• Save The Assembly Rooms - Expired 31 December 2022
    This building is arguably the finest 20th century building in the City of Derby. The ‘Brutalist’ architectural style is currently at its nadir but as time passes it will inevitably be re-evaluated, as has happened with other, once controversial, styles. Commissioned by the City Council following an national architectural competition, it was judged to be the right design for the important civic role it was to fulfil. It was opened by HRH The Queen Mother in 1977. The designer, Neville Condor CBE of Casson Condor Architects, was a founder of the prestigious architectural practice Casson Condor Architects. Another competitor, Sir James Stirling RA, in a frank comment following the outcome (in a recording held by the British Library) generously accepted Condor’s design deserved to win. Quite apart from the architectural quality of this important civic building there is a strong argument on environmental grounds for the re-use of buildings containing significant amounts of embodied energy. The City Councils' own Policy CP2 requires the council to respond to climate change by reducing carbon emissions, while its Policy CP3 places great emphasis on design. It is inconceivable that the building cannot be modified, whilst retaining its architectural qualities, to continue to fulfil its role as an entertainment venue. Surely modernisation of a substantial and robust existing structure represents better value for tax-payers money than expensive demolition and rebuilding? It would be simply disgraceful for this distinguished building to be destroyed. It would be yet another nail in the coffin of the city’s architectural heritage.
    2,085 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Evans
  • Stop the Westminster Power Grab on the Scottish and Welsh Governments
    The UK Internal Market Bill endangers the existence and viability of devolution. It would be a Westminster power grab, unacceptable to the Scottish and Welsh Governments. From a Scottish perspective, it directly contradicts promises of more powers that were promised in the event of a No vote in the 2014 Scottish Independence Referendum. What the Bill means is less powers. Much less. Clause 45 of the Bill states that certain provisions of the bill will have effect "notwithstanding inconsistency or incompatibility with international law." This is a position that should not be acceptable to those of us who treasure democracy and the rule of law, international or otherwise.
    3,765 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Graham Purnell
  • Address issues in Birmingham SEND Transport now
    Hundreds of families across the city are being failed. Vulnerable and disabled children who have been assessed as eligible for transport to school have been let down. Routes have changed and been cancelled with no communication with parents. Complaints and concerns are going unanswered. It is time for the Council recognise that they are accountable for this and take action to deal with it
    311 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Bull
  • Citizenship for Former NHS IT Engineer Farrukh Sair
    I'm asking the people of the United Kingdom to support me and demand the Home Office and Priti Patel allow my family and I to remain in the country we've called home for 17 years. Just months ago, Priti Patel said she was “incredibly grateful” to our frontline workers from abroad. But now I'm being hung out to dry by a cruel system with confusing rules. In the last few months I've been working as a Covid support engineer in Covid wards, dealing with 20 odd people a day - doctors, engineers - putting my and my family's life at risk. I wanted to serve at this time during the pandemic. I felt it was my responsibility to help and do my part for society, to support the doctors and specialists setting up their equipment and the Covid wards. When I’m then treated like this, it’s really disheartening.” The UK is my home, and I've worked hard to give back to this country. Now I'm at risk of being sent back to Pakistan - a place my children, born here in the UK, have never lived in. I believe with your support, Home Office, Priti Patel and Boris Johnson can look into this case favourably and award me and my family permanent residence in the UK. Please sign and share today. You can read more about my story and challenges here: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/home-office-immigration-status-uk-grant-nhs-worker-coronavirus-a9698796.html
    126,621 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Farrukh Sair
  • Save G15 youth project
    ⚠️⚠️ G15 YOUTH PROJECT UNDER THREAT OF CLOSURE ⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️ 50% cut in funding ⚠️⚠️ Dear parents of G15 Youth Project Members Due to recommendations from Glasgow city council Glasgow community fund future funding, G15 youth project is set to receive 50% reduction in our funding. This decision will have a devastating impact on the future of the project and the support to local young people of which your son or daughter maybe a member. G15 is also the lead support for Drumchapel D60 which hosted all your community events like D in the park, Halloween in the hills and Winter wonderland/Free Santa’s Grotto that we organise each year. G15 youth project is in danger of closure due to this decision and we need your voice and support to express your value of the service and to help save G15 Youth Project. This can be done by writing or contacting your local elected members MP and MSP expressing your concern. (please see their email contacts below) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] We have always appreciated your support and would welcome your voice in this difficult situation. WORKING TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE
    709 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Gary Kelly
  • Save Our Tree
    The tree is part of Goat Street and the only street tree we have. It is important for the environment, for the quality of air we breath, for the nesting birds and great source of pollen for the bees in spring.
    276 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rosina Coe
  • Increase the number of SEND school places in Kent
    SEND children are being denied their human right to an education appropriate to their needs due to lack of suitable schools places
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Julia Baldwin
  • Fair Marking for Counsellors during COVID-19 at Salford University
    Most student counsellors on these programs have worked for free during COVID-19, providing telephone and/or online counselling to clients, having had minimal training on practicing in this way. Previously, students were not allowed to practice remotely due to ethical implications, but the global pandemic made a sudden change of policy necessary. This has put us at a disadvantage in terms of the marking of our audio submissions (recordings of a session with a client), which had to be recorded under unusual and unprecedented circumstances that fell outside the criteria of the taught program. We want a review of the recent results and marking criteria, taking account of these unusual circumstances in which the work was forced to be done due to COVID-19, and reflecting the commitment and the hard work of student counsellors during these exceptional and difficult times (as well as the disruption to the taught program and student support). They could, for example, calculate average marks based on work handed in before the pandemic. In adhering to pre-COVID marking criteria for work that was carried out in a way that was, by necessity, at odds with the teaching of the program, Salford University is effectively punishing us for the impact that lockdown has had on our studies. Having been unfairly penalised and prevented from qualifying, we will have to continue to work for free and obtain a second audio recording only to face the same dilemma, as most organisations are still not allowing face-to-face counselling sessions to take place. If the same marking criteria are applied a second time and we are similarly penalised we would be liable for an extra year of fees. For those funded by student finance the only financially viable option is to defer for a year. This means that there will be fewer newly qualified counsellors at a time when they are needed more than ever.
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sarah McGrath
  • Make companies pay their fair share of tax
    Corporation tax - a tax that means companies will pay a little bit more tax, to help fund our schools and NHS and get us out of the economic crisis caused by Covid-19. Taxes fund our vital public services, they pay for our NHS, safe roads, schools and more. With COVID-19 costing the UK billions, we need to raise more money, to protect our vital public services. The government is considering raising corporation tax to help cover the cost. It means companies pay a bit more, and would put us in line with the global average corporation tax rates. Add your name to the petition if you agree that companies should pay more tax to help protect our NHS and public services.
    53,359 of 75,000 Signatures
  • Save West Denton swimming pool
    Many people rely on this pool to stay fit and healthy, many have no transport to get to a pool in another area. Children rely on learning a valuable life skill with swimming, I pay for my son to learn how to swim, the other areas are fully booked so he just has to do without this skill. We need the council to listen, more and more houses are being built and more and more facilities are being removed. Stop the closure of West Denton pool, the council have an obligation to keep this open one way or another.
    5,518 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Gavin Young
  • Stop rural speeding in Crowntown
    Rural speeding by motorists has become an ever more daily experience for all rural residents and this is especially so for those who live in the Crowntown area of Sithney Parish near Helston in Cornwall. The road between Helston and Camborne and Hayle has become a major commuter link and Crowntown experiences amongst the highest speeds through it as it is one of the few only straight pieces of road on the route. It has been estimated that speeds of up to 80mph have been witnessed on a daily basis. It is only a matter of time before serious injuries or fatalities occur. Sithney School is on the route and the substantial increase in new housing in the area has led to more pedestrians and people leaving their properties, both on foot and in their cars. Many residents report 'near misses' in this respect and have learned to be anxious about leaving their homes to use the road. The development of a local Speedwatch group was discussed in the early part of 2020, but the Covid-19 Pandemic has put paid to anything like that for the foreseeable future. The views and daily experiences of Crowntown and other local residents similarly affected (such as those in the Pednvounder area south of Crowntown), whilst supported by Sithney Parish Council, are not being listened to and heard by Cornwall Council, who have the power to introduce traffic calming measures, both to reduce speeds as well as to identify offending behaviour. The Council must listen, hear and, most importantly, act now.
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brian Rogers
  • Low Emission Zone Exemption for Taxis
    1) The Scottish Government has declared a climate emergency. Many local authorities, including Scotland’s biggest city, Glasgow, have stated intentions to become carbon neutral by 2030, seven years ahead of schedule. Rather than push taxi operators into diesel (euro 6) upgrades by January 1st, 2023, with only modest CO2 reductions, 2027 would allow the electric taxi market to develop and offer future-proof vehicle upgrades. 2) The taxi trade has been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus crisis. The trade depends greatly on the hospitality, leisure travel and tourism sectors. It is no exaggeration to suggest that the future of on demand, fully wheelchair accessible Hackney cab transport is at serious risk.
    452 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Steven Grant