• Save Our Vital Mental Health Lifeline!
    Because for more than 520 people, it's a life-saving, life-affirming space where they aren't judged and they can feel safe and supported. We desperately need a continuation of the service No.10 provides. Demolition of No.10 doesn't begin until January 2017, which will mean that currently the building will be left empty for four months from September 1st.
    494 of 500 Signatures
    Created by John Viner
  • PIP Assesments
    Im asking for everybody to help and sign this petition as my dad has had all of his allowance stopped. I'm sure everyone who knows my father would agree he is not in the best health. It breaks my heart to even have to write this, but all his benefits have stopped. A man who worked so hard for years and year in ill health to provide for his family and now they take this away from him as well as his dignity make me so mad and upset. Please will you all sign the petition not for me , but for him and all the other people being denied their money through PIP! Its extremely important, because this is causing people who desperately need this money to function in everyday life . People that rely on this allowance will not be able to function without it!!! People who have medical history and have been classed as disabled already are getting no money at all or very little. They are not being assessed with accuracy!! Everyone's case is different, but through many cases I have discussed the final result has ended the same. Everything's stopped and it's disgusting !!!
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Ellis
  • Scrap the changes to disabled childrens transport
    The London Borough of Redbridge has recently announced that they will introduce a "pilot scheme", without consultation, to force disabled children who need a door to door minibus service between home and school to instead go to a muster point on a main road and wait to be collected by a coach Children with severe disabilities will no longer be collected from their homes to attend school and instead will have to make their own way to points on main roads where they will be collected and dropped off. These children have various disabilities and have been identified by the council as in need of this service. The Chair of Children Services, said in January that there would be no changes without consultation, yet we have just been told this will now happen in September as a "pilot".
    3,127 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Jason Naicker
  • Make it policy that all personal independence payment assessments are recorded on camera
    At the present time all personal independence payment assessments are done with a representative from Atos and Capita and the claimant. The claimant can take someone to be an advocate for them but many people report that the assessor has lied on the form that they send to the DWP. E.g the claimant made adequate eye contact or did not appear anxious, when it was clearly evident that that was not the case. People can record the assessments but only if they have a device that can record two tapes at the same time so both parties can have a recording. These devices are difficult to get hold of and the claimant is not allowed to use any smartphones, Video recorders, go pro camera or a digital recorder. This is unfair. There should be an accurate video recording of each assessment.
    1,042 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Abi Smith
  • keep kentish road centre open
    Its very important, carers need a break from the daily job and the person with the disability gets a break way from the carer without Kentish road the carers will be at there wits end. Kentish road is a god send for us carers and the young adults that go there as this is where they meet there friends they cant go to pubs or clubs to meet friends. But Southampton city council have not looked at any of this, they want it close it to save money and I as a parent just think its all so wrong. We have to fight this with a petition now to stop it from happing.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by belinda felton
  • Campaign for Disability Access for North Reddish Train Station
    It is important so that people like Leon Evans who uses a wheelchair can gain access to public transportation and others like him
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeanette Doyle
  • licensed disabled taxis must have working ramps at all times to operate
    My friends and their daughter were unable to get home one Saturday evening, having to push their daughter in her wheelchair several miles, after having approached four dissabled carrying taxis in a row parked together in a taxi rank, all claiming their ramps for wheelchair access were not functional.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Collins
  • Stop this shambolic Sussex Ambulance privatisation
    On April 1st a woefully-ill-equipped private firm, Coperforma, replaced the NHS’s South East Coast Ambulance Service in a botched privatisation of NHS services. The mobile phone app the company uses often doesn’t work, especially in areas of poor mobile reception and its own ambulance drivers have said the company is ‘out of its depth’. The result? • Cancer patients have missed oncology appointments after ambulances failed to turn up to collect them. • Patients with kidney failure have not been able to receive scheduled sessions of kidney dialysis for the same reason, with some missing two of their three treatments in a week. • So many patients have become stuck at the Royal Sussex County hospital in Brighton because their transport has not arrived that it has paid for taxis and other private vehicle suppliers to take them home. • Staff there have had to stay until midnight to ensure kidney patients arriving hours after their scheduled start time have received vital dialysis. • Coperforma vehicles have turned up to collect patients who have already died. Patients, relatives, NHS bodies, Trade Unions and local MPs have severely criticised the service’s performance but still local CCGs persist with the untenable private company. The previous public provider regularly had approval ratings of over 90%. For more information http://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/12/patients-wait-hours-for-ambulances-nhs-transport-service-privatised-sussex http://www.theargus.co.uk/news/local/14432002.Patient_transport_company_out_of_its_depth__say_its_own_drivers/
    11,166 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Carl Walker
  • Reform the disability PIP assessments for people with the A word
    I want to tell the story on behalf of two people, with the same disability, whose PIP, or Personal Independence Payment, reports and outcomes were totally different. This petition is anonymous because the claimants cannot cope with the additional anxiety and stress of being named. I recently attended assessments for both claimants. One received 14 points and is therefore now in receipt of PIP. The other person with exactly the same condition received NO points at all. Both are diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, which is an autistic spectrum disorder. Both were born with this highly complex, incurable and debilitating condition. Both, therefore, have a social communication and developmental disability, very often accompanied by poor mental health. Both suffer from associated problems of depression, paranoia, OCD, anxiety and stress. Both have the same problems with engaging with people face to face, verbal and written communication, dressing and undressing, bathing and washing, preparing food and planning and following journeys. So why the vast difference in the outcomes? I witnessed two very contrasting face to face interviews within the space of just six weeks. The difference between these two experiences was astonishing. 1) There was variation between the scripts and the questions covered. 2) There was a tremendous difference in the knowledge, experience and understanding of autism. 3) The atmosphere and approach in the second assessment was noticeably less understanding. The two outcomes completely reflected these variations. One received NO points at all and the other 14. One now receives PIP and the other does not. I also want to tell you about the steps in arriving at a decision: The final decisive face to face assessment with the 'Disability analyst', on which the outcome appears to be determined. 1) The PIP hearing took forty five minutes. 2) It was conducted by someone who did not know the person being interviewed, a real problem for people on the autistic spectrum. 3) It was carried out by someone who appeared to have little or no knowledge, experience or training in autistic spectrum disorder. 4) It was conducted by someone seemingly with no concept of how to carefully structure questions , communicate or interact with a claimant with autism. 5) The assessor's report, unseen by the claimant, is then sent to the DWP to confirm the decision. In contrast, the other evidence, was provided by a number of sources who know the individuals well. A close family member with thirty years experience of this lifelong, incurable disability, and additional input from autism and health professionals. 1) A PIP questionnaire was completed by both. In the case where no points were awarded this was by the designated advocate, a very close relative, because of the inherent communication issues. 2) It took considerable time and effort filling in the many pages of this PIP form with the claimants concerned, making sure the information was detailed, accurate and truthful,. 3) Supportive evidence from professionals was provided of the diagnosis of Asperger's, and a number of associated mental health issues. Many people on the autistic spectrum suffer poor mental health, such as severe anxiety, stress and depression. 4) All this took considerable time and effort from all the people concerned in order to truly reflect the significant level of impairment. 5) We filled in each different section of the form to clearly described the high degree of incapacity of the claimant to complete the tasks. YET, by awarding NO points at all, that information appears to be: 1) Totally negated in one case, and endorsed in the other. 2) Judged true in the first and false in the other, 3) Suggesting the claimant is legitimate in the first and a liar in the other. This is very distressing and offensive to everyone concerned. I have therefore started this petition because as the observer (not the named person) I want to know: 1) How two people with the same diagnosed disability and associated mental health issues can receive such contrasting PIP assessment outcomes? 2) How a claimant's mental health can be assessed accurately and appropriately in under an hour? 3) That people with autism to be fairly treated. In the light of my own concerns and the very serious issues highlighted in the Dispatches programme 'The Great Benefits Row' (Channel 4, 11 April 2016), please sign this petition. Please join me in calling on the new minister for the Department for Work and Pensions(DWP), Stephen Crabb and the Government to carry out an urgent review into the whole PIP assessment system.
    346 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jane Milward
  • Remove the exclusion of ostomy patients from the Blue Badge scheme
    Currently those with colinic/bowel disorders and who have a permanent condition as a result of this are rejected from the Blue Badge scheme. Granted that this is true of many others as well, but ostomates usually have to carry with them a set of spares (from clothing to appliances) and having easy and close access to these would be a huge relief, especially in an emergency. Believe me, walking through a supermarket car park knowing that you clothes are soiled is not pleasant, and being able to be back at the car and safety would be a huge physical and psychological benefit. Likewise, many ostomates end up with hernias as a result of their surgery, meaning that carrying heavy items and distance can be challenging if not actually harmful, let alone the issues of having to stack/pack these into a boot or onto a back seat. There are over 100,000 ostomates in the UK currently who have to fend for themselves (I speak as one of these). Seeing others abuse the scheme of course makes one think that it should be tightened, but not to the exclusion of those with genuine needs.
    1,189 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nigel Ashton
  • Not all disabilities fit into one group
    Getting out to enjoy concerts is something that I enjoy. Sadly, Glasgow's SSE Hydro's inflexible approach, unlike other venues in Glasgow like the King's Theatre, means people with visual impairments are unable to book seats close to the stage and still get a carer's discount. Instead, the venue has a designated disability area which is too far away for me to see anything. Disability comes in different forms and venues have taken care to provide services to help people's enjoyment. There are induction hoops for those with hearing issues and the venue has wheelchair accessibility. It's time to bring in some flexibility and allow those with visual impairments the right to enjoy the great shows that appear here.
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Brown
  • Let's get heart conditions reconised as a disability
    My daughter suffers from wpw syndrome which affects our life massively There are times we can't work as we are in hospital do much we now call our hospital home. But not only are we suffering how many people are also affected by heart problems who ain't able to work an not getting the benefits they rightly deserve . Let's make this petition huge so this government listen and reconise all these heart conditions that are a disability . Please share share share an make them listen to us .
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mark Eade