SAVE OUR GREENBELTThe Council intend to change the green belt to brown belt in a small quaint rural village at Broomhill in Barnsley. We want to stop the application to build on our green belt. The effect this will have on our village and the abundance of wild life will be catastrophic. Both residents and visitors alike enjoy the countryside that surrounds us from dog walkers, bird watchers to ramblers. Our wild life play a big part in making our village an attraction to all. The influx of traffic and housing would be devastating. We have an abundance of squirrels, rabbits, foxes, owls and bats to name a few not to mention an extremely large variety of birds. The surrounding wetlands attracts, swans, geese, ducks, coots and a variety of other wild life. To build on our green belt would be devastating to the wild life not to mention the residents who have enjoyed the peace and tranquillity of living in the countryside.336 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Sharon Baker
We want Max returned to his rightful ownerWe as a community have come together and want each and every one of our voices heard and this matter investigated!!!! We feel that the police have not fulfilled their lawful duty to a member of the public who is a law abiding citizen. This lady reported her dog missing in 2016 from Barry in the vale of glamorgan. She had obeyed the law and had her bichon called max microchipped and registered in her name. She followed all the right procedures when he went missing, He was reported to all the relevant authorities and his microchip was flagged as missing. He is on the doglost website aswell as an abundance of missing dog groups on the internet. This lady aswell as numerous dog groups and their thousands of members have endlessly searched and followed up every possible lead and sighting etc into his whereabouts. She has tirelessly searched for her dog since the day he went missing. A few days ago even though he's been flagged as missing she discovered he has been re registered to someone else. The chip company refuse to pass on the new keepers details and the police say it's a civil matter so won't help her. We stand together with her and feel this is a huge injustice not just to her but to every single pet owner out there!!! We want the police to investigate this matter and are hugely appalled by their lack of interest in this case. This is not a civil matter But is either firstly theft in its own right or it's theft by finding. Either way it's a criminal offence. Also we feel by the chip company and the police by protecting the (CRIMINAL),S identity when they are not the real owners of this animal but who are in fact handling stolen goods makes both the police and the chip company guilty of aiding and abetting a criminal act. You as the police have a duty of care to us members of the public and we are calling on you to do just that. We want our rights as pet owners protected. We will not stop until max is returned to his rightful owner and will share his story all over the media aswell as follow complaint procedures. Please Take note of the number of people that have signed this and do your job please do whats right in the eyes of the law by stopping this injustice and protect the victim in all this not the criminal. Get max home where he belongs Make a stand so other dog thieves think twice in future. It's important because our pets are not inanimate worthless objects. They are our family members. Pet theft is a huge problem and the police need to treat it the same as any other crime.359 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Becky Wright
Change the Law for Dog Theft in the UKFollowing the theft of Ivy, the five other cockers from the same area on the same night, the four stolen from a house in Weymouth, six dogs stolen in Harvington (2 yellow labs, a Patterdale, Jack Russell, a cocker spaniel and a collie), six cocker spaniels in New Mill Yorkshire and six cocker spaniels from Lepton, the more recent theft of Olive, who has fortunately been reunited with her family( video of their reunion can be seen by clicking in this link https://www.facebook.com/natalie.king.14224/videos/952727631559981/ and the many many other incidents of stolen dogs reported on a daily basis up and down the country, we are raising a petition to be presented to the UK Government, for the attention of Michael Gove MP. The link below was an article about Dog Theft Statistics, published in June 2017, highlighting the statistics for 2014/16 https://www.express.co.uk/news/nature/816125/Dog- theft-UK-stolen-statistics-Britain-police-figures Justice for Ivy UK (Facebook Group) was born after the cruel and heartbreaking abduction, and subsequent abhorrent death, of beautiful Ivy, cocker spaniel, taken from her home in Devon in December 2017. Incidents of all animal theft have increased at an alarming rate over the past few years, and we feel it is time that both the government and the police authorities take these incidents seriously, and treat our beloved pets as members of our families, and deal with them accordingly. All animals deserve a safe and happy life. Justice for Ivy UK13,408 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Carolyn Johnson
come on one stop head office have a heartthe community feel very strongly about this so much it has hit the news and also the papers the cat has been visiting way before it was a one stop238 of 300 SignaturesCreated by michelle sheriff
Time to Clean up Scotland's Salmon Farming IndustryMany jobs and much of Scotland's iconic wildlife depend on the health of our coastal environment. But Fergus Ewing, Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy & Connectivity (REC) is determined to expand Scotland’s production of farmed salmon by 2030. This would be an act of sheer recklessness given the grave concerns surrounding the industry as it is practised today. The REC committee will hold an inquiry into salmon farming in Scotland later this year. It is vital that we make our voices heard and let our MSPs know that there can be no expansion of salmon farming without radical reform. Here are the issues at stake: • Scotland's seas are home to incredible wildlife, including wild salmon, sea trout, porpoises, dolphins, whales and seals and are home to a wealth of life on the seabed which is vital to our valuable crab, prawn and lobster fisheries. They are under acute threat because of the harmful impacts of open net salmon farming. • A truly sustainable coastal economy can regenerate around many uses of restored seas and fisheries. Jobs are precious in rural areas. By allowing one industry to pollute the sea, we threaten jobs that use the sea sustainably, such as well-managed fisheries and wildlife tourism. By protecting them, the coastal economy can thrive long term. • Parasitic sea lice, thriving in overcrowded open net salmon pens, are driving wild salmon and sea trout numbers to dangerously low levels. • Toxic chemicals to treat sea lice now exceed safe levels in at least 45 Scottish sea lochs, and studies implicate them in harm to crustaceans and other forms of marine life far from the farm cages. • Some 130 salmon farms on Scotland's west coast use Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) to scare away seals with loud underwater noises. If the ADDs don’t work, fish farmers are permitted to simply shoot them.These ADDs also affect porpoises, dolphins and whales, even though it is illegal to disturb them. • Now the industry, with the government's support, wants to double its annual production to around 300,000 tonnes of salmon by 2030. The environmental impacts are already dangerous, so if you care about the health of our marine environment, please act now! Tell the Scottish Government that salmon farmers must clean up their act before they are allowed to expand. The Salmon Aquaculture Reform Network Scotland (SARNS) is a growing coalition of community, coastal and environmental groups and concerned individuals from all over the west coast and islands of Scotland. We are campaigning for immediate reform of the salmon farming industry. Find out more here: https://salmonaquaculturescotland.wordpress.com/clean-up-scotlands-unsustainable-fish-farming-industry/ Thank you!3,944 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by SARNS Salmon Aquaculture Reform Network Scotland
RIVER ITCHEN - URGENT POLLUTION APPEALBakkavor Alresford Salads have applied to the Environment Agency for a renewal licence to continue to put into the river their daily factory wash down described as TRADE EFFLUENT containing a cocktail of powerful chemicals to replace and supposedly improve on the chlorine based biocide they have been using for years. Their impenetrable application can be found at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/so24-9dz-bakkavor-foods-limited-environmental-permit-application-advertisement This application is important to the river and the environment and raises many questions, some of which are listed below; Is the quality of the river Itchen important? YES. It is protected by being in a Site Special Scientific Interest and has the highest European rating as a Special Area of Conservation. Has the Environment Agency, charged with protection of this pristine and iconic river, been successful over the last twenty years? NO. Alresford Pond is now full of man made chemicals and the Upper Itchen fails water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive and falls short of conservation objectives under the EU Habitats Directive. How does the Upper Itchen compare with other rivers? VERY BADLY. Directly comparable sampling has shown that the Upper Itchen carries about 5% of the shrimp population in the upper river Meon which has no washing plant. This is indicative of what is happening to all fly and bug life in the Itchen. Is the water quality in the Itchen improving? There is NO EVIDENCE that it is and much evidence of a thirty year uninterrupted decline. Does polluting the river matter? YES. It matters to all aquatic life from sticklebacks to trout and much bird life from king fishers to swifts. Does chlorine discharged from the factory dissipate? YES after years if discontinued. If this licence renewal is refused is there an alternative? YES. The factory should connect to the sewer for all contaminated water. Has the Environment Agency required any other company to do this? YES. The salad washing plant at St Mary Bourne was obliged to make this connection years ago despite the Bourne not having the environmental protection of the Itchen.. Can the company afford the cost of making the connection? YES. The owners Bakkovor, a multinational company, has an income of £1.7billion a year. If the contaminated factory discharge went to the sewer would it resolve the river’s pollution problem? Probably not but it would be a first step. IF YOU BELIEVE THAT THIS LICENCE SHOULD NOT BE ISSUED BY THE ENVIRONMENT AGENCY YOU SHOULD WRITE TO: ENVIRONMENT AGENCY, Permitting and Support Centre, WQ Team, Quadrant 2, 99 Parkway Avenue, SHEFFIELD , S9 4WF Although not directly relevant to this licence you might also ask yourself whether you think that the pesticides, insecticides, fertilizer, soil or whatever, should not be washed off these salad vegetables in the various countries of their origin rather than trucked or flown and trucked to Alresford to be washed into the pure spring water of the River Itchen.7,584 of 8,000 SignaturesCreated by Jim Murray
Save Braunton Marshes from being lost before it’s too lateApart from being an example of prime pasture land, the marshes contain a concentrated diverse range of protected British wildlife that is equalled nowhere else in the country. Many of the identified creatures that thrive there are protected by law. Braunton Marshes are a prime example of how traditional farming methods have sustained wildlife for over a century. Grazing Marsh is identified as a priority habitat within the Devon BAP (Biodiversity Action Plans). It is part of our history and heritage, and arguably a habitat of national importance. There are various buildings that are Grade 2 listed on the Marshes. Safe public access to the iconic Crow Point Beach (AONB and SSSI) will be eradicated. This situation has been allowed to escalate to a point where immediate action must now be taken or we lose it forever.3,931 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Rozalind Best
BBC should make Pagan voices heardThe BBC recently published a review of its religious programming however despite getting the views from a range of religious leaders, no Pagans were consulted. Thought for the Day (T4tD) goes out on Radio 4 and despite it being multi-faith it has no Pagan voices on it. According to the 2011 Census, Pagans make up 0.2% of all people in the UK expressing a religion (this will be understated given our natural reluctance to make ourselves know!). By comparison 0.6% identified as Buddhists but had 3% of T4tD broadcasts and 0.7% identified as Jewish with 5% of T4tD broadcasts. It is clear we are being discriminated against. Nature based religions have never had more relevance than now with climate change hurting the world and plastic soup killing our oceans. Human animals are failing to honour Nature despite us being part of her. Having voices in the media that have a different regard to the world of which we are part is more necessary now than ever.2,122 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Stuart Jeffery
For Bugs' Sake - Stop Tilbury ExpansionThe former Tilbury Power Station site supports an amazing assemblage of invertebrates, including 159 species of conservation concern and 31 rare or threatened species; among them the Shrill carder bee (Bombus sylvarum), Blue carpenter bee (Ceratina cyanea), Four-banded weevil-wasp (Cerceris quadricincta), Puff-ball beetle (Caenocara bovistae) and Green malachite beetle (Malachius vulneratus). Over half of high biodiversity potential brownfield sites in the Thames Gateway have been destroyed since 2007, but Tilbury is an exceptionally important site for open mosaic habitat invertebrates. The mix of substrates, including Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA) and Lytag, has fostered the development of the unusual drought stressed grasslands, lichen heaths, and herb and lichen-rich grasslands that support the endangered species. The incredible assemblage of invertebrates currently found on the Tilbury site won’t be able to survive the development. Much positive work is needed to save brownfield biodiversity in the Thames Gateway, but destroying this wildlife jewel will take out one of the last remaining large areas of wildflower rich habitat.75,323 of 100,000 SignaturesCreated by Paul Hetherington
Bottle Deposit SchemeIt is estimated that at least 8 million tonnes of plastic leak into the ocean every year – which is equivalent to dumping the contents of one rubbish truck into the ocean every minute. This plastic then causes harm to our wildlife, pollutes our water, washes up on our shores and even ends up in our food chain.159 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Bottle-less .
Stop the destruction of North West coast breeding and fish stocks.Due to fylde coasts uniquely shallow waters the dumping of 19000 tonnes daily would wreak havoc along the whole of the coastline,destroying all micro organisms and right the way up the food chain. Livelihoods through fishing,shrimpers and recreational anglers are all going to suffer from this devastating ecological disaster. Please sign and let's save the North West coastline from pollution.1,295 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Colin Earnshaw
STOP PUPPY FARMINGBecause the way we treat our animals reflects on us all as a nation. Why should these so called breeders be allowed to ignore animal welfare laws, carry on their disgusting practice and lining their pockets whilst dogs die in squalid conditions in agony. These animals have no voice no protection its up to us to protect them from cruelty and exploitation and force the British and Irish government to act on their behalf.256 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lesley Saxelby
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