• Send our Returned drugs to Ukrainian refugees
    Help the people of Ukraine to have a continuous supply of medicine. Stop the waste of unopened and important medication. Medication is returned to Pharmacies for many reasons, because someone has a change of dose, a change of drug, they do not need to take them anymore or someone passed away, to name just a few. It’s disgraceful when people are going without and may fall sick without continuity of medication .
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marina Saldanha
  • Please save Derby Marketplace Marquee
    To keep creativity and culture with room for new opportunities alive within the city.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Hempsall
  • Tim Curry National Treasure Petition to receive an Honour from the Queen
    I admire and respect Mr Currys talent and dedication to his craft that I would love to see him receive an award in recognition of his work. A Queens honour would be a fitting way to thank this wonderful man for his talent and service to show business.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gill Briggs
  • Stop the imminent closure of Brighton Health Club
    Several thousand members and around 100 staff have been left in shock when being informed that on the 21st November the club will close. The University is behaving with complete disregard to the impact their action is having on the club community and the staff who work there. Despite professing to value the community and championing mental health causes, the University’s behaviour is unethical and reprehensible. We ask the university to reconsider its decision and by keeping the facility open and thus make a contribution to the well-being of several thousand people. Mahatma Gandhi said, ‘Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.’ Dear Professor Humphris we would love you to be happy!
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christina Kadir
  • Recognize Toyah and Robert Fripp for their selfless work during lockdown
    People like Toyah and Robert passionately support people and have helped so much during lockdown to ease the mental burden lockdown has had on so many people.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Bear
  • Cottingham Skatepark
    We truly believe that a skatepark in the village will give children, teens and parents a place to gather and bond over a passion or potential interest in skating or bmx. Currently, we have 3 play parks and none of them are suitable for the needs of older children. They are for younger children yet as older children have no where else to go, the equipment is taken over by older kids. My 2 year old often will not play as ‘big kids’ are on the play equipment. We need a space in the village that is designed to entertain our older children. They need an outlet that is designed for them and there needs; Somewhere they can learn new skills and challenge themselves. A skate park is exactly that. It caters for skate, bmx & rollerblading. All of which are sports that help develop balance, determination, stamina and resilience. It also encourage team spirit and a sense of belonging. If you pull off a trick you have been working on for some time, the whole park is elated! We are guilty in cottingham of caring only about our elders but it is our children who need more of a place in the community. Let’s give them what they need, want and deserve. I want to see my children thrive and have fun in my village, not in someone else’s.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Nicholson
  • Scotland's Rural and Island Young People's Call for Action
    Growing up in Rural and Island Scotland is a unique experience, with a diverse range of opportunity and challenges. This distinct experience needs to be recognised, and rural and island young people’s voices need to be heard on decisions that impact them. Rural and Island Young People have the support of a range of youth organisations but now we are looking for tangible commitment from elective representatives and decision makers to ensure meaningful participation.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Innes Morgan
  • The Famous Punch Bowl, Warwick, is under threat.
    LOSS OF THE PUNCH BOWL https://www.facebook.com/groups/643182409721539/?ref=share Although this Facebook group was created for the exchange of information about the history of pubs that once served Warwick but no longer exist, it might provide a useful space to help prevent another Warwick pub joining the ‘Lost List’. As already reported, planning permission to convert the Punch Bowl into a single private dwelling has been sought - by Graham Beamish Architect, Lenchwick, Worcestershire on behalf of Secret Properties Limited, Leamington. Although planning permission has been sought, it could be denied. Permission is, in general, considered and ‘dealt with’ by the planning office staff. However, if sufficient objections are raised, the application will be considered by the planning committee of the District Council. If you object to the loss of this pub, please complete the form at https://planningdocuments.warwickdc.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=_WARWI_DCAPR_88306. Refusal of permission can only be achieved by collective action - all objections submitted on this form are good and will highlight our concern. My reasons for retaining the Punch Bowl (and feel free to use any/all of them as you wish) will be focused on: 1. It is an asset to the community (often used for the social, well-being or social interests of the local community). 2. Unique to Warwick as it is the only regular music venue. 3. One of the very few pubs in Warwick providing room for social engagements e.g. wedding receptions. 4. One of the very few independent Warwick pubs - unattached to any large brewery. If there is sufficient interest in opposing Planning Application, it would be a good idea to start a Facebook Group for Saving the Punch Bowl. If there is any interest in forming a syndicate to buy the pub, that could also be organised through the new Facebook Group
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Evans
  • Save Ruthwell Savings Bank
    To safe guard the historical connection the savings bank has in Ruthwell.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hazel Stevens
  • Fleetsbridge skatepark
    Because many kids teens and adults alike are getting into skateboarding after lockdown and the closest skatepark is a small old metal park which is mostly made for more experienced skaters. Alot of us will benefit from it.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Noah Travers
  • Watch Your Speed (Bexhill Road)
    Bexhill Road has encountered problems with vehicles travelling at high speed for many years. However, since the removal of the uneven road surfaces the road has become a major cut through for traffic, with vehicles travelling over the designated speed limit. Frequently in excess of 50 mph. The residents of Bexhill Road have requested that Brighton & Hove City Council take action, and sadly varying excuses have been made to avoid implementing safety measures. The residents would like the council to take immediate action for the safety of the residents and young children that live in the street.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jade Robertson
  • Stop English football clubs from forming a European super league
    If a European super league goes ahead the history of football in not only England but Spain, Italy and whichever other countries team decides to join goes down the drain. This scheme is only for the rich owners of football clubs and completely disregards the fans that have supported such clubs for decades.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sacha macy