• Addressing children in poverty in England
    Understand the impact of reforms on children where many other vulnerable groups are protected somewhat from the programmes of welfare reform, children remain vulnerable to its effects. Understanding the impacts of these reforms on children should help inform policies and encourage thinking about how to mitigate these effects.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruno De Oliveira
  • Free school meals during half term and Christmas
    These familys are struggling enough during this pandemic and stressing over feeding their children or paying the Bill's. In this day and age no child should be left to go hungry.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Mcnaughton
  • Make Toilets a statutory requirement of all councils and unitry authorities
    Especially prevelent during this Covid19 pandemic public toilets are a vital necessity. Key workers left without toilets within lock down when they need them the most but also a much needed facility for many disabled and able bodied people alike.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Roffey
  • Free windows, doors and insulation grants for Scotland Homeowners like England is doing
    This will let people live in the living conditions everyone now a days should be living in and can potentially save many, many lives for so many elderly and anyone who has lost their job through pandemic or cannot work for health or many other reasons. The last thing Scotland needs now is badly insulated homes more people getting ill while we try fight a deadly virus.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lara Seoane Mendez
  • Financial support for CEV unable to work after end of furlough scheme
    To support people who find themselves having income drastically reduced due to having medical conditions that mean they cannot safely return to work
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shirley Hunt
  • Plan a new Graduation ceremony for YSJ 2020 graduates
    The decision to completely cancel the 2020 graduation ceremony is not just disappointing, but heartbreaking for all of the students who have worked tirelessly to complete their degrees in the face of the incredibly difficult times 2020 has presented. Give us the ceremony we deserve, in the summer. This may involve adapting celebrations to take place predominantly outside, or restricting the number of guests, but cancelling the ceremony all together should not be an option.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jasmine Stainton
  • Remove the Sackler Name from British Art Institutions
    We should not give publicity to those whose money has come either directly or indirectly from their opioid OxyContin
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jonathan stone
  • Feed our vulnerable children
    No child should ever go hungry in a rich country
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denny Soffe
  • Move weddings to the 21st century
    The wedding industry has been hit hard by the covid-19 pandemic....so have all the couples who have had to postpone or cancel their weddings, often at considerable cost financially and emotionally. Some couples would like a ceremony that their loved ones can see whilst they are there to see it (which is acutely the case during a pandemic). Yes we need to give people time to object to ensure the marriages are legal and consentual but there shouldn't be a need to be specific (and pay for each time it is changed!) about the date and time, it isn't a Hollywood film and people aren't going to burst through the doors to object.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lauren Sewell
  • Make bridlington more wheelchair friendly
    I am a wheelchair user and struggle to get around due to the issues above. Many wheelchair users will agree that they should think about us more and make it more wheelchair friendly.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Allsopp
  • Change the marketing name of “Kaffir Lime Leaves” to it’s Thai name “Makrut Lime Leaves”
    The word “Kaffir” has roots in the Arabic language but has come to be a racial slur, usually directed at Black African people, around the world. It’s etymology with regards to the fruit and tree is not clear, however it is believed to have racial connotations. Lime leaves are increasingly becoming a cupboard and freezer staple in the UK thanks to the growth in popularity of Thai food on the British isles. The name “Makrut” is commonly used in Thailand and the name is free of any racial or negative connotations. “Makrut” is a more suitable term for our retailers to market this produce under. Britain has a proud history of multiculturalism and anti-racism. Whilst the term “Kaffir” may not be in common usage here, it’s meaning can still be felt by many who reside in the UK. Food is a cultural cornerstone and every dish we eat reflects thousands of years of human history, as well as trillions of years of natural history. It always reflect the movement and integration of peoples, and we can nurture and promote that by giving lime leaves the name they deserve. We can prevent the unnecessary use of an offensive racial epithet by people who simply want to enjoy good food.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jordan Jones
  • Children before politics
    Families are facing unprecedented hardship. The Child Poverty Action group stated today that: “We've reached a low point if in the midst of a pandemic we can't make sure children in the lowest income families have a nutritious meal in the middle of the day."
    776 of 800 Signatures
    Created by natashia variava