• Asbestos in Schools Wales
    Given the health risks associated with the presence of asbestos in public buildings, we believe parents and guardians across Wales have the right; to know if asbestos is located in their school to know whether, where asbestos is present, it is being managed in line with the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 to access that information easily online.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kirsty Lay
  • Say no to Shale Gas
    Shale rock contains natural gas trapped in the ground and can only be released by building a number of wells on pads which drill deep underground vertically and horizontally. The rock is blasted using a mixture of sand water and some chemicals. Benzenes and other toxic chemicals are needed in the process to shatter the rock and release the gas. The water flows back and Methane that has been trapped underground as well as 'N O R M' Naturally Occurring Radon gas can escape. The process of flaring the gas can release the Methane and Radon. Earth quakes can occur and at least 50 small earthquakes occurred in Blackpool last year. The movement of rock can also cause subsidence of a wide area. France has banned shale gas exploration so far and many parts of North America have moratoriums in force because of the dangers to health and the environment. It is a fossil fuel and so is not carbon neutral. The government will fail in reducing carbon emissions and so the green agenda once hailed by the P M as important will fall apart and other carbon neutral energy sources such as wind, wave and Solar power will be neglected. It has been made known that the government will be prepared to give the Shale Gas companies tax breaks when the re start their operations soon. This is unacceptable when so much is at stake in the carbon neutral industry which does not pose health risks.
    423 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Marjorie Nye
  • Allow the People of Tibet their freedom
    How can humanity evolve when there is oppression and suppression in this world
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Jones
  • Cycle Routes
    We have just heard that Bradley Wiggins, victor of the Tour de France has been knocked of his bike on one of our roads. If he is not safe then who is? This would be a good time to bring this initiative forward. In this area of Wales there are wide margins on a number of roads where cycle/footpaths could be laid and the situation is similar in many other locations - this would be a start. It would reduce road casualties and allow children to go by foot and by cycle to school and so reduce the traffic of the school run. It would also create thousands of jobs.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Cain
  • Cut Housing costs
    This would bring down the cost of living across the board, but more importantly for people who can't afford rent or house prices.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Aughton
  • Planning accountability
    Corruption in planning is rife, the system can be very biased. Currently there is no recourse to reports and advice that is clearly against the planning law, except by a very expensive legal route that the majority cannot afford.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Hatcher
  • Keep Magilligan Prison Open
    There is no economic argument for the closure of Magilligan. The Prison Service of Northern Ireland argues that the prison has outlived its economic usefulness but the additional cost incurred by building a new facility on the Magheraberry site destroys this argument. Closure of the prison would have a catastrophic impact on the local economy. This part of the North West has already been ravaged by the economic recession and the loss of a further 440 jobs would be devastating.The spending power of those employed in the prison would be lost to the local economy and in addition, the goods and services that the prison buys from local suppliers will stop causing further pressure upon already struggling businesses and potentially causing even more job losses. This area simply cannot afford to lose the prison.
    263 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Alison Grundle
  • Save our Verges
    Bees and other insects rely heavily on our roadside verges for their food and habitat. There is very little meadow land left and the verges should be providing much needed food. I notice that the cutting goes as far back to the banks or hedges as far as possible, often twelve feet or more. I cannot see a reason for this. One cut in would be sufficient for any motorist to see the edge of the road. I have no doubt that it costs a considerable and unnecessary amount in council tax, not to mention the pollution entailed by the cutting machines.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vivien Cruickshank
  • Scottish Independence Referendum - Make Voting Compulsory
    In Alex Salmond's own words, this is the most important question facing Scotland in the last 300 years. It is vital then that the decision either way is not made after a small turnout at the polling booths. Apathy must not be a deciding factor in such a momentous decision. I am proposing that Prime Minister David Cameron urgently introduces a bill at Westminster to ensure that all voters in Scotland are compelled on this single occasion to vote. If individuals express a view that this infringes human rights then all they need to is attend a polling booth and 'spoil' the ballot paper.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronnie McInnes
  • Oppose Badger Cull in Wiltshire
    The case against badgers, that they are the main transmitter of TB to cows, is as yet unproven, and until the scientists can agree and have definite proof of their guilt, culling badgers is a crime against nature. Badgers are an important link in the food chain of the woodland and countryside scene, and like all animals, should be treasured and preserved, not criminalised and destroyed. It is hoped that a vaccine to protect cows will be available within a few years. I would like the government to put money into this instead of culling innocent animals and threatening a link in our natural environment, the long term results of which could herald another as yet unknown environmental disaster.
    2,929 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Ann Aves
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