• Fair spectacle prices
    Strong prescription spectacles are much more expensive than low strength ones. People who are severly short- or long-sighted cannot function without spectacles. Often these people also need to change prescriptions more frequently than average as their vision worstens. Currently, people on benefits get help buying corrective glasses whether their vision defect is mild or severe. People in work, but on low incomes, should get the same help if they could not work without spectacles.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Derek Starkswood
  • It's not all sweetness and light
    Recommendations and evidence from institutions such as the British Heart Foundation and the European Heart Network, along with a host of international specialists, strongly links fructose to obesity and cardiovascular disease. Even when compared to other refined sugars, fructose appears to be the most harmful option, and it is baffling as to why the Efsa would pass this narrow and short sighted ruling The BHF described this decision as having no public health benefit, so why should the public be misled by food manufacturers into thinking they are eating a healthier product. Most worrying is that this will surely, and most disproportionately affect foods marketed at children, fuelling our obesity epidemic.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James McGrath
  • stop developers taking the michael
    Little Cransley is a small hamlet with just 7 residents. since the houses first being built the road out the front of the properties has only gotten busier and busier which is understandable and acceptable being a main route between Kettering and Northampton, the a 14 to the side of the properties is currently being widened which only leaves the land at the rear of the homes being of a country side status. Now St Francis group intend to and have been granted permission to develop the land and sell it off as offices workshops and among other things (the worst part) a hotel at the foot of the gardens, this really is taking the Michael and will turn what is over a hundred year old hamlet in to a miserable place to live in the shadow of big developments, noise, pollution as well as being over looked and that's not to mention what this will do to the value of the once country side homes
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ruben jones
  • What's in our Honey?
    I was always told if you have anything at all, you have your health, if there are contaminants in our food, then how healthy are we? I swapped up sugar for honey in the belief that I was being healthy, yet I find out it is corn syrup and has no pollen! Why are we being deceived and lied to? http://www.foodrenegade.com/your-honey-isnt-honey/ "Why are these companies bothering to hide the honey’s origin? Because it’s likely to have come from China, and Chinese honey is cheap, diluted with high-fructose corn syrup and sweeteners, and tainted with crazy chemicals and antibiotics. Chinese honey is also high in heavy metals." Don't you want to know what you are eating? I do!!!
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Swan Picture
  • Sack Guto Bebb
    I feel this attitude is disgusting as a fellow sufferer of Aspergers I am outraged by these comments. See mirror article below for more: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tory-mp-tells-autistic-man-4166980
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Elliot
  • Protect animals from dangerous slug pellets
    My beloved Spanish rescue dog, Leo, died after eating slug pellets on a field bordering a public path. If I had been aware that pellets were used commercially on fields Leo would have been leashed, I always avoided fields for a week after spraying. In my frustration & anger at loosing my companion I decided to investigate the pellet problem & what I discovered is horrific. 1 tsp kills per 10 kl - what effect does this have on wildlife ?? No wonder we hardly see hedgehogs, toads, birds in abundance. Something must be done before we destroy populations of creatures that have a right to coexist with us. I am trying to collate data but its very difficult. If anyone can assist please contact me via this petition page. The government and companies will not listen to ordinary folk we need to approach them as a united group. I have just found a site that monitors poisoning so if anyone wants to report an incident this is the contact 0800 321600. It is run by Natural England. I have just discovered that the Vet practice where Leo was treated does not keep data on poisoning, therefore neither can they be aware of the above - I assume most people take their pets to the Vet when they appear poisoned so it woulds seem that a lot of useful, provable data is lost by not being officially recorded. Pls contact your Vet to ascertain wether this is a common mistake so I can try to persuade the Govt to make poison registration compulsory.
    182 of 200 Signatures
    Created by susan herbert
  • Say No to Israeli Plan to Annex the West Bank
    Just a few weeks ago the World watched in horror at the brutal offensive conducted by at the Israeli government against the inhabitants of Gaza. Thousands of civilians were either killed, wounded or traumatised. Essential civilian infrastructure - power, water and sewerage systems - all paid for by international aid programmes, were targeted and destroyed. The reaction of Western governments on that occasion was muted. It took the outrage of Western citizens to shake them from the fence. As a result the military campaign became increasingly counter-productive and Israel had to pull out. Now Prime Minister Netanyahu has decided to exact a further price on the Palestinians. He has announced his intention to annex 400 hectares of the West Bank, for the building of illegal settlements. This despite the announcement in the Knesset on the 9th June (three days before Gaza exploded) that the Yesh Atid Party would quit the unity government should Netanyahu make any such annexation attempt. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-06-08/annexation-plan-sparks-threat-to-topple-israel-government.html On this occasion, to its credit, the UK Government have been far quicker to make clear its opposition to the plan. http://jpupdates.com/2014/09/01/british-foreign-minister-hammond-uk-deplores-israels-decision-annex-west-bank-land/ But what will be our reaction if Netanyahu ignores both us and his own coalition partners and proceeds with the annexation? What prospect then for a two state solution based on mutual respect and security? In these circumstances, we would like the UK Government to take firm action. Action consistent with that applied in respect of Russia's annexation of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine. ie the introduction of sanctions. If it isn't, the double standards that we have applied to Israel over the past 70 years will continue a. to blight those discriminated against indigenous peoples made refugees in their own land; and b. enhance a tragic narrative that has and will continue to radicalise generations of disaffected Muslim's the world over. Act now and sign this letter petitioning our leaders to stop this annexation.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Sprackling
  • Searching for an alternative cure to Cancer
    Cancer just about impacts on everyone. It has blighted and touched upon most peoples lives. The government has as its first right to protect its people. The government are servants to its people.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David McGinlay
  • Cornwall's Mental Health Day Centres
    The Day Centres cost little to run and can offer a safe haven and a safe place to heal, for those who have and who are now suffering with mental health difficulties/differences.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Grbovik
    War is a murder of our children and our future. Promote peace and stability.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elena Lynch
  • Save Ukraine, save Europe
    There are two things happening between Ukraine and Russia right now. First, Russian and Ukrainian leaders are meeting in Belarus to negotiate a peace deal in the Ukrainian conflict that Russia insists it has nothing to do with. Second, Russian military forces are crossing the border into Ukraine in what is clearly a hostile invasion and act of war. That includes Russian artillery, Russian tanks, Russian-trained irregular forces, and even uniformed Russian soldiers who have admitted on camera that they are Russian military ordered to invade by their commanders. But the first piece of that is obfuscating the second. Getting Russia to agree to a peace deal on Ukraine requires lots of careful diplomacy, and that means that no one wants to formally acknowledge Russia's invasion of Ukraine, even though Russia is definitely invading Ukraine right now. That's how you have even the more hawkish figures in the Obama administration making statements like this: http://www.vox.com/2014/8/27/6069415/lets-be-clear-about-this-russia-is-invading-ukraine-right-now
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by matt hatton
  • Stop the privatisation of East Coast Trains
    East Coast Trains is contributing money back to the UK economy and is the best example of why a state owned public service is best kept public. With a possible change of Government so soon after the selling of this franchise, it's sale should be delayed to allow a (possible) Labour Government keep the company state owned
    148 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Graham Sampson