• Help save artists' studios across Scotland
    Wasps is by far the biggest studio provider in Scotland, managing twenty buildings across the country – in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee, Inverness, Perth, Irvine, Kirkcudbright, Newburgh, Selkirk, Nairn, Skye, Shetland and Orkney. These are home to 1,000 artists – a large percentage of those working in Scotland. It is vital that the Wasps charity is run in a way that serves and supports these artists, otherwise there will be devastating consequences for Scotland’s cultural landscape and our society more broadly.
    1,894 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Our Studios Picture
  • Large shared wheelie bins for Acton
    To prevent the build up of mess on the streets and save money on regular clean ups.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Urwin
  • Let's Make it Happen: M&S Food for Stockbridge
    Here's why we believe this is not just beneficial but a perfect match: * Quality and Sustainability: Stockbridge is a community that values the high-quality and sustainable products that M&S offers. Your diverse product range would be welcomed with open arms and would align perfectly with our values. * Community Fit: With a rich demographic mix, Stockbridge is a perfect match for the broad customer base M&S caters to. The vacant unit on Raeburn Place is ideally sized and located to attract a constant stream of patrons. * Supporting Scottish Economy Ethically: M&S's commitment to supporting Scottish farmers and producers aligns with our desire to support local. Your presence would directly contribute to the economic growth of our region in a sustainable and ethical manner. * Promoting Ethical Sourcing: Your steadfast commitment to ethical sourcing would allow our community to feel confident in their food choices, knowing they align with our shared values of responsibility and sustainability. * Preserving Stockbridge's Unique Character: The vacant unit has a rich history, once housing a much-loved Scotmid supermarket and even a Woolworths in its past. M&S's presence would not only maintain the retail heritage of the space but would enhance and complement the unique charm of Stockbridge. The time is ripe for us to rekindle the initial excitement and demonstrate to you that Stockbridge eagerly awaits your return. This letter is accompanied by a petition signed by our community members, illustrating our collective support and desire for a brighter, sustainable, and prosperous future with M&S in Stockbridge. We sincerely hope you will consider our plea. Stockbridge is ready and eager for the return of the exciting prospect of an M&S Foodcourt. Thank you for your consideration, and we hope to welcome you soon to our vibrant community.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Robinson
  • Review and improve the quality of RFL match officials
    Because the RFL are not taking appropriate action to remedy this it needs pressure from people like us the fans to make them review and admit the failings and take measured action that changes this situation which is undermining our game
    234 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Terry Gould
  • Label media with sexual abuse warnings
    I am a firm believer in freedom of speech, expression and accessibility for all. However, freedom from responsibility shouldn't exist. Therefore a content warning on media is the responsibility of both the creators and regulators of said content. The reason others should involve themselves in this topic is because according to the NCPCC (2021), 1 in 20 children have experienced some form of sexual abuse. It's estimated that 3.1 million adults, 18-74, were sexually abused as children, before the age of 16 (ONS, 2020). It's likely you might know someone who survived sexual abuse as a child. It's likely you don't even know that you know someone who has survived abuse. Not everyone who was abused can be captured in statistics. I say all of this to say anyone with a traumatic past, of whom there are many, could be harmed by content that isn't correctly and specifically labeled. We need labels so we're in an informed position to decide whether we want to consume any given piece of media. We need this information so we can decide if consuming the media will result in us having a panic attack, a flashback, or an intrusive return of memories.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Crayford
  • Save our JEALOUS London rooftop sign
    Recently we received an unexpected letter from Hackney Council advising that we need to remove our beloved JEALOUS rooftop sign. We are devastated to receive this news. The rooftop sign has stood as a symbol of the company and has been a landmark in Shoreditch for almost a decade. Not only do we love our sign, businesses and passers-by have also shared their love for it and have expressed that they want it to be a key feature in the local area for years to come. In signing this petition you are showing support to preserve the sign. Your support means the world to us. Let's keep our beloved sign shining bright!
    2,290 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jealous London
  • Save Mamounia Lounge: A Venue Worth Preserving
    Dear supporters, We stand at a critical juncture in the history of our vibrant community. Mamounia Lounge, an innovative and well-loved establishment, faces an uncertain future due to proposed changes to our lease. We cannot allow this iconic venue to vanish from our lives, robbing Mayfair of an irreplaceable gem. Let us come together and raise our voices in a united plea to save Mamounia Lounge. Since opening our doors in 2004, Mamounia Lounge Mayfair has captivated Londoners and tourists alike. We quickly established ourselves as a premier destination for food lovers, outdoor smoking and those seeking an unforgettable experience. Our innovative Lebanese and Moroccan menu has dazzled many palates, and we hope to continue to do so for years to come. However, the landlord’s request threatens to extinguish the magic of Mamounia Lounge. The proposed redevelopment of the Curzon Cinema building, which includes the revocation of Mamounia Lounge's trading license, jeopardises both establishments that have become beloved institutions within our community. This development smacks of profiteering, disregarding the years of dedicated service Mamounia Lounge has provided to our local community and beyond. We cannot allow this loss to happen. The Curzon Cinema has initiated their own petition, and we are prepared to follow their lead in defending our treasured venues. The recent grant of Asset of Community Value (ACV) status by Westminster City Council provides some protection, but uncertainties surrounding the lease persist. By signing this petition, you affirm that the potential loss of Mamounia Lounge and the Curzon Cinema would severely impact our community's amenities. Together, we can send a resounding message, ensuring they understand the local impact and the number of individuals affected by their decision. The time to act is now. Sign the petition, and let our voices be heard!
    494 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Ammar Wafaie
  • Save Trisha's
    The club and its licence is under review and there is a threat of closure from Westminster Council. We believe that this would be a great loss to our community and support is needed in order to prevent the club being forced to close its doors. We believe that with the support of its members and the wider community, Trisha's can continue to thrive and provide a valuable service to its members for many more years to come. Please sign this petition to show your support and to urge the powers that be to keep the club open.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sabrina Murphy
  • Opposition to the development of Fleet Road Community Car Park
    We, the residents of Fleet Road Farnborough, and surrounding areas, vehemently oppose the proposed development of houses on the residents' car park between the Scout Hut and 13 Fleet Road, and we would like to bring your attention to several key objections: Environmental Impact: Constructing houses on this car park would harm the local environment, depriving residents of valuable open space that contributes to their well-being and quality of life. Legal Concerns: Changing the land use from a car park to housing raises significant legal issues, potentially breaching planning regulations and policies governing land use in Rushmoor. Land Ownership Dispute: There may be a dispute over the ownership of the land, as the council unilaterally assumed ownership without notifying or consulting the residents who believed they had legal rights to it. This situation requires a thorough investigation. Lack of Transparency: The council's actions in taking ownership without proper communication or engagement with affected residents undermine trust and violate our rights. Principles of transparency and due process must be upheld. Health and Safety Risks: Constructing houses without considering health and safety implications could lead to increased traffic congestion, limited emergency access, compromised pedestrian safety, and heightened pollution levels. Considering these objections, I urge Rushmoor Borough Council to reconsider the proposal and prioritize the preservation of open spaces, compliance with planning regulations, resolution of ownership disputes, and the safety and well-being of residents. We kindly request a thorough assessment of the potential impacts and legal ramifications, along with open dialogue with affected residents and exploration of alternative solutions that preserve the car park. This would demonstrate the council's commitment to the community's best interests. Thank you for your attention to these concerns. We trust that Rushmoor Borough Council will act responsibly in line with environmental sustainability, legal compliance, and the well-being of its constituents.
    224 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Ferguson
  • Splash park or built in paddling pool needed
    It is good for socialising, enjoying play time and the sun shine gets parents together to have a great day out even have picnics on the grass and in a updated playground for kids to burn there energy, some parents can not afford days out with this it would be a free facility it will also bring people together for all to enjoy This will also bring in more business for the local shop's cafe, it will benefit many people.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy King
    The high street as we knew it is dying. Our small market town is suffering a number of established businesses closing with no one wanting to fill the empty premises. Businesses are struggling to survive. Putting extra financial burden on businesses to change signage that the public actually thinks improves the area could discourage other small businesses from opening.
    2,613 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephannie Hazzard-Smith
  • Torphichen Community Centre - Risk of Closure
    We understand that West Lothian Council is currently undertaking a mapping exercise to understand how community centres are utilised by community groups. The likely outcome of this exercise will be the closure of Torphichen Community Centre at some point between 2025 and 2028. This would be travesty for our village where we rely on this community space and it is currently fully utilised. We need to try and stop this erosion of our community facilities by the Council and ensure that Torphichen Community Centre remains open for future generations. This is an essential facility for our village community. It is used by Torphichen Primary School for their assembly and sports activities. It is home to our After School Club, Jumping Beans, Torphichen Gala Day events, Beecraigs Archers, Zumba with Rachel and Pilates. Without this facility, there will be no-where else in the village for these activities to take place. This would be a blow for our community so please sign this petition to support the fight in attempting to keep our Community Centre open.
    250 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Holman