• Petition for more homeless shelters
    The idea of homeless shelters will provide people living in poverty with a purpose, and an improved quality of life. This will ensure they do not go a day without nourishment, will give them a chance to socialise and relate with other people in their position, and to make our streets a happier place for both inhabitants and the public.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gabriella Harper
  • VAR Must Go!
    Football fans are agreed that VAR is a complete shambles and is wrecking our national game. It is time for action - let's get something done about it.
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by William Edwards
  • Save the Place Cafe
    Dear LCDS Family, The Place Café, a cherished haven for 28 incredible years, now faces uncertainty as it potentially heads for re-tender. The higher-ups are considering changes, but we're resolute in our desire to preserve this vital hub. Mustafa, with his unwavering support and nurturing spirit, has turned The Place Café into a home away from home for many of you. This petition is our collective plea to The Place: Let's preserve Mustafa's Café and avoid putting it up for re-tender. If you've ever found solace within its walls or felt the genuine warmth of Mustafa's care, let's unite to ensure our dance family's hub remains intact. Sign, share, and let's convey to The Place that Mustafa's Café is not just a business; it's an integral part of our LCDS School experience, weaving unforgettable moments into the fabric of our community. In unity, The Place Cafe
    294 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Pinar Chaglar
  • Save our little Ryton Sainburys store
    Our Sainburys local store is the heart of our village and a vital part of the community. People stop off from all the villages around ryton to do a little shopping or pick up a parcel from argos. The store is very community based and is a vital lifeline for the people and smaller businesses around the area being the only late night and sunday evening store in the area. We ask you to reconsider our stores closure as we value the stores presence in Ryton and the service the people that work there provide.
    886 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Gary Brooks-Davis
  • Save Meads Parish Hall
    The Parish Hall has suddenly been closed for safety reasons and all events and hiring in the run up to Christmas have been cancelled. During this year a working group, under the auspices of the Meads Community Association, has been doing due diligence and having discussions with the church authorities to take over the building and restore it to modern-day standards. The detailed work on this project has revealed that parts of the hall need immediate safety work and shorter-term remedial work, as well as longer-term investment - all of which is achievable. The future of the hall is at serious risk without intervention, which is why we need your support to reopen it as soon as possible. If closed over the winter (other than a short period to make it safe) it will be left empty and unheated, and will deteriorate further, possibly to the extent that it will be permanently closed. This hall is the centre of the local community, it has good access, with public transport nearby and is regularly used by local community groups with a wide range of activities. Envisioned improvements will make it the 'go-to' venue for even more. Closure, for other than a short term, will mean local groups who regularly use the hall will be forced to find alternative venues, which will impact finances at such a critical time. Please sign to show your support for the preservation and running of this well-known and much-loved community space by a community-led group to form a Meads Community Centre. [email protected]
    857 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Mitch Peacock Picture
  • Petition to Promote Honest and Transparent Communication Regarding All Hallows Hall's Future Plans
    Over the past 11 years, All Hallows Community Co-op (AHCC) has been a steward of All Hallows Hall, transforming it into a vibrant and inclusive space that has positively impacted the lives of over 70,000 individuals. Through their perseverance and dedication, AHCC has not only paid over £100,000 in rent but has also invested £150,000 in improvements to the building, making it a cornerstone of our community. The impact of AHH extends beyond its physical space. AHCC has generated over £250,000 through weekly classes, events, rehearsals, and hires. By hosting hundreds of events and successfully warding off two attempts to convert AHH into flats, they have contributed to making our neighborhood safer and more enjoyable for local residents. It is crucial to emphasize the significance of independent community spaces like AHH. Across the country, such venues are closing at an alarming rate, disenfranchising grassroots, DIY, not-for-profit local community ventures. The potential privatization of AHH could have severe consequences on the physical and mental health of local residents, exacerbating loneliness and eroding the vibrant community fabric that AHCC has worked tirelessly to build. Beyond being a village hall of sorts, AHH stands as Easton and Lawrence Hills' largest and most charismatic performance theatre and music venue. Losing such a cultural hub would not only be a blow to our artistic and cultural identity but would also create a void that cannot be easily filled. All Hallows Hall and AHCC have served as a hub of engagement, learning, well-being, and togetherness, with an impressive 10,000 users from diverse social and geographical backgrounds annually. This space has proven itself as an essential resource for the community, enriching lives and fostering a sense of belonging. Given the rich history and positive impact of AHH, we kindly request that the new owners, engage with the community in an honest and transparent manner regarding your plans for the future of All Hallows Hall. We believe that involving the community in the decision-making process will ensure that the legacy and positive impact of this space continue to thrive. Thanks for your support
    251 of 300 Signatures
    Created by All Hallows Community Co operative
  • Turn HS2 route into a wildlife highway
    Any building/ vehicle yards already built can be turned into enroute playgrounds and exercise areas and the government along with wildlife charities can make this a positive landscape feature that would enhance property values and create a wildlife corridor as well as a route to complete charity and well-being events that link cities and communities. We can’t replicate what was lost but we can replace for the future.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Buckland
  • Child Safety Enhancement Program
    We believe all individuals and supportive organisations should join in our campaign for change and that a conversation between us would greatly benefit our collaboration and provide a platform for us to exchange ideas and insights. By engaging in discussions, we can efficiently address any concerns, share valuable information, and explore potential solutions together. If there are any specific topics or points you would like to address, please feel free to share them with us at [email protected] We truly value your input and expertise, and are confident that our discussions will lead to productive outcomes. We look forward to your positive response and the opportunity to connect with you.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maitai CIC Picture
  • Save Ayr's Historic Station Buildings
    After the fire at the old Ayr Station Hotel, there is an opportunity to save the historical facade of the building and build a new environmentally friendly building within it, to repurpose the building for the townsfolk to meet the needs of the 21st century. The exterior could be restored to house a modern building, giving the best of both worlds. If you want to see the beautiful parts of auld Ayr maintained for you and future generations to enjoy, this is important. If you would like an independent charity to get involved to manage such a project, including sourcing independent funding and working with the town to repurpose the building for our needs today, then support this by signing the petition. This is in danger of disappearing forever if the gable wall is allowed to be demolished. We would like an independent expert engineer to make an assessment before a contractor is appointed to demolish the wall. Repurposing and rebuilding a modern environmentally friendly interior, and restoring the exterior will be less disruptive to surrounding road networks than demolition. Act now to save our history for future generations to enjoy. The Ayr Development Trust
    128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sinclair Willliamson
  • Reopen or beloved Greyhound
    The closure of the Greyhound Pub in Newport, UK has left a void in our community. This place was more than just a pub; it was a gathering spot, a place where memories were made and friendships were forged. Despite its reputation as being 'rough', many of us loved it for its authenticity and charm. The Greyhound meant so much to so many people. It was an integral part of our local culture and history. Its closure has not only deprived us of a beloved hangout spot but also impacted local businesses that relied on the footfall generated by the pub's patrons. According to data from CAMRA (Campaign for Real Ale), pubs contribute significantly to local economies, with each pub generating an average of £80,000 per year in community benefits (CAMRA, 2018). By reopening the Greyhound Pub, we can restore these benefits to our community. To make more memories in a special place. Please sign this petition if you too want Jack to reopen the Greyhound Pub!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stacey Newman
  • Call for an independent investigation into the recent VAR controversy in the Premier League
    The integrity of football rests on the cornerstone of fair play and unbiased decision-making. Recently, however, that integrity has been put into question due to a glaring VAR error in a pivotal Premier League match between Liverpool and their opponents. This isn't just a mistake; it's a stain on the reputation of football, casting doubts over whether competitions are truly fair or marred by incompetence, or worse, corruption. Imagine your favourite team is battling it out for the league title, only for a blatant refereeing mistake to cost you crucial points. It's a scenario none of us want to entertain, but one that is increasingly plausible if we don't demand transparency and accountability now. This petition isn't just for Liverpool fans; it's for every fan of football who believes in the sport's capacity to inspire, unite, and thrill us in equal measure. If we don't act now, who's to say your team won't be next?
    219 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Matt Kneale
  • Create A Proper Children's Minister In Government Task Forces To Safeguard Generations
    The children of today will be tomorrow’s adults, it will be they who take up the mantel of responsibility, who manage tomorrow’s affairs, who run hospitals, schools, businesses infrastructure and local and central government. It is vital that, within the current political climate, there is a minister whose sole brief is how political, and cultural health influences directly impact their lives. A generation affected by so much missed schooling, open to so many different changes in social media, which are often spreading misinformation and conspiracies alongside some quite disturbing attitudes towards treating others and their views, is a generation clearly in need of increased oversight and safeguarding by someone who can raise these issues quickly at the highest level of government. If we want to improve the chances of the future generations who will take the reins in a few decades we don't want to fail our children as recent reporting as evidenced, we all want to see our government protect our children, so it's time to put children first or risk losing our support.
    1,178 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tom Stretch