• Against school trousers
    Because the children will be punished for not wearing them and I don't think that's fair. it should have been bought to are attention and asked for a point of view before putting this in place
    353 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Chelle Pearce
  • Save the Old Bodlondeb School Youth Centre from Demolition
    The Council are planning to demolishing this Historic community building. [1] Right now, the building is being used by various youth groups including Scouts and providing a vibrant local community hub. This historic building has been a school, a community centre, and seen generations of children use it and learn in it. CADW, the Welsh government body that conserve the heritage of Wales, are considering making the 122-year old Bodlondeb school a listed building. Over the years, numerous architects have been cautious to preserve the building as much as possible. An archeological report warns: “The impact of development would result in the loss of a heritage asset of at least local significance.” [2] We believe it would be a shame if the Council were to just demolish it. We, the undersigned, want to see future generations be given the same opportunities to use Bodlondeb school for community activities for all ages, from spinning classes to knitting. NOTES: [1] £2.5m Conwy cultural centre could be 'huge draw' for tourists: Daily Post: http://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/25m-conwy-cultural-centre-could-12560789 [2] Archaeological survey by Wardell Armstrong: http://edm.conwy.gov.uk/Planning/StreamDocPage/obj.pdf?DocNo=2651700&PDF=true&content=obj.pdf
    314 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Cook
  • Allow pupils more choice of footwear at Blatchington Mill School.
    Wearing the type of shoes enforced by the school decreases movement and exercise at break and lunch times. Movement and exercise has been proven to provide both physical and mental benefits. Some children walk long distances to and from school and the type of shoes being enforced are not suitable for this and may in turn see pupils abandoning beneficial walks and resorting to other forms of transport. We urge the school to be more flexible and reconsider its policy on footwear for the health of its pupils. Trainers have been designed as a progressive step towards increasing comfort and activity and we therefore find the schools policy on footwear regressive. Any suggestion to bring in a spare pair of comfortable shoes is impractical not to mention an added expense.
    207 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Clynes
  • Save our nurture room
    In the local area, the second most deprived in Haringey, there is already a pronounced shortage of childcare provision for children under two with long waiting lists. It is crucial to support working parents between their child’s first and second birthday, and the Triangle Centre with its excellent staff and facilities is well placed to continue offering places to local children. Haringey Council has a responsibility to provide childcare options for working parents by keeping the Nurture Room open and services affordable for all local residents. The changes, if they go ahead, will have a profound adverse effect on many families and their young children, and call into question the long-term sustainability of this nursery at the heart of our local community.
    174 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Yanique Williams
  • Cheshire East's withdrawal of some supported bus services
    The saving of £1.6 million would be counterproductive as cutting bus services in Cheshire East will have undesirable consequences and cause distress and inconvenience to many residents. We believe that the following groups would be more adversely affected; the elderly, disabled and infirm, the young and people on low incomes. Getting to work, shops, schools, colleges, doctors, banks, social events and hospital appointments would be made more inaccessible. We also believe that trade in towns and town markets will be affected. The stopping of evening services will have a negative affect on restaurants and pubs and other social groups. We are concerned that the withdrawal of bus services will result in more cars on the road and significant reduction in air quality. Many of the towns and villages are growing in size and as a result we should be given improved services not declining ones.
    796 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Paula Eaton
  • Save DOL (Dorset Online Learning) from closure
    DOL (Dorset Online Learning) offers a fantastic opportunity for children in Dorset, who for a variety of reasons, are not able to attend school for their education. Many of our children have been or are lucky enough to receive their education at home via DOL, and complete their GCSE's. We have just discovered that DOL is to be closed by the Dorset Education Department as early as September or October this year, and the 'All Inclusive' education service will be lost, with many children losing their educational lifeline. We all know only too well, how hard we had to fight for our children's education, and feel very passionately that others should be able to receive the same opportunity. We are collectively endeavouring to raise a petition and campaign to save DOL, but only have until 4 September 2017 to do so. We would really appreciate any assistance you may be able offer to save this invaluable service. As the national initiative confirms 'Every Child Matters'. Also as stated in the 'Your Dorset' paper in your own words 'We all face financial constraint, but this should not stop us listening to residents and making sure we are delivering services which make a positive difference to people's lives' Thank you for your time and we hope you will agree that this invaluable opportunity for the children of Dorset should not be lost
    773 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Mike Haberfield Picture
  • Interest on student loans
    This is so important to the students well being and mental health having that much debt and the amount going up daily and never being able to pay it off is so disheartening seeing a statement like these is so worrying
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Caroline de Max
  • Swimming pool for Bridgwater so that every one can access it
    Its very important to have a pool that is suitable for all and to have a friendly environment that is taylor made for all abilities, a pool that young children and all ages with or with out a disability can stand or sit down independent with out being held at all times, its important for people to gain confidence by them self, sense of accomplishment, boost their confidence, relaxation for people with a disability is very important and to be able to use a pool that is suitable for them has many great benefits. also at the same time mixing with all kinds of people, with out being segrated,swimming as a recreational activity leaves you with a positive feeling which improves your mental health, individuals with disabilities can get more health benefis by being physically active, even though I believe evey one is unique, people with disabilities are limited in opportunities to be as physically active as people with out. allso I strongly believe its as much as important for young children to be able to stand in the water independently, and walk freely around. it will bring visitors and those who vist here from around to want to use our pool, as the pool we have now is not suitable for all to use in a freely independent way, as the shallowest end is 1meter high therefore no where suitable for some one who is under that height to use the pool independenly , its important for people to enter a pool unaided for confidence building.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Polly Heenan
  • Teach sign language in schools and continue to use
    All schools teach languages which if we are lucky we may get to use. To learn and develop sign language would open more doors than you could imagine. Most people know someone who has hearing problems/deafness not everyone knows someone with their chosen second language Doesn't it make sense to learn and promote sign language in schools. Even in a noisy environment work or concerts etc sign language can be very beneficial. Please support this petition Thank you
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Chapel
  • Art Lecturers to stay
    Many students have struggled during their academic years and struggled to turn to someone for help. For us, students of Bolton University and of a variety of art courses we had always found our lecturers to be there for each individual student and support them consistently through any and every obstacle during their time of studying. Now to sadly hear that these wonderful people are losing their jobs, we would like to return the favor and to help keep them in a place where they love what they do and help so many during their toughest times.
    248 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Nemi Chuckles
  • Catmose College - hot weather uniform policy
    It is both unfair and unsafe to expect students to wear the prescribed uniform which includes black blazers, ties and tights, in spells of hot weather. The relaxing of these items is In order to promote health and wellbeing and to maximise concentration levels amongst students. This is practiced within all major uniformed associations such as military and emergency services. Guidance should also be observed by NHS England http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Summerhealth/Pages/Heatwave.aspx After a short and frank discussion this morning with the Headteacher on this issue, my suggestions were met with a degree of negativity. Whilst a decision was made to relax the uniform with an impending high of 29 degrees C, comments were made to suggest there have been no complaints from either Parents or Students, one which I aim to prove is not the case. Therefore, I would like to call on all Parents and Guardians who have children at this school to support this petition and ensure a fair and safe policy is adopted. Contrary to comments posted on social media by the school, yesterday is believed to be the first time the uniform was officially relaxed through a notification to all staff from the Head Teacher, bizarrely this was after pressure on FB and my face to face conversation with the Head. I am not in search of glory, but it needs to be made clear this was down to pressure, which this petition further enhances. Thank you all in advance😉
    362 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Stewart King
  • Closing schools during extrem hot weather.
    High temp causes children to become lethargic. It also causes head aches, dizzesness, confusion, loss of appetite, a feeling of sickness, cramps, higher BP and pulse, Heat exhaustion can lead to full blown heat stroke. What is the point of making our children ill when they can't learn anything due to feeling so bad due to the heat. We need to put our children's health first. Our weather is changing due to climate change every year. It's going from one extrem to another. From bitter cold to torrential rain. Now we are starting to get hit by the heat for weeks on end.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sonia Dove