• Grant for those self employed for less than a year
    Because we have had the same financial impact on our lives,but seem to have been forgotten by the government..everyone e in the country has had some form.of furlough money,apart from the newly self employed
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Merritt
  • Fair support for the self employed
    With another national lockdown about to begin, once again the self employed are being unfairly treated. Through the SEISS scheme, the self employed have already missed out on 2 months worth of support. Payment 1 was for ‘3 months to May’ so March, April, May. Therefore the second payment is for June, July, August. But now, the third payment is for November, December, January and the fourth is for February, March and April. What happened to September and October?? Please account for the missing months. Now we are heading into a second lockdown where 80% furlough is extended but the self employed are expected to survive a second lockdown on 40% support (with no support at all for the last 2 months). Please review this and make it fair.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Cryer
  • A Statue for Sir Sean Connery
    Sean Connery rose from a humble background in Edinburgh's Fountainbridge to become one of the most iconic and much-loved actors of all time. He was a great ambassador for the city and for Scotland as a whole, and a man who proved that Scots can achieve great things.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leslie Thomson
  • Means test MP expenses in line with benefits and other govt support
    The average UK salary is £30k. The basic MP salary is £81k (putting them in the top 5%). On top of this MPs can take other well-paid jobs for example in journalism or public speaking and claim for expenses, sometimes in the region of £50k. The average person is unable to claim expenses, their only option is to seek extra help in the form of benefits where their incomes and assets are thoroughly assessed and help is denied if they are lucky enough to have over £16k in savings, and minimized if they have over £6k in savings. This disparity needs assessing. MPs complacency and reliance on expenses breeds contempt for the average person looking for a little extra support but it's the MPs who are truly receiving the "hand-out" that they claim to despise. With such a large divide between wealth, means and class, how can MPs truly relate to their constituents? Can an MP with savings worth £2M and claiming £40K expenses really understand what it's like to be living on £28K and struggling to sustain a family because you're oh-so-slowly saving up (£17k in 6 years!) to buy a house so the kids don't have to share a room?
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Claire Wilkie
  • Free health care for veteran dogs
    They put their lives on the line like their handlers, what should they have less rights. These dogs prevent a family getting the awful knock on the door, they prevent a soldier standing on a device that could at least change their life and they show the direction of danger at every turn. This alone should grant them free healthcare, they do this without permission, men and women volunteer, the dogs are voluntold!!!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Bennett
  • CBRE Removed, Reduction in service charge
    This is affecting a lot of leaseholders, we feel deceived, taken advantage and have been facing am ongoing battle against professional extorters.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by chandini bharwani
  • Stop charging more to those less able to pay
    Paying annually financially rewards those that are capable of paying road tax as an annual lump sum. There is no doubt a large number of people who can't afford to pay the annual fee upfront; so opt for the 6 month option. Why are these people, who are financially less able, penalised into paying a larger total annual sum? Changing this practice, of charging more to those who can least afford it, needs to STOP! This systemic bias which financially penalises the poorer in society needs to be abolished. The systems and decisions that continue to widen financial inequalities need to be rooted out in all industries and organisations. This type of financial penalisation of the poorer members of our society is rife practice in many companies. The government should lead by example and put an end to this practice!
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandeep Saini Picture
  • Restore Carers Allowance to Pensioners
    As soon as one starts to get a State Pension you lose any Carers Allowance (already at a ridiculously low rate!). Carers provide an enormous saving to the Government and at the very time of greatest need they are penalised unfairly.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeremy Latham
  • Revoke the BBC's new political impartiality rules
    The BBC, nor any organisation, cannot and should not dictate what legal activities their employees engage in outside of work, as they have a right to respect for private and family life as set out in Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 1998. Furthermore, supporting equality and demanding fundamental human rights for disadvantaged and minority groups across the race and gender spectrums, amongst others, is not a political partial act, as the Human Rights Act 1998 and Equality Act 2010 clearly set out the obligations of the government and society they represent; merely asking for these obligations to be met is not a political action and Tim Davie and the BBC should acknowledge this, or be guilty of the very partiality they claim to be trying to avoid.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Wynd
  • Underground cables instead of giant pylons
    The proposed route runs along the edge of the Galloway Forest Park, an area of stunning scenic beauty beloved by locals and tourists alike and home to a treasure of wildlife, many endangered, such as eagles, Cuckoos, wood warblers, song thrushes, grey wagtails, tawny owls and red squirrels. For around an extra £95 million it’s possible to bury the cables along the existing power line route and protect a precious irreplaceable landscape. This is Galloway’s pride and joy and four years at least of construction will also severely disrupt tourism, a main source of economic revenue valuable to our communities, as well as causing great distress to local communities. At a time when our ecosystems are under enormous stress. this fragile ecosystem needs to be protected. There is also still time to lodge an objection to the SPEN proposal. Closing date NOVEMBER 13th.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan Blaschek
  • Premier league box office
    Sky and BT sports already charge customers to watch premier league football. Why especially at this time are they allowed to charge £14.99 per game on top of an annual subscription
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geoffrey Allen
  • Extend East Finchley Controlled Parking Zone to include Chandos Road N2
    The introduction of new cycle lanes on the High Road has removed significant parking capacity forcing many more cars to park on Chandos Road. This has left residents often unable to park on the road with no other options near by. It has also impacted the businesses at the end of the road.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rupert Lodge