• Bed & Breakfast Hardship Funding
    To help support businesses during the tighter restrictions in the Central Belt area
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Andy Davis
  • Deer Park Drive Speed Control Measures
    To improve road safety. There are too many speeding drivers. There have been multiple pet deaths on the road. Concerned about accidents and injuries.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Alder
  • Halloween decorations at grave side
    Because we done it every year since she sadly passed away we do it for easter christmas her birthday and her Anniversary (never had a problem) And we do it so my kids and my brothers kids knows she joining us every year.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charley Breach
  • Ensure everyone presenting at a Devon A&E in a MH crisis is seen
    I understand the logic in wanting someone to avoid A&E unless they have co-morbid psychical injury, however people often feel scared, like they have nowhere else to go. If someone reaches somewhere safe like A&E it is absolutely vital that they are seen. It seems morally wrong that this service is now shielded, asking people to phone the First Response call centre even once they have arrived at A&E, to reduce the amount of people being seen. To someone in severe distress, this could be the last straw and make them feel as if they don’t deserve help and that they shouldn’t have reached out. Those in a mental health crisis are highly vulnerable individuals who could be at serious risk of harm, many will not be able to talk on the phone. I have unfortunately had first-hand experience of this new system. Appendix 1.4.1 of this NHS England document from 2016, “Achieving Better Access to 24/7 Urgent and Emergency Mental Health Care”, states “ The evidence-based treatment pathway introduced in this guide requires that people who need urgent and emergency mental health care receive an evidence-based package of care informed by NICE guidance within four hours of presenting in an ED or referral from a ward. • An urgent and emergency liaison mental health service should respond to the person within one hour of receiving a referral. An emergency response consists of a review to decide on the type of assessment needed and arranging appropriate resources for the assessment (see Section 4.2.2) c The NCCMH, a partnership between the Royal College of Psychiatrists and University College London, was one of the national collaborating centres first established by NICE in 2001 to develop clinical guidelines. d Forthcoming on the NICE website. • Within four hours of arriving in an ED or being referred from a ward it is recommended that the person should: • have received a full biopsychosocial assessment, and • have an urgent and emergency mental health care plan in place, and • at a minimum, be en route to their next location if geographically different, or • have been accepted and scheduled for follow-up care by a responding service, or • have been discharged because the crisis has resolved OR • have started a Mental Health Act assessment. ” It’s worth noting that official NHS England advice on nhs.uk, (https://www.nhs.uk/using-the-nhs/nhs-services/mental-health-services/where-to-get-urgent-help-for-mental-health/) remains the same: " Call 999 or go to A&E now if: • someone's life is at risk – for example, they have seriously injured themselves or taken an overdose •you do not feel you can keep yourself or someone else safe A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a physical one. You will not be wasting anyone's time. Call: 999 Find your nearest A&E "
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicholas Hayman
  • Energy costs during the pandemic
    The energy companies already make vast profits, this had been massively inflated during the initial lockdown period and continues to do so whine people are working from home. Other sectors are struggling and the government have put together a number of packages to assist businesses yet the energy companies are still raking the money in while people are in distress.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Dobson
  • Amateur football and mental health in young people
    Mental health is a real issue, more especially during this pandemic, everyone has to make sacrifices to stay safe but there is a solid argument for this campaign
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Kenney
  • Paperless Offices
    45% of office printouts end up in the trash every day! The Environmental Paper Network reports that over the past 50 years, there’s been a four-fold increase in global consumption of paper. Despite the fact, that we live in the era of digitization and have all the tools we need to make paperless offices a real thing, our love affair with paper has continued and there is no sign that this madness will end soon. But it should end now, because that's what the people want: 89% of Gen Zers said they are concerned about the planet’s health, and of this, 94% were of the view that businesses should help address urgent issues. And they are right! Climate change isn't only caused by diesel engines and coal-fired power plants. It's a challenge we all have to face together, both the industry and the people. In 2020, the year COVID-19 forced us to install digital workplaces across the globe, which are here to stay! In fact, BCG’s recent Workplace of the Future employer survey found that companies expect about 40% of their employees to follow a remote-working model in the future. That being said, it is an ideal time to rethink how many unnecessary copies of documents, customer orders, approval forms, and emails are printed each day. Vote for our environment, vote for the trees, and vote for paperless offices now! (Source 1: https://www.myhubintranet.com/paper-saving-tips-12-ways/) (Source 2: https://environmentalpaper.org/) (Source 3: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2020/remote-work-works-so-where-do-we-go-from-here)
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erika Taylor
  • Call time on the greedy MPs who voted against free school meals!
    Children should never be left to go hungry. 4.5 million kids in the UK are living below the breadline, while MPs - having given themselves a pay-rise in March this year - are claiming back meal expenses and even having subsidised drinks in the parliament bar! The Mill Pub in Yorkshire has set the standard - these MPs think they can snatch meals from our kids, well, let's see how they like it when they're banned from every pub in the country!!! It's time for the biggest pub chains in the country to step up and show who's side they're on. If enough of us sign today then we can show these greedy MPs that they can't get away with starving our kids.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Danny McFoot
  • Mark all Scottish properties where Slavery compensation was paid to residents with a plaque
    It is important that we recognise the importance of Scotland in the slave trade and in particular how the most sought after areas of our cities owe their elegance to the abject ugliness of that trade.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Falconer
  • Link Ministers and MP’s Salary increases to rises in the minimum wage
    Previous government has secured a "get out" committee for the setting of their wages that ignores the state of the economy that their Government Ministers and MPs are ultimately responsible for. This has led to MPs salaries way above inflation while they vote against wage increases for others for reasons of affordability. Linking pay in this way is a simple way to use performance related pay to remunerate our leaders. It would hopefully help to bring back some fairness and trust to politics.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Neil Dixon
  • House sale completion day before move day
    Because removal companies are sat around in loaded removal vehicles all across the uk waiting for completion. Removal staff sat around unnecessarily waiting, getting home from work late. Customers having to pay waiting time for any hold ups. Complete the day before so let’s are available on the morning of move day
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Owen
  • Letter to MP Geoffrey Cox to reconsider his vote to
    Dear Mr Cox, Currently the world is facing a situation that many generations have fortunately never had to live through, this of course being the pandemic of COVID-19. Sadly, there has already been too much heart break, with the loss of loved ones, closures or business, a loss of jobs to name but a few problems that we have inherited from this horrible environment. I am sure that as a member of parliament representing our constituency that you are doing everything you can to try help members of our community as they struggle through this difficult time. You can imagine my surprise when you voted against the extensions of free school meals to children in need up to the Easter period. I find this perplexing as in September the Prime Minster expected this period of restrictions to last up to 6 months, where I’m sure that many people will be struggling to make ends meet. Our constituency is very close and caring, where already local restaurants have reacted by providing free school meals to children during the October half term, however this should not be their responsibility to provide nourishment during this crisis. The winter period is hard on us all, and nourishment is vital for a child to be healthy over this period, not just in terms of growing but also to fight of illnesses, something which I would have though the government would have place at a high importance given the current climate. Although I did not vote for the current government, I am no means against them. I have nothing but respect for any member of the public who is trying their best to improve the country whilst helping people. I say this because this issue is not a liberal of conservative decisions. This is a humanitarian problem. Politics has no place in poverty, only morals and ethics. The decision to not feed a child in need has no excuse, no explanation. The action itself says it all. I understand you have your reasons to vote against the bill which I would be interested to hear. Perhaps you could answer questions of the public in a live feed so we as a people can debate with are elected official. However, I strongly urge you to reconsider your decision and realise the damaging effect this may have on our local community. I wish you and you family well during this difficult time and look forward to hearing a response from you. Yours Sincerely, Mr Hugo Blick
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hugo Taylor-Helps