• Tax meat, fish, dairy and eggs
    Animal agriculture is significantly damaging to the environment, and to public health. It is hugely wasteful - and in modern society it is completely unnecessary. Rain-forest clearance is happening mostly due to the demand for land to produce arable crops which are used solely for animal feeds, and for grazing pasture. Greenhouse gas emissions from animal farming are greater than the entire global transportation sector. Around thirty per cent of the microplastics which foul our oceans have originated from discarded commercial fishing equipment. Without animal agriculture, and its harmful practices and products, there would be no zoonotic pandemics, no rivers poisoned by slurry, no rain-forest burning, no anti-biotic resistance, a reduction in heart disease and obesity, a greater abundance of natural wilderness, more bio-diversity, etc. The "sugar tax" has been successful in reducing the demand for harmful products. A meat and dairy tax could be equally successful - and is arguably far more important.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Palk
  • Allow non dangerous prisoners to be temporarily released on home arrest during pandemic
    This is important as this is affecting mental health, causing suicides, riots. It’s risking the life’s of both prisoners and prison workers. My father is currently in prison for a drug crime and is in the middle of an appeal and has to stay in his cell 23 hours a day and can only leave for a phone call (capped at 15 minutes) and to go to the toilet. His prison has had a serious outbreak of the virus and from speaking with my dad he and other prisoners in there are extremely worried for their health, safety.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jordyn Holmes
  • Medical Centre For Wenvoe
    The number of residential properties in the area has possibly doubled in recent years.To such a level that a medical centre is now urgently required
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Russell Godfrey
  • Feed the Kent Lorry Drivers Now!
    Don’t leave this to the goodwill of Priti Patel. Offering a cereal bar to a lorry driver that has been stuck on the M20 for 2 nights is an embarrassment and an outrage. Basic welfare provision should be provided for any worker irrespective of the job you do.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Hannah-Rogers
  • Close down Hardware and DIY only Stores during Tier 4 Lockdown
    Keeping more stores open is increasing the risk of infection rates and allowing this new, higher-risk mutation of COVID-19 to spread quicker. Hardware stores were never classed as essential during the March lockdown and thus should remain that way. I am pretty sure the public can survive the Coronavirus without Christmas Lights, Dinner Plates or Bathroom Mirrors. Food however is your main concern and should be limited to these stores only. Unless of course, the government is willing to put money situations over people's lives.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandon Thompson
  • Scrap Summer Time
    Daylight saving time is unnatural and has shown to have more unintentional negatives than intentional positives, particularly for health reasons because an artificial alteration of time, even by a single hour, is shown to be harmful and detrimental, especially to those with mental health issues - furthermore, due to this body clock disruption, the body's functionality and potential is limited and cannot reach its full potential. Natural solar time (IE: GMT) also matters on a practical level - for eons, man has been in sync with the Earth's rotation, and disrupting this carefully concocted balance also disrupts the natural lunar calendar of the year as well as the now-standard Gregorian calendar, giving the summer season an unfair advantage (8 months of daylight saving time versus 4 months of natural solar time - the goal here is to make it 50/50, as it should be). From personal experience, I have found it extremely jarring to lose (or gain) an additional hour biannually. As someone with inconsistent sleep patterns and issues with anxiety and a disability (AS), I find this pointless changing back-and-forth more than irritating and counterproductive. This biannual tendency has been standard practice in much of the West since the 1960s and it serves no practical or logical purpose, so why is it still in effect?
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stefano Pavone
  • Keep schools closed after Christmas
    We have gone into Tier 4 in the South East and many parts of the country due to a new strain of covid which is a far more virulent strain. We have seen an exponential rise covid cases and have been told to stay at home, do not travel, do not go out except for emergencies. Except for our children. They are not being protected or safeguarded against this awful virus. We will see far more infection cases and far more unnecessary deaths if schools remain open. We must safeguard our children which in turn will safeguard our elderly and our overly stretched NHS. Greenwich Council, quite rightly,closed schools to safeguard their pupils. Gavin Williamson, knowing that the young were the most susceptible age group to the new strain of covid, threatened the council with legal action if they weren't re-opened. This resulted in a huge rise of 10 to 19 year old children being infected in the South East, mainly London, which in turn has led to an exponential rise in hospital admissions and, yet more unnecessary deaths. Oh and, on a side note, Christmas being cancelled! Australia and New Zealand have eradicated this virus with a lockdown that included all schools closing. Education continue remotely. We could do the same, eradicate the virus whilst still educating our children remotely. Every school in England has the facilities and capability of teaching children remotely, the curriculum can still be followed but at the same time, we could finally ensure we protect our community, our elderly and our NHS. Children MUST be safeguarded, they are being terribly let down. Please safeguard our children, close the schools, let them learn safely, let them learn remotely.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathryn Bhola
  • Homeless
    Its important because there's elderly and vulnerable people live here were all going to be homeless.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Booth
  • Increase The Chargeback Time Frame
    Many people either don't report scams or don't report them straight away because they are embarrassed about what's happened to them, people that have been scammed by a romance scammer are even less likely to talk report it immediately. In cases concerning APP Fruad & Product Received Not As Provided" that occurs when a company or a seller sends out an item that doesn't match what was advertised, we have seen several incidents where the scammer deliberately slows down & drags out conversations for months to avoid people being able to request a chargeback. Scammers will deliberately communicate with you on a very low lever with fake promises of a refund, this is to prevent you from speaking to your bank. These are the reasons thag we are camping for the alotted time frame to be extended to 120 from the date of the transaction, this will give people a greater chance of recovering any lost funds.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robbie Mitchell
  • Remove Kemi Badenoch from her post as Equalities Minister
    The role requires an experienced person, one who understands equalities issues and is seeking justice for those who are being discriminated against rather than continuing the current agenda which undermines Black African, Caribbean people, Asian and other minority ethnic groups. She is not fit for her role and is a reflection of a system that is wilfully trying to uphold a discriminatory agenda by using a person of colour to deliver a smokescreen of rhetoric that prevents the issue of racial inequality being dealt with effectively.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Beatrice Joseph
  • Body balance class
    This class has helped many members stay healthy, energised and positive in the past and particularly through this difficult year. Angeliki brings an energy and passion that makes this class unique and valuable to each member in a different way. We as members wish to continue with body balance on the timetable.
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by varuschka nagesar
  • Protect Individuals in the Public Eye
    Year after year people are suffering with their mental health and people that are in the public eye, i.e. influencers, singers, writers and tv hosts are subject to some of the most hate any one person should receive. There needs to be stricter rules and guideline in place to protect people. When receiving hate comments and messages it effects mental health and they don't have support in place from others to help and social media platforms allow the trolling to continue. The time has come for change, laws need to be in place to stop trolling, homophobic and racist comments.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Connor Southern