks, Mortgage Lenders and Credit Card Companies, These Credit Reference Agencies also sell to us services to monitor and improve our credit scores. A conflict of interest therefore exists as it is in the Credit Reference Agencies interest to provide accurate "negative" information to the financial institutions/commercial sector whilst in the same breath providing accurate "positive" information to members of the general public. Credit Reference Agencies actively encourage the financial institutions to share / pass on the very same negative information that they then ask members of the public to take action / defend against. In computer terms this would be the same as an network security company searching out and encouraging the creation of new viruses to be introduce to the internet, whilst selling anti virus software to protect us from those very same viruses. The net result is that a huge number of people here in the UK are unable to access conventional lending facilities (High Street Mortgages are one example) and are forced to take more expensive forms of credit. Mortgages are a good example of this, a late payment on a mortgage resulted in a less favorable credit score when applying for a new mortgage, this increased the expected monthly payments which where prohibitive and forced my family into rented accommodation (landlords do not submit tenant information to credit reference agencies) and so no further monthly payment history can exist, forcing the individual to take more expensive financial offerings placing more strain on his/her budget.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Mansfield
  • Everyone in the UK should be able to vote on Scottish independence
    The issue of the Union between Scotland and England, the future of the United Kingdom, is one that affects every man, woman and child that lives within it's borders, my family, your family - everyone - we will all be affected by the outcome of the Scottish independence referendum, socially, economically, politically, it will affect friends, relationships, jobs, borders, our great public services, our relationships. Over 200 years of Unionship between our countries has shown us that Scotland is a great asset, that combined we are a great force for positive change and that yes, we are better together as allies and united. It can therefore, only be constitutionally right that everyone who lives within this Union, our United Kingdom, be allowed to vote in this referendum and be a party to this greatest of decisions that will affect us all. It is not so much a referendum on independence as one on breaking up a major part of our Union. I want us all to be a part of making that decision.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Hayward